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Biography of Zaid bin Haritsah

Biography of Zaid bin Haritsah

Zaid bin Haritsah was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, who became the commander of the Mu'tah War. Zaid bin Haritsah came from the Kalb tribe who inhabited the northern part of the Arabian peninsula. 

In his childhood, he was captured by a group of criminals who then sold him as a slave. Then it was bought by Hukaim bin Hisham, nephew of Khadijah. By Khadijah, it was given to the Prophet Muhammad who later freed Zaid bin Haritsah. He was one of the first people to embrace Islam. He died a martyr in the battle of Mu'tah.


Su'da bint Tha'labah traveled to visit her family, Bani Ma'an. He brought his young son, Zaid bin Haritsah Al Ka'by. Not long after living there, a group of Bani Qain cavalry came to attack the village, then robbed the villagers' property, camels and kidnapped children. Among the children abducted they included Zaid bin Haritsah, the son of Suda.

Zaid was only eight years old at that time. The kidnappers took it to the ‘Ukaz’ market and offered it to buyers. Zaid was bought by a wealthy Quraish banker, Hakam bin Hizam bin Khuwailid, for four hundred dirhams. 

Along with Zaid, Hakam bought some other children, then took them back to Makkah. When Khadijah bint Khuwailid, the aunt of Hakam bin Khuwailid, learned that Ham had returned from the market “Ukaz'', she came to visit Hakam to say welcome.

The judge said, “O Auntie! Choose among the boys which one Auntie likes, as a gift for Auntie. Khadijah examined the slaves one by one; then the choice fell on Zaid bin Haritsah, because he saw this child was smart and ingenious. Then Zaid was taken home.

Soon after, Khadijah married Muhammad bin 'Abdullah (at that time he was not yet a Prophet). Khadijah wanted to please her beloved husband, by giving him something as a souvenir. After weighing, she saw no better gift for her husband, but a virtuous slave, Zaid bin Haritsah. Then Zaid presented it to her husband.

Zaid became a loyal friend and servant of the Prophet Muhammad. He married Ummi Ayman and had a son named

Usamah bin Zaid bin Haritsah. He followed the migration to Medina and followed every battle in defense of Islam. In the Battle of Mu'tah, he was appointed warlord and in this battle, he was martyred.

Adopted by the Prophet Muhammad 

Zaid bin Haritsah is often called the son of Muhammad. Originally, Zaid was bought by Khadijah from the Mecca market who was later made her slave. Khadijah presented Zaid bin Haritsah as a gift to her husband, Prophet Muhammad.

Rasulullah loved Zaid very much because he had admirable qualities. Zaid also loved Rasulullah very much. Elsewhere, however, Zaid's biological father was always looking for his son and eventually he got the news that Zaid was in the place of Muhammad and Khadijah. 

He came to Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam to beg him to return Zaid to him even though he had to pay dearly. Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam gave full freedom to Zaid to choose between staying with him and following his father. Zaid still chose to live with Rasulullah, so from here we can know the noble nature of Zaid.

So that in the future it will not be a problem that will burden his father, Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam and Zaid bin Haritsah went to the courtyard of the Kaaba to announce the freedom and adoption of Zaid as a child.

After that, the father let go of his son and felt calm. That is why many people call Zaid as Zaid bin Muhammad. However, the law of adoption of the child fell after the revelation of the verse that invalidates it, because it is an ignorant custom, as the word of God follows:

"… if you know their fathers, then (call them) your brothers in religion and maula- maula… ”(QS. At-Taubah: 5)

The Role of Zaid bin Haritsah in the Battle of Mu'tah

The Battle of Mu'tah took place in 629 A.D. or 5 Jumadil Awal 8 Hijriah, near a village called Mu'tah, east of the Jordan River and Al Karak, between the forces of Khulafaur Rashidin sent by the Prophet Muhammad and the army of the Eastern Roman Empire (Basrah).


After the Treaty of Hudaibiyah was agreed upon, the Prophet sent letters of da'wah (inviting Islam) as well as diplomacy to the rulers of the country bordering the Arabian Peninsula (king Bushra), including to Heraclius. 

In the year 7 AH or 628 AD, the Prophet assigned al-Harits bin 'Umair to send a letter of preaching to the Governor of Syria (Iraq) named Harits bin Abi Syamr Al-Ghassani who was newly appointed by the Roman Empire. 

On the way, in the area around Mut'ah, al-Harits bin 'Umair was intercepted and killed by a local ruler named Syurahbil bin' Amr al-Ghassani the leader of the Ghassaniyah tribe (At that time in power in and around Palestine). 

And in the same year the Messenger of Allah to Bani Sulaiman and Dhat al Tlah areas around the state of Syria (Iraq) was also killed by the surrounding rulers. Previously, never a messenger of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam was killed in his mission. In earlier traditions, a messenger could not be killed.


Before the Islamic forces set out to uphold the banner of La ilaha Illallah, Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wassalam had appointed three companions at once to carry the command of the commander alternately when the previous commander fell on duty on the battlefield resulting in unable to continue leadership. 

