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Faith In The Angels,The Second Pillar Of The Faith

Faith In The Angels,The Second Pillar Of The Faith

The second pillar of faith is to have faith in the angels of God. As we know that one of the creatures created by Allah ALMIGHTY who has noble nature is the angels. According to his creation, the angels of God created from the element of Nur (light). The number of angels of God is very numerous and countless.

Unlike the creation of mankind who is equipped with reason and lust, it is not on the creation of angels. The angel created only to worship Allah ALMIGHTY and to carry out the commandments of Allah according to the task he created. Angels are not equipped with lust (orgasm), therefore the nature of angels is only obedient to live command of Allah.

In Islam, there are ten (10) angels who need to know their names and duties. The Ten Angels are:

1. The Angel Gabriel (Jibril in Arabic)
The Angel Gabriel had the task of conveying revelation from Allah ALMIGHTY to the Prophets and apostles.

2. The Angel Michael (Mikail in Arabic)
Angel Michael has to share with the creatures of Allah ALMIGHTY.

3. The Angel Rafael (Israfil in Arabic)
The task of Angel Rafael is blowing the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection.

4. The Angel Azrael (Izrail in arabic)
The task of Angle Azrael is to remove the life of God ALMIGHTY when it comes time.

5. The Angel Munkar
The task of Angel Munkar is to give the question to the spirit of man in the grave together with Angel Nakir.

6. The Angel Nakir
The task of Angel Nakir is to give questions to the spirit of man in the grave together with the Angel Munkar.

7. The Angel Raqib
The task of Angel Raqib is to record all good deeds that are committed by a man during life in the world.

8. The Angel Atid
The Angel of Atid has to record all the charity of human evil during life in the world.

9. The Angel Malik
The task of Angel Malik is to keep the door hell.

10. The Angel Ridwan
The task of Angel Ridwan is to keep the door of heaven.

The duty of a Muslim under the pillars of faith is to believe and imprint the Infinite Angels of God that is no exception to the ten angels above.

Angels are included in the creatures created by Allah ALMIGHTY because it is created from the element of Nur (light), and one of the principles of the Muslim faith is to believe the unseen things outside our vision as human beings.

That is a short article on the meaning of the faith that the two believe in the Angels of God. Hopefully , will be useful and bring benefits to all of us.

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