Abortion According to Islam
The rise of abortion practices is due to the growing culture of free sex among teenagers. This happens due to the absence of cultural filtration that comes from outside. All foreign cultures are absorbed intact, causing the Indonesian people, especially the youth, to swallow them raw and consider it natural.
Lack of supervision from parents and lack of insight into understanding religion are one of the factors causing the widespread practice of abortion due to the occurrence of pregnancies out of wedlock. In fact, the practice of abortion according to Islam is an act that is haraam.
Abortion in Islam
In Islam, abortion is clearly and openly prohibited and forbidden. It is said that killing a fellow human being is tantamount to killing all humans on this earth.
"Whoever kills a human being not for reasons that require the law of qishas, or not because of unrest on earth, it is as if he has killed all humans. has saved the lives of all human beings." (Qur'an 5:32)
Whatever the reason for killing a fetus that is still in the womb, Islam still forbids it. Even though the reason is the fear of parents not being able to support life if the fetus is born into the world. Parents fear that the presence of children will make their lives more destitute.
"And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We are the ones who provide sustenance to them and to you too. Verily, killing them is a great sin." (Surah 17:31)
Such is the word of Allah swt. which prohibits humans from having abortions. Indeed, the fetus is pure and the fetus is born with the permission of Allah Ta'ala.
There are still many married couples who have been married for decades and have not been blessed with children. However, when a young couple finds out that they are pregnant out of wedlock, the fetus is killed on the grounds of protecting the family's good name.
The attitude of the Prophet
We must imitate the attitude of the Prophet Muhammad when a woman came to him. The woman admitted that she had committed adultery and was pregnant. Then, the Prophet told the woman to come back again to meet him after the baby was born.
After giving birth, the woman returned to the Prophet. The Prophet also told the woman to come back after breastfeeding the baby for 2 years.
After 2 years, the woman came back to the Apostle. At that time, the Prophet gave the punishment of stoning for the woman's adultery in accordance with Islamic law.
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