Get to know more about Ibn Kathir's Tafsir
Tafsir is an explanation of the content of the verses of the Qur'an. The purpose of a verse is explained in detail and clearly, what content and meaning is in it, the origin of the verse being revealed, and how the process of the verse was revealed. Tafsir is divided into several parts, one of which is the interpretation of Ibn Sina. In this article, we will try to get acquainted with Ibn Kathir's commentary.
Times have changed from the time of the Prophet to the present. Starting from the progress of science, technology, to the way of the economy. With changes that always exist from time to time, the Qur'an remains unchanged.
In the past, the Al-Quran was written on palm leaves, then with the changing times and the development of the times, changes always existed until finally the Al-Quran was written on sheets of paper shaped like a book.
The form of the Qur'an from the time of the Prophet may change shape, but its content remains the same. This relates to the interpreters of the Qur'an, each of these commentators interprets the contents of the Qur'anic verses based on the asbabun nuzul verses that were revealed. We know one of the most frequently heard interpreters of the Qur'an. He is Ibn Sina.
Let's get to know more closely how Ibn Sina's interpretation of several verses
Ibn Kathir's real name is Ismail bin 'Amr Al-Quraish bin Katsir Al-Bashri Ad-Dimasyqi, Imaduddin Abu Al-Fida Al-Hafizh Al-Muhaddits Ash-Shafi'i. He is one of the Muslim thinkers belonging to Islam. He was born in Busra, Syria in 1301, and died in Damascus, Syria in 1372.
Burhanuddin al-Fazari was Ibn Kathir's first teacher. The Shafi'i school is the school adopted by this scholar. In addition, he also studied or studied with Ibn al-Qayyim and Ibn Taimiyah in Damascus, Syria.
The most famous hadith scholar Jamaluddin al-Mizzi from Syria gave him directions, who eventually became his father-in-law. He had heard the hadiths from the Hejaz scholars directly, and from Al-Wani, he received or received a diploma.
Ibn Kathir was finally approved as a professor at the Umayyad mosque located in Damascus by the Governor of Mann Kali Bugha in 1366. After he finished the book Al-Ijtihad fi Talab al-Jihad (Ijtihad In Search of Jihad), he died and was then buried next to the tomb of Ibn Taimiyah his teacher.
• The work of Ibn Kathir in History
Ibn Kathir knew and mastered the science of history. His works in the field of history are as follows:
Al-Fusul fi Sirah ar-Rasul (Description of the History of the Apostles)
Tabaqat ash-Syafi'iyah (Rankings of Scholars of theSchool)
Shafi'iAl-Bidayah wa an Nihayah (Beginning and Akhir) or another name, Tarih ibn Kathir as many as 14 volumes
Al Bidayah is one of his history books which is considered the most famous and important. In the book there are two major histories, namely the previous or ancient history which explains the beginning of the creation story until the time of the Prophet's prophethood.
As well as the history of Islam since the time of the da'wah to Mecca, the Prophet SAW, the arrangement of events or events that occurred and took place since the completion of the hijrah which was then made based on the events or events.
In addition to others who make this book as a primary source, for the history of the Mamluk Dynasty, Egypt, the book Al Bidayah wa an-Nihayah is used as the main primary source.
• Knowledge of Tafsir
As someone who is known to scholars and has high knowledge after studying for some time, Ibn Kathir is of course able to have one written work that contains knowledge for everyone. Finally, he wrote the interpretation of the Qur'an which we now know as Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
There are 10 volumes of interpretation of the Qur'anul Karim Ibn Tafsir which is still used as reference material for the Islamic world. Apart from this commentary, he also has other writings, namely the book The Virtue of the Qur'an or Fada'il Qur'an which discusses a summary of the history of the Qur'an.
In writing his commentary, Ibn Kathir has his own method used.
The following is the method he uses:
The most correct of tafseer is the tafseer who interprets it based on the Qur'an.
Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. is the second interpretation after the Koran if the interpretation can not be obtained from the Koran. This is of course in accordance with what is said in the Qur'an, that the Prophet Muhammad actually received orders to explain what was in the Qur'an.
The interpretation of the Companions, meaning people who lived during the time of the Prophet Muhammad who participated in the struggle if indeed the interpretation of the two was not obtained because the Companions knew how the social context of the Qur'an was revealed.
And if the interpretation of the three is not obtained, the last is we take the interpretation of the tabiin-tabiin. Tabi'in is a friend of his friend the Prophet Muhammad.
• Science of Hadith
Besides the two sciences that Ibn Kathir has mastered as mentioned above, there is one more science that he has mastered, that is the science of hadith. Some of his hadith sciences that are widely known and well-known are as follows:
Known as the book Al-Kutub as-Sittah or when translated are the six books of hadith. Which is a work of hadith.
Known as the book Al-Mukhtasar and if translated means a summary. The Muqaddimah of Ibn Salah is summarized in this book.
Known as Jami al-Masanid wa as-Sunan, which means the collection of the Musnad and Sunan, which consists of eight volumes. The companions who have narrated many hadiths, their names are in this book.
Known as Adillah at-Tanbih li Ulum al-Hadith which means a book on the science of hadith or more commonly referred to as Al-Ba'its al-Hadith.
• Science of Fiqh
The field of jurisprudence cannot be doubted by a scholar, Ibn Kathir. In addition to these three sciences, the science of fiqh became a science that was mastered by Ibn Kathir. In fact, he was often used as a place to ask for opinions on several problems or problems of society and governance by the rulers of his time.
An example is when passing a decision on eradicating corruption that occurred in 1358, as well as an effort to reconcile after the civil war, or known as the Baydamur rebellion (1361) and an attempt to call for jihad (1368-1369). He also wrote a book related to the science of jurisprudence based on the Qur'an and hadith.
Well, now you know about Ibn Kathir's interpretation. He is famous for his fiqh knowledge. Both Ibn Sina and Ibn Kathir have different views. No wonder the science of interpretation is different.
That's a glimpse of Ibn Kathir and his works that can be used as a reference. Scholars, interpreters, and fathers who have high knowledge who can be a reference for translating and studying the contents of the Koran as a guide and guide for life.
This interpretation is also widely used as a source for students to reference scientific works related to the interpretation of the Qur'an. Hopefully this article is useful for you readers.
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