5 Causes of Anger in Islam and How to Overcome It
Anger is one of the characteristics that every human being has. Anger occurs because someone's emotions are out of control and then take it out on someone or something he doesn't like. This trait also often triggers rifts in human relationships.
The cause of its occurrence according to Islam is divided into two, namely:
Commendable anger
Praiseworthy anger is anger that occurs because of self-defense, religion, public rights, or helping people who are wronged.
Despicable anger.
Despicable anger is anger that occurs out of vengeance and only for its own sake.
There are 5 causes of anger according to Islam and the following ways to solve them:
Environmental influence
The first cause is environmental factors. The environment here is divided into two, namely the closest environment and the farthest environment. The closest environment usually occurs in the family.
Meanwhile, the farthest environment occurs in the community. In the family, especially in families that often fight. Anger and violence have become daily meals, so husbands, wives, and children often solve problems with anger.
Likewise in the community. A case is always resolved angrily. The results that have occurred have even gotten worse and have even resulted in physical violence.
A debate that becomes an arena for debate
A debate is essentially a discussion in which a middle way or solution will be found so that a problem can be resolved. However, in reality, it is not uncommon in a debate to become an arena for arguments. So, instead of solving the problem, it adds new problems.
A joke that exceeds the limits of reasonableness
Anyone would be happy with a joke or a joke. However, jokes also have limits. Don't let these jokes hurt people. It is therefore not surprising that people who are hurt by jokes can become angry and cause problems.
Hostility to others in any form
Next is the anger that occurs because of being hostile to others. The cause can be due to ridicule, insult, slander, criticism, and other bad actions. If this happens, anger will arise which will ultimately take revenge.
Well, in Islam there are also several ways to deal with anger as follows.
Usually, people whose thoughts are filled with revenge will invite other people to take revenge with them. The problem eventually spreads from individual hostilities to group hostilities.
Arrogant and proud without looking around
An arrogant attitude will always be hostile by any people. Moreover, his attitude tends to be provocative. This can invite the emotions of the people around him. Maybe the person concerned wants to show off the results of his hard work so far.
However, if his attitude had the features of an arrogant person, people who saw him would think otherwise.
1. Do not be angry except because Allah is angry because Allah is very liked and will get a great reward. For example, getting angry because immoral is rampant, or angry because many actions do more harm than good to society.
2. Be kind and not angry because of the affairs in the world.
In dealing with worldly problems, it is better not to prioritize emotions first. In addition to having more bad effects with emotions, solving problems with emotions will only cloud the atmosphere and can break the friendship. Of course, if we decide to stay together, it is a sin for all of us.
3. Remember Allah
If we already feel emotions have peaked, immediately remember Allah. Remember! Power, protection belongs only to Allah. Read "Astagfirullahaladzim" as long as we are still emotional. If successful, then our emotions can be controlled.
4. Silence
If we still have emotions in us, be silent. Being silent doesn't mean we are weak or afraid. It is precisely in silence that we are "fighting" with our anger. We try to hold back this anger so that we don't let this anger hurt anyone, including ourselves. Learn how to calm your heart and mind plus how to reduce your emotions.
5. Take ablution or bathe
Immediately take ablution or take a bath if we are still provoked by anger. With ablution or bathing, it can refresh our mind and heart from anger. Plus, after wudu, we perform sunnah prayers so that we ask Allah for guidance.
6. Changing the position when angry
We often see when someone is angry while standing, then that person is told to sit down. It turns out that it is a guide and an order of the Prophet Muhammad. He said,
"If one of you is angry while standing, let him sit down. If the anger doesn't stop, let him lie down. " (HR Ahmad).
Therefore, changing positions when angry can affect human emotional stability.
These are the 5 causes of anger according to Islam and how to solve them. After we know the cause, we should learn how to be patient and humble people. That way we can become better humans. Hopefully, this article is useful for all of you.
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