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8 Functions Of Marriage According To Islam

8 Functions Of Marriage According To Islam
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After that in the previous article, I have commented on the purpose of marriage in Islam, then in this article, I will review the function of marriage according to the Islamic religion. The function of the wedding itself is a lot of it, and in this article, I will probably only review the function of marriage that I know only.

Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala has informed that one of the functions of marriage is to provide tranquility, peace, and serenity, a sense of love and compassion, in which all elements are summarized in one word namely Sakinah Mawaddah Warrahmah.

The following are the 8 functions of marriage according to the Islamic religion, among others:

1. Marriage to refrain from slander

Marriage is the best way for human beings to channel the sense of its biological religion lawfully and respectably, according to Islamic religious provisions. This biological instinct is the strongest instinct in human beings who, because of the strong instincts, is sometimes difficult to stem and always demands to be channeled. If there is no way to pass biological instincts, then people will take ways that are not in the righteousness of religion.

2. Marriage closer to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala

By marrying, people will avoid things that are forbidden by religion, because by being married indirectly we are bound by a rule of norms and social institution in society. By getting married then we will be close to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala because married is the accumulation of all the worship that is done by man.

3. Marriage makes people more accountable

It is already a lot of proven how a person who was a person who was naughty and far from religion, after being married turned one hundred and eighty degrees into a person who is full of responsibility for his family.

Marriage makes a person feel a responsibility to his family because the fate of his family is somehow the one who has to assume his responsibilities.

4. The reward for raising the marriage

Like the corner I explained repeatedly over that marriage is the accumulation of worship that is done by man. In the marriage of every deed and our actions that it is for our families will be counted as worship by God Subhanahu Wata'ala. And of course, every worship that we do will also get a reply in the form of reward in the side of Allah Subhananhu Wata'ala.

5. Marriage will make life calm and serene

By getting married then our lives will become more orderly, quieter and serene. Why? Because by marriage we can no longer act as we do. We must weigh good and bad against our families. Marriage can also make a person more thoughtful in being, not easily sullen emotions and anger.

6. Marriage preserves self-chastity

By being married, one is no longer doing ways beyond the terms of Islamic religion in the provision of the biologist's need. It means marriage keeps the sanctity of ourselves from the deeds forbidden by the religion of Islam.

7. The marriage of Islamic Religious guidelines

By marriage, we have followed the Sunnah of the messenger of Allaah. And by following the Sunnah of the Prophet, we will also be rewarded by Allah Subhananhu Wata'ala and someday we will admit as his people the Messenger of Allaah and will get his intercession in the hereafter.

8. Marriage to obtaining offspring

By is married then we will obtain a valid descent that is professed by both government and religion. By marrying the sons of us, God Willing to be righteous children and devoted to both his parents, to his people and to his religion.

So a glimpse of the article about 8 functions of married according to the Islamic religion, hopefully, this article can be useful for all of us.

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