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What is Barzah Realm?

What is Barzah Realm?

As we know, the treatment of human beings who have died is done in a manner that is different from one belief to another. Some people who die are buried and some are not buried. 

For example, human bodies that have died are burned or preserved. This is in accordance with the traditions and beliefs he embraces. 

In Islam, every person who dies will be buried, whether it is in a public cemetery or a private cemetery. The barzah realm itself is a realm that will be entered by man after he dies, whether he is buried or not. 

It is this barzah realm that separates the dead from the living. A person who has died will begin his own new life in this realm. 

About this barzah realm, there are people who think that the barzah realm is a lie and the news is just to scare people who are still alive and there are also opinions that say that the barzah realm is true. In response to these two opinions, we certainly need other evidence to support one of the two opinions.

Religion and Belief

Religion is a embraced by every human being on the face of this earth. However, the beliefs between one person and another are different. In Indonesia itself, the beliefs held by the community are also many, some are Muslims, Hindus, Protestants, Catholics, and others. Because, the current religion is the religion of their ancestors.

Among Muslims, every person who dies will be bathed, prayed for, and buried properly. This procedure of Muslims is different from the procedure in other religions and beliefs. For example, in Hinduism, whenever someone dies, their body will be burned or cremated. 

While in the Christian belief, the body of the deceased will be put in a coffin first, then buried. However, there are other beliefs that often preserve the human body that has died. Those are the phenomena we have seen so far, both in cities and in villages.

Barzah Realm in Islam

In Islam, it is believed that alam barzah exists. The barzah realm is a transit realm (temporary) for a human being who has died, before he goes to the mahsyar realm (where all human beings gather). 

The realm of barzah is also called the realm of retribution, because every human being who has died will be asked to take responsibility for all his deeds as long as he lives in the realm of the world, whether it is a good deed (makruf) or a bad deed (mungkar).

In one hadith it is said that if a person has died and has been buried in a pit, not long after the people who brought the corpse home left the cemetery, two angels will come, namely the Angel Rakib and the Angel Atid. 

The task of the two angels is simply to ask the person who has died with some questions, among which are the following. 

1. Maa Rabbuka? (Who is your god?)

2. Maa Kitabuka? (What is your book?)

3. Maa Ikhwanuka? (Who is your brother?)

Those are the questions asked by the Angel Rakib to every human being who has entered the grave. The task of the Angel Rakib is to ask and the task of the Angel Atid is to hit the man if he cannot answer the question from the Angel Rakib earlier.

To answer all the above questions, man is required during his lifetime to worship Allah Ta'ala. and it is those acts of worship that will answer all the questions of the Angel Rakib. 

Because, the ones who will answer all the questions of the Rakib Angel are the hands, feet, and other limbs, besides the tongue (mouth), like what we have been doing all this time.

The first question asks about "who is your god", the answer that must be answered by the limbs of the corpse is actually "Allah my god" and the answer will be able to be answered by the limbs of the corpse, if during his life he knew Allah Ta'ala and as long as he lives always perform acts of worship to God such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and other acts of worship. 

However, if he does not know God and has never worshiped Him then it is impossible for his limbs to give the correct answer to the first question above.

The second question asked "what is the name of your book", the answer that should be answered by humans is that "the Qur'an is my book". 

The answer will be able to be answered by a member of the deceased if he often reads the Qur'an and in reading the Qur'an must also be read correctly, not just the origin of reading, and when reading the Qur'an remember the meaning contained in each verse he reads. If in his daily life he never reads the Qur'an then his limbs certainly cannot answer the second question.

The third question asked of the corpse was "who is your brother". The correct answer to the third question is "my Muslim brother". To be able to answer this third question, human beings are required during their lifetime to visit each other or befriend fellow Muslims, help in difficult times, and feel happy in happy times. 

If during his life he never had intercourse with fellow Muslims then his limbs would not be able to answer this third question.

The above questions are one of the troubles that will be faced by those who have died because the punishment in the barzah realm is very much and the punishment will only end when the Day of Judgment has arrived. 

So before the Hour comes, the punishment received by the dead will alternate from the lightest punishment to the most severe punishment.

In the book of Tasauf "Muraqi` Ubudiyah "it is explained that every person who has died will be accompanied by the practice of his deeds in the barzah realm. Because, the practice of the deceased will be transformed by God in one form. 

If the practice of the corpse during life is a lot of good, the existence of the practice will be formed very well and beautifully, so that the corpse will not be tired of looking at the existence of the practice. 

But when the practice has many evils, Allah will change the existence of the practice into a very ugly and horrible form. So, the corpse is very afraid to see the form of his deeds and he will continue to be accompanied by the form of his deeds until the Day of Judgment.

In the book above it is also explained that in the tomb will be opened a window that resembles the window of a room in the world. If the person who dies is a good and obedient person who worships God, the open window is a window that goes directly to heaven and the corpse will be able to see where it will be in heaven. 

Heaven of course we can not describe how beautiful it is and how the delights are there. The corpse will fall asleep with the view of heaven by seeing the beauty of heaven created by Allah Ta'ala.

Meanwhile, if the deceased corpse is the person who is most fond of committing sins, both major and minor sins, the open window goes directly to the view of hell and see where he will be punished by Allah Ta'ala. Until, it will feel an incredible fear. He did not feel safe and comfortable at all while in the barzah realm.

That is a glimpse of the painting about the barzah realm that we will both enter later. Because, there is no human being who will not go through it. 

Only time distinguishes whether or not it is in the barzah realm and only time will prove to us about the existence of the barzah realm whether it is real or just imaginary. May we be wiser to spend our time in the world more wisely and worship only Allah Ta'ala.

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