Thawaf In Umrah
Thawaf is to go around the Kaaba for seven rotations. The first three rounds are done by jogging, and the next four rounds by walking. Thawaf begins and ends on a line parallel to the boundary of the Black Stone.
The beginning of tawaf is done with the intention, which is to express the heart's desire to perform tawaf as a form of worship only to Allah Almighty.
Conditions of theTawaf
First, it must be pure from hadas and impurities. Performing tawaf around the Kaaba is like performing prayers.
Second, cover the aurat, because tawaf is like prayer. Rasulullah Pbuh. said, "Circumambulation around the House is like prayer, only you can talk in it. So whoever speaks, he should not speak except well. "(HR Tirmidhi)
Third, tawaf must be in the Holy Mosque.
Fourth, the House must be on the left side of the person who circumambulates.
Fifth, Tawaf is performed in seven rounds, starting from the Black Stone and ending at the Black Stone.
Sixth, the round of tawaf is performed without a break between rounds of tawaf, except due to emergencies. If between the rounds of tawaf there is a pause without any excuse, the tawaf is not valid and must be repeated.
Sunnah-Sunnah Thawaf
Al-Idhthiba, which is to open the right armpit. Al-Idhthiba is the only sunnah on the circumambulation of umrah. Al-Idhthiba is only for men and not for women.
Kiss Hajar Aswad when starting tawaf if possible. If this is not possible, simply touch with your hand or signal.
When starting the first round of tawaf read,
"Bismillahi Wallaahu Akbar"
In the name of Allah, Allah Almighty
Fills the tawaf with whatever prayers we want.
Wipe rukn al yamani in every round if possible, but if not possible just skip, then recite the prayer,
"Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanah wafil akhirati hasanah waqinaa 'adzaabannaar"
O our Lord, give us goodness in this world, goodness in the hereafter and keep us away from torment hell.
Pray in Multazam after tawaf. Multazam is the place between the door of the House and the Black Stone.
After the tawaf, pray two rak'ahs behind Maqam Ibrahim. In the first rak'ah, recite the letter of Al-Kafirun and in the second rak'ah recite Al-Ikhlas.
Drinking zam-zam water after praying two rak'ahs at the shrine of Ibrahim.
Kiss Hajar Aswad or istilam (signal) again before going to Sai's place.
Perform tawaf by presenting the heart, devotion, and feeling of the greatness of Allah Almighty, fearing Him, and wanting to get what is on His side.
While performing tawaf, we are forbidden to speak except for things that are really important. In addition, the conversation should be a good conversation. Rasulullah Pbuh said, "… So whoever speaks, he should not speak except well." (HR Tirmidhi)fantasies with wasteful
Do not do tawaf by daydreaming and fulfilling thoughts. It would be good if when doing tawaf we increase remembrance and blessings to Rasulullah Pbuh.
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