Lessons from the Implementation of Hajj and Umrah
Hajj and Umrah are the implementation of the five pillars of Islam. There is a lot of wisdom in it. Because Hajj and Umrah are a form of meeting between inner awareness and rational intelligence.
Everyone who performs this type of worship must have a different spiritual experience. Even sometimes it looks unreasonable or beyond human estimation.
Obedient and willing to surrender to Allah. That is the main form of the implementation of the pilgrimage and umrah in the holy land. We fulfill God's call by taking a long journey, consuming a lot of money and a long time, and having to be separated from our relatives, family and property.
The goal is only one, namely carrying out noble tasks through worship and rituals in accordance with predetermined conditions.
Wisdom Contained
All types of worship in Islam must have a high wisdom. The same goes for Hajj and Umrah.lessons from the implementation of this worship include:
1. Increasing discipline
When in the holy lands of Mecca and Medina, all people who carry out the pilgrimage and Umrah must be accustomed to discipline when carrying out the rituals of Hajj and prayer. This pattern of discipline is expected to continue even after the time for worship is over.
2. Improving the quality of self in worship
People who feel a lot of sin often feel hopeless. But God promises to erase all the sins we have when we want to carry out worship sincerely and sincerely. This will encourage us to be more obedient in carrying out other types of worship besides Hajj and Umrah.
3. Bringing up a patient nature
When carrying out the rituals of Hajj and Umrah, of course many trials and temptations arise. Many Muslims from various countries gathered in one place. This will cause problems regarding the facilities that must be shared because of their limited number.
Here the nature of patience must be put forward. Because selfish and selfish nature will reduce the value of worship that is being done.
4. Generating a sense of solidarity and kinship
With the gathering of many people from various countries or regions, it will create a high sense of community unity, regardless of class, race and others. These differences do not need to cause division, but instead will strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among Muslims around the world.
5. Increasing Da'wah
When Muslims from all over the world gather, it will be the right medium to increase Da'wah Islamiyah effectively. Here we can learn from each other and exchange experiences on the implementation of worship and the inculcation of Islamic values in the daily life of each country or region.
In addition to the five lessons from the implementation of the pilgrimage and Umrah above, of course there are many other lessons. Every devotee must have a different point of view on the implementation of worship that must be carried out in this holy land.
But the most important thing is that after returning from Hajj and Umrah, Muslims must have a new enlightenment of the soul that is manifested in good deeds, both for themselves and for society and the environment.
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