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The Role of Youth in Islam


Islam and Youth

The following article on Islamic youth will highlight the role of youth in Islam. In Islam, a young man has a very big role in the spread of Islamic da'wah. Look at the role of the companions of the prophet in fighting for the development of da'wah in the prophetic period. Most of the friends came from young people.

Young age is a productive age that provides a large enough opportunity to do works of maximum benefit. Young age is an age where the spirit is still burning, the energy is still sufficient and the body stamina is still fit. It is inappropriate for a young man to be lazy in life, especially in doing something useful for religion, nation and himself.

Adolescents have responsibilities towards themselves, their family environment, the state and their religion. Islam highly values ​​young people in fighting for the good of themselves and their religion, even Allah says that He prefers a young man who is afraid to sin and chooses to obey Allah over the elderly.

Adolescence or young age is the age where a person considers himself to be long enough to navigate life, so that sometimes he can do whatever things he feels he wants to try. Therefore, it is natural that Allah loves young people who are afraid to disobey Him. We see a lot of Islamic youth articles in particular discussing the role of Islamic youth in life.

The Role of Islamic Youth 

The following are the important points of an Islamic youth article on the role of youth in the view of Islam as a comprehensive religion:

The role of youth towards self and family

In Islam, every youth has a role in improving personal morals and efforts to transmit personal piety to his family and those around him. Before he speaks out to invite his family to do good, a young man also has the responsibility to carry out personality reforms, correct all forms of personal shortcomings and convey good things to those closest to him.

In Islam, teenagers are not the object of the source of problems that must be solved, but on the contrary a teenager should be a glimmer of hope for goodness in the midst of the family.

The role of youth in the social life of society and the state

In the midst of society, a young man is expected not to become an apathetic figure who is reluctant to give a role to the system of social life. A youth must be proactive in social activities, even if necessary it is youth who are the driving force for the rise of a generation.

Young people are those who have preserved ideals. They must be able to create new ideas for improving the life system of society and the state. Youth have a big role in the life of the state. Because they will be the next generation to replace the current generation.

The beginning of the destruction of a country is when it starts from the destruction of its youth. Likewise Islam, the persistence of Islamic youth in holding the principles of their religion will be the main capital for the revival of Islam itself. If Indonesia wants to rise, then what must be improved and built is the positive mentality of its youth.

The role of youth in their religion

Islamic youth have full responsibility for the efforts of the existence of Islam on earth. Islam is not only the responsibility of the ulama and ustadz ustadz, every Muslim youth has the same role and responsibility to defend Islam.

Every youth has a role in efforts to enforce da'wah and Islamic laws on earth. But unfortunately this task has been forgotten by some Muslim youth themselves. Islamic youth have been preoccupied with various things that have unconsciously poisoned the minds of Muslim youth.

Islamic youth articles no longer contain a discussion of a teenager's responsibility towards his religion, but instead contains things that a young man neglects to his religion.

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