A decision he had never made before. They are Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, Zaid ibn Haritsah (from the Muhajireen) and a companion from Anshar, Abdullah ibn Rawahah, the poet of Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wassalam.

After the incident, Rasulullah sent three thousand soldiers to fight. When the Islamic army of 3000 personnel arrived in the Ma'an area, word came that Heraclius was preparing 100 thousand troops. 

In addition, the Christians from several Arab tribes (Arab polytheists) were also ready with the same number. Hearing such news, some of the companions of radhiyallahu 'anhu suggested asking for the help of troops to the Prophet or he would decide on an order.

'Abdullah bin Rawahah radhiyallahu' anhu then inflamed the fighting spirit of the companions radhiyallahu 'anhu at that time with the words, "By God, indeed the thing that you do not like this is the thing that you go out looking for it, namely syahadah Jalla). We are not fighting because of the number of troops or strength. We fight for this religion that Allah Azza wa Jalla has glorified us with. Get moving. There is only one of two virtues: victory or death (martyrdom) on the battlefield. "

People responded by saying, "By God, Ibn Rawahah is right".

Zaid bin Haritsah radhiyallahu 'anhu, the first commander appointed by Rasulullah shalallahu' alaihi wassalam, then brought the troops to the territory of Mu'tah. The two teams faced off fiercely. This first commander slashed the arrows of the enemy forces until he was killed in the way of Allah Azza wa Jalla.

The flag was transferred to the hands of Ja'far bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu 'anhu. This cousin of Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wassalam fought until his right hand was broken. The flag he held with his left hand, and was finally broken also by the hand of the enemy. 

In such conditions, his spirit never waned, while still trying to defend the flag by hugging it until he was killed by the opponent's weapon. Based on the testimony of Ibn 'Umar radhiyallahu' anhu, one of the eyewitnesses who participated in the war, there were no less than 90 wounds on his front body either due to the stabbing of a sword and an arrow.

The turn of 'Abdullah bin Rawahah radhiyallahu' anhu also came. After attacking the enemy, death invited him to the battlefield.

Tsabit bin Arqam radhiyallahu 'anhu took the flag that had no master and shouted to call the Companions of the Prophet to determine the successor to lead the Muslims. So, their choice fell on Khalid bin Walid radhiyallahu 'anhu. 

With ingenuity and excellence of strategy and strategy - after taufik from Allah Azza wa Jalla - the Muslims managed to beat the Romans to suffer many losses.

After the battle

Witnessing the unbalanced war between the Muslims and the kuffar, which is an alliance force between the Roman Nashara and the Arab Nashara, logically, defeat will be experienced by the companions of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam.

Imam Ibn Katsir rahimahullah expressed his admiration for the power of Allah Azza wa Jalla through the results of the war that ended with the victory of the Muslims by saying: “This is an amazing event. Two teams are fighting, hostile to each other in religion. 

The first team that fought in the way of Allah Azza wa Jalla, with a strength of 3000 men. And the other side, the infidel army numbering 200 thousand troops. 100 thousand people from Rome and 100 thousand people from Nashara Arabia. 

They fight and attack each other. Despite the intensity, only 12 people were killed by the Muslim forces. In fact, the number of victims killed by the polytheists is very large ".

Allah Azza wa Jalla said:

"People who believe that they will meet God say," How many small groups can defeat a large group with the permission of God? And Allah is with those who are patient ". (Al-Baqarah 2: 249) "

The scholars of history do not agree on one word about the number of martyrs of Mu'tah. However, it is clear that their number is not much. Only around a dozen, according to the largest count. In fact, the Mu'tah war was very fierce. This can be proven that Khalid bin Walid rahimahullah spent 9 swords in the war. Only one sword remains, made in Yemen.

Khalid rahimahullah said, “Nine swords have been broken in my hand, nothing is left except a sword made in Yemen.

According to Imam Ibn Ishaq, an Imam in Islamic history, the martyrs of the Mu'tah war numbered only 8 Companions. In detail, namely Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, and the former slave of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam Zaid ibn Haritsah al-Kalbi, Mas'ud ibn al-Aswad ibn Haritsah ibn Nadhlah al-'Adawi, Wahb ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Sarh radhiyallahu 'anhu.

Meanwhile, from among the anshar, 'Abdullah ibn Rawahah,' Abbad ibn Qais al-Khazar Rayyan, al-Harits ibn an-Nu'man ibn Isaf ibn Nahdlah an-Najjari, Suraqah ibn 'Amr ibn Athiyyah ibn Khansa al-Mazini radhiyallahu' anhu.

On the other hand, Imam Ibn Hisham rahimahullah, based on the testimony of az-Zuhri rahimahullah, added four names in the row of the Companions of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam who fell on the battlefield of Mu'tah. 

Namely, Abu Kulaib and Jabir. These two are siblings. Plus 'Amr bin' Amir son of Sa'd bin Tsa'labah bin Malik bin Afsha. They are also from the anshar. With this, the number of martyrs increased to 12 souls.

Zaid bin haritsah wafat 8H-629M
Zaid bin Haritsah
Pertempuran Mu'tah

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