Learn Throughout Life
Islam greatly emphasizes its people to always study. This is even one of the tools to lead people to intellectual enlightenment, as well as an effort to develop the potential of the people towards a better life.
The order to study knowledge is not even limited by time. Everyone, whether male or female, has the same right to study throughout his life.
Demanding knowledge, both religious and worldly sciences, is equally important, because in essence all knowledge comes from God as guidance for humans. Love for science, will raise humans to a high degree.
With science, the function of the human caliphate will be stronger and can even lead man himself to the correct understanding of his god. Allah has confirmed in His words Qs Al Alaq verses 1- 4. "Read by (mentioning) the name of your god who created. He created man from a clot of blood. Read, and it is your Lord who is most gracious, who teaches (man) by means of kalam, He teaches man what he does not know. "
Based on the above verse, Allah instructs humans to read, pay attention and understand the existence of his own creation, which is continued by always reading God's other creations. Read what is in plants (flora) and read and understand what is in animals (flora).
In short, this infinite universe is an arena for growing knowledge to be explored by mankind.
"And if the trees on earth were made into pens and the sea (into ink), added to the seven seas (again) after (drying up), surely Allah's words would not run out. Surely Allah is all-powerful, all-wise. " (Surat Lukman - 27).
And also His words are as follows. "It is not right for those who believe to go all of them (kemedan war). Why not go from each group among them some people to deepen their knowledge of religion and to warn their people when they come back to them, so that they can protect themselves. " (Surah At Taubah - 22).
The obligation to study knowledge is one way of jihad. If in war the objective is to defeat the enemy and secure the way of da'wah Islamiyah, studying and exploring religious sciences aims to educate the people and develop Islamic teachings so that they can be disseminated and understood by all levels of society.
The division of tasks in society must be carried out in a balanced manner so that there is no imbalance in carrying out all the obligations and rights of a Muslim in his life. Remember, Allah highly appreciates humans who love and always study both world knowledge and the afterlife. …. "Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given some degree of knowledge." (Surah Al Mujadilah - 11).
Lifelong learning has enormous benefits and effects on the survival of mankind in general. With knowledge and high enthusiasm, humans will be able to continue to multiply the knowledge that is in Allah, both that has been and has not been informed in the Al Quran. Says Allah. "O jinn and humans, if you are able to penetrate (cross) the corners of heaven and earth, then pass, you cannot penetrate it but with strength. (Ar Rahman - 33).
However, to be able to master science and technology, you must frequently analyze the verses of the Quran, and constantly remember Allah with all the greatness of His creation.
In fact, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for those who are wise, (namely) people who remember Allah while standing and sitting or lying down and they think about the creation of the heavens and the earth (while said); “O our God, you did not create this in vain. Glory to You, then protect us from the torments of hell. " (Surah Ali Imran verses 190-191)
Science will make humans productive, creative and always try to give birth to new innovations by creating tools needed by humans through technology to jointly prosper people's lives. Humans who love to seek knowledge will always strive to preserve verses - verses of Allah while the earth still lie
negative impact on the unwilling and reluctant to read or understand the science that God has given to man very much, people will always experience a period - a difficult period due to underdevelopment and the lack of knowledge they have. Not only that, people will become stupid and worse, they will be easily oppressed by other nations or their own people.
Many natural resources will not be able to be managed as much as possible for the welfare of the people, if the relevant knowledge is not possessed.
The sad result is that the people will always be poor who will always live below the feasibility line, this is due to ignorance and ignorance of the community itself. And what really hurts those who are poor and stupid, they are always colonized by traitors of the nation by always giving up their sweet promises.
Islam views people who have knowledge as higher in rank compared to those who lack knowledge. The knowledge they have will be able to lead a person to the level of glory, because with knowledge they can realize which actions are good and which actions are bad, which can lead to astray and accidents. Says Allah. "… .. Say," Are there people who know with people who don't? "Surely those who have wisdom can receive lessons." (Qs Az Zumar - 9). See also Qs Al Mujadilah, verse 11.
With useful knowledge, it will be able to guide people to the goodness of this world and the hereafter. However, knowledge does not only inform what is good and what is bad. But science can also influence and encourage every human being to create a holy life by always doing amar makruf nahi mungkar, which is always guided by solid science.
Faith, which is the ultimate goal in worship, we agree with this slogan. Live life with knowledge (reason) that will give birth to moral perfection. On the other hand, a person will not be considered as having a perfect faith if his daily behavior contradicts the knowledge he has learned in the context of goodness.
It is explained in various hadiths that the Prophet Muhammad described knowledgeable and praiseworthy people who would occupy an honorable position on the Day of Judgment.
From Abi Darda ra the Prophet Muhammad said. "Nothing is heavier in a believer's scale on the Day of Judgment than moral beauty. And Allah hates those who are abominable in their mouth and behavior. "
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