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Affectionate And Devoted Behavior To Parents

Devoted Behavior To Parents

How much of your affection for both parents? Have we ever tried to take the role of both parents in our lives today? What values have they sprinkled and planted in our hearts so far?

A mother and father are physically different, especially in terms of nature and character. If a mother tends to be more subtle, then a father more looks a little bit rude.

But do you know if this different character is precisely a blend or a combination that is fitting to educate our character and personal?

Please, Muslim buddy, see the following good narrative:
  • Different but same, similar but not the same
  • If there is someone who loves ourselves until the eyes are closed, who is he? The answer is the mother.
  • Then if there is someone who loves ourselves without an eye expression, who is he? The answer is the father.
  • If a mother introduces us to the world.
  • Then a father introduces the world to us.
  • If a mother brings us to life.
  • So a father brings us life.
  • If a mother keeps us from being hungry.
  • So a father makes us know the meaning of hunger.
  • If our mother gives us compassion.
  • So our father gives us responsibility.
  • If our mother teaches us not to fall.
  • So our father teaches us to wake up when we fall.
  • If mom teaches us how to walk.
  • So the father teaches us the way of life.
  • If a mother teaches ourselves through her experience.
  • So the father teaches us to gain experience.
What a combination of a great couple? At the glance of a mother and father teaches with a very different method and way, but have we thought that actually, our parents are playing their respective roles in educating us? The results have been very clear both of them go hand-on and not opposite each other, but instead, complement each other and strengthen.
  • If a mother introduces us to ideology.
  • Then a father introduces us to reality.
  • If the love of a mother is known since we were born. Then the love of a father is known when he is gone.
So love and honor your mother and father, be the same as they loved us. This is merely an afterthought for us as a child, as Mother & father to our children. As a family we must remind each other, loving one another and even forgiving each other if it is wrong.

We cannot choose or decide whether to be born in this family or in that family?
All already in his Design and we know that the Lord's plan is always good, living how our choices choose to be grateful and happy or immutable and ungrateful that we will never feel happy.

It would be much more meaningful if we cried even once in the presence of parents during their lives than we cried thousands of times on his grave when they were gone.

Therefore, follow them up, and testify to both our parents, while they are still alive, and we still have the opportunity.

So the second picture of our parents, may Allah ALMIGHTY love them and forgive their sins.

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