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The Story of Jesus, the Prophet Without a Father

The Story of Jesus, the Prophet Without a Father

Among the great powers of God is the creation of Adam without father and mother, creating Eve without mother and creating Jesus without father, and creating other human beings from father and mother. 

When God was about to create Jesus, He sent the angel Gabriel, who looked like a human, to visit Mary. When Gabriel came, Mary was alone on the east side of her house.

When Maryam saw Gabriel, she sought refuge in God, so that the angel Gabriel away from her.

The angel Gabriel replied, he was the messenger of God to convey that He bestowed on Mary a son who would later become a Prophet, Gabriel said "Indeed I am the messenger of your Lord to bestow a holy son".

Surprised, Mary answered what Gabriel had said, "How can I have a child, when humans have never touched me and I am not a vile person."

Loudly Gabriel replied, "This is a trivial matter for Allah. Allah wants it to be a sign for mankind over His power and as a mercy for those who believe in Him and He has decided to make it and it is sure to happen"

Finally Maryam also pregnant. Until the time of childbirth, she also went to a palm tree and gave birth under it. Later, he went to bring the baby Jesus to his people. Unfortunately, they thought that the baby was the result of an illicit relationship.

At that time people wanted to punish Mary by stoning her. However, Maryam signals for them to ask her baby.

The people said, "How can we talk to a baby?" Apparently the baby Jesus replied: "Indeed I am a servant of God, he gave me the book (Gospel), made me a prophet, and blessed me wherever I am. And bequeathed to me that I perform prayers, pay zakat as long as I live, be devoted to my mother and not make me a miserable arrogant person. And save me on the day I was born and when I was born and when I die and I am raised alive. "

Only then did the people realize the purity of Mary.

The Prophethood of Jesus 

God sent Jesus as a prophet when he reached the age of 30 years. He received revelation from his Lord, who also taught the Torah and the Gospel.

Allah says in the Qur'an Surat Ali Imran verse 48

"And Allah taught him the Book, knowledge and the Torah and the Gospel, and raised him as a messenger to the Children of Israel". (QS Ali Imran verse 48)

" And when Jesus came with evidence he said: "Verily I have come to you with wisdom and to explain to you some of what you differ about it, so fear Allah and obey (me)." Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him, this is a straight path. "(QS. Az-Zukhruf verses 63-64). The

Miracles of Jesus 

To strengthen the message of Jesus, Allah gave some miracles, among others:

Making birds of land and then blowing it out, and with the permission of Allah, the bird is a bird actually.

Stroking people suffering stripe, with God's permission, the person is cured of his illness.

Turn people off, with the call or touch.

Stroking the blind (people born blind), with the permission of Allah, the person can see back.

Notification to the people about anything they ate and kept in their homes

Notification of the Coming of the Last Prophet Muhammad SAW

Among the duties of the Prophet Jesus is to inform about the arrival of the last prophet after him named Ahmad, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

When Jesus son of Mary said: "O Children of Israel, indeed yes, I am the messenger of Allah to you to confirm the Torah that is before you, and to announce the coming of a messenger who will come after me, named Ahmad. "(QS.As-Saff Verse 6) The

Helpers of the Prophet Jesus

At that time, many of his people were still disobedient and infidels to his teachings, except for a few people. Then Jesus called out to his people, "Who will be my helpers to defend the teachings of God?"

So the disciples of Jesus responded to his call, and boldly proclaimed their faith, even though it consisted of only a few people.

The helpers of the Prophet Jesus (as) were very few. They numbered 12, and they were named Al-Hawariyun.

Allah SWT said: So when Isa knew their disbelief (Children of Israel) he said: "Who will be my helpers to (establish the religion) of Allah?" The disciples said: "We are the helpers (religion) of Allah, we believe in Allah; and bear witness that we are those who submit. Our Lord, we believe in what Thou hast given us." send us down and we have followed the messenger, so make us among the witnesses (of the Oneness of Allah). " (QS Ali Imran Ayat 52-53) 

The End of the Life of Jesus 

(Remember), when Allah said: "O Jesus, I will deliver you to the end of your death and raise you to Me and cleanse you from the disbelievers, and make those who follow you above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me you will return, and I will judge among you concerning that in which you used to differ. " (Surat al-Imran verse 55) 

The meaning of killing you is that I set your death, and did not make someone who will kill you, so here shows the protection of Al-Masih from his enemies.

Most commentators say that God raised Jesus with body and soul to Him.

The authentic hadith mentions that Jesus will descend to earth as one of the signs of the coming of the Day of Judgment. The descent of Jesus in the midst of the Muslims and established the Islamic law, which originated from the Book of Allah (Al-Quran), which is to cleanse the earth and fill it with justice after being filled with tyranny. 

The second opinion of the commentators is that Jesus lived until God killed him, as God killed his prophets. Explained in terms of rapture after death, it is found in the words of Allah Ta'ala ("But Allah raised to Him"). 

He elevated his rank in the sight of Allah as Allah said to Idris "And We have elevated him to a high dignity". (QS Maryam Ayat 57)

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