Al-Qur'an, Way of Life
Al-Qur'an, Way of life. Talking about various forms of socio-economic inequality, especially in this country, there will never be an end. The discussion will be more difficult and heated if discussed in a debate involving certain political parties.
In fact, each of these talks will result in a prolonged debate, in which the political parties have succeeded in alleviating poverty. Various forms of inequality, especially in the social, economic, political and cultural fields, are more caused by white collar crime (corruption).
Coupled with actions that are far from the book of Allah and the hadith of the Prophet as the basis of behavior and the basis of the guidelines for life.
Even though Allah created mankind and the jinn with the aim that both of them always enslaved themselves and only worshiped Him alone. These are obligations over obligations which are not negotiable. "Wama khalaktul jin wal insa illa liyakbudun."
And I did not create jinn and humans but so that they worship Me. " Surah Az Zariayat (the wind that flies) 51:56 explains that the position of Al Quran in carrying out all the commands of Allah is as a guide.
So that the journey and process of national and state life carried out by Muslims in particular are only focused on the divine path alone.
The true status of the Koran is Allah's revelation, whereas Allah Himself is the source of values that must be obeyed. That is why Al Quran nul Karim has a full function as the primary and very main source of this tauhid teaching.
Each of us has been in the hands of the lights of light, so it is only fitting that every Muslim base his way of life and way of life on this revelation of Allah.
Has Said Allah. " Indeed, We have sent down a book to you with the truth, so that you will judge between men and what God has revealed to you. And do not be against (innocent people) because (defend) those who are treasonous. " Qs An Nisa (Female) 4: 105.
Treating humans according to what Allah has sent down to humans is the explicit point of the above verse.
In this case, it is hoped that humans can behave and base their way of life on the Al Quran and Hadith, regardless of their profession. Is he a leader, trader, private worker, farmer, fisherman and so on.
Behavior is the daily human behavior and behavior, which the assessment starts from when he wakes up until he goes back to sleep. This behavior or mannerisms must always be combined with one's way of life or ways of living.
This will have an important role in determining one's destiny. Alternatives will always be open, whether he must be diligent and disciplined or not, whether he will obey the religious teachings and laws or not and so on. It all depends on the intention of each of us. Inamal aqmalu bil intent, said the Prophet.
Not only that, all the procedures and laws in the process of worship (hereafter) and (trying / working) in the world have been completely regulated in the Muslim holy book, both in outline and in detail.
This is for humans and jinn who are both created by the same substance, namely Allah subhana wataalla. Especially for humans who always yearn for happiness, peace and tranquility of life in the world to the hereafter, make the most of the principles in this holy book.
Rasulullah Saw also said. " I leave you two things, as long as you cling to both of them, he will not be lost forever. "
In this situation, the Messenger of Allah, as the last messenger of Allah to humans, guarantees everything that humans aspire to, as long as they do not deviate from the provisions outlined in the two holy books.
Cling to both, not just to hold or look at - you see, the command is. Base all behaviors and paths and guidelines for life in accordance with the concepts in the holy book.
Not going astray for long means that all behavior and life paths that have been covered and guided by the two scriptures above will give birth to a high sense of optimism in order to give birth to world happiness. which is inspired by the true happiness of the afterlife.
Then how do you prove that the Al Quran and the hadiths really bring people to this kind of life? The trick is, recognize the two books really become the spirit and as indicators for our way of life.
This can be done by more deeply examining and understanding the position of the Koran and the hadiths, to be used as a spirit to animate human hearts and minds in order to produce human values.
"And thus We reveal the spirit to you at Our command. Nothing you know before. What is the Holy Book (Al Quran), and what is faith. But We have made it a light that We guide with whom - whom We are pleased with among Our servants ... "Qs As Syuara (deliberation) 42:52.
Islamic historians understand very well how the Quran is a way of life. It has even been able to give birth to new nuances for the Arab world.
Those who used to teach stones (idols), became worshipers of Allah, who at first were very ignorant (ignorant) to become a place for the development of Islamic science and culture.
Even history has recorded, in just twenty-five years the Arabs have succeeded in defeating the two superpowers at that time, Rome and Persia.
Before the arrival of this clue, the Arabs lived according to their own instincts. The law of the jungle was born, whoever is strong he is in power. Drinking - drinking, gambling, murder, adultery is openly a common sight and has even cultured in society.
However, under the direction of the Prophet Muhammad, they returned to the truth and high treason. This is what is said to be the spirit or spirit that enlivens the soul and spirit of Muslims.
Al Quran also functions as guidance. The word of God. " The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed, as guidance for humans, and as evidence of that guidance. And as a differentiator (between the haq and the falsehood). " Qs Al Baqarah (female cow) 2: 185.
From this word of Allah, three indicators of the function of the Quran can be found. Namely as Hidayah, Bayyinat and as Al Furqan.
The meaning of the word hidayah according to the above verse is that, in the process of life, humans will be faced with various conditions, good or bad, safe or bad.
For early anticipation, Al Quran acts as a compass that provides direction and guidance in the direction of safety and goodness.
Meanwhile, the meaning of Bayyinat min al huda is a detailed and detailed explanation of the guidance. Besides containing guidance, it is also accompanied by explanations of that guidance. In this context guidance is universal provisions while Bayyinat's function is the detail.
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained that what is good is lawful, while what is vile and what is dirty is haram.
This is a statement that uses a universal standard. Halal - haram is guidance aimed at an object globally, while the Bayyinat is a breakdown of the material elements that make an object halal or haram. In Qs Al Maidah - 3.
It is stated that some animal meat is forbidden to be consumed including pork, which is not through slaughter, animals that die of suffocation and so on. Furthermore, this verse is explained in detail by Qs Al A'raf - 157 as his Bayyinat.
As Al Furqan. Al Quran in this context must be used as a benchmark, which one is haq which is false, which one is right and which one is wrong. In this case the mind is allowed to analyze it, provided that it does not deviate at all from its goal.
If the Al Quran claims something wrong or haram, don't try to find a way to justify it. Likewise, if the teachings of Islam with the Al Quran and hadiths confirm that something is good, or lawful. Do not ever try to find a way to make it all bad or haram.
If there is no general or academic ability / skill to analyze it carefully, do not rush to blame the Al Quran or Hadith. (If the glass looks bad, don't be broken).
Apart from those mentioned above, Al Quran also functions as a correct or musaddiq, (see Qs Al Maidah: 48). The meaning. Al Quran confirms or justifies the previous Prophets and all the teachings they carry.
This is one of the plus points of this monotheistic teaching, while the teachings outside it, such as Judaism, only justify the prophetic lineage to the prophet Moses. Whereas in Christian teaching it stops with the prophet Isa.
Finally, only the Al Quran as the holy book is able to provide enlightenment to mankind in general and to Muslims in particular, it will always be information of the essential truth.
With the simple explanation above and in this limited writing space, the author only describes a small part of the function of each of the books of Allah.
However, in broad terms this revelation of Allah is the basis of behavior and is directed as a way and a way of life (Way Of Life). It is the obligation of all Muslims, which must be carried until the end of life.
If every one of the majority of the people consciously reads, understands and practices its contents, surely all difficulties and crises, especially in the social and political economy, will be resolved little by little.
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