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Contents and Benefits of Surah Yasin

Contents and Benefits of Surah Yasin

Yasin is a letter that must be read during the tahlil event or every Friday night in Indonesia. The 36th letter of the Qur'an consists of 83 verses. Included in the category of Makkiyah letters or letters that came down in Mecca. Verses 1–21 are included in the 21st Juz, while 22–83 go into the 22nd Juz.

The essence of Surat Yasin has several essences, namely as follows. 

This letter points to the faith of a Muslim. This faith is marked by "belief in the Day of Resurrection after the Day of Judgment". If we hold on to that, we will not be merely worldly. After the life of the world, there is still the afterlife.

Our place there will be determined by charity as long as we live. If it is good, then we deserve to enter His heaven, if it is bad then we will be tormented in hell.

This letter mentions the messengers of the Prophet Jesus who met the people of Anthakiyah.

Emphasizes about several things, namely polytheism, the creation of creatures in pairs, stars in the line of circulation, the death of creatures, and the Day of Judgment

Surat Yasin recited to people approaching death is intended to strengthen his heart. Ar-Razi mentions in the book at-Tafsir Al Kabir that with a very weak condition, a person needs to be constantly reminded of God and his deeds during life.  

God will give blessings and mercy in the form of ease, including in the exit of a person's spirit from his body if this letter is always read. That is the opinion of Ibn Kathir. We certainly hope that in the last moments of our lives, it will not be passed with torture.  

Then, what about reading Yasin's letter on Friday night? If we refer to the authentic hadith, in fact there is no mention that we should read it that night specifically. Yes, let us align with the words of the Prophet.

“Do not specialize Friday night with a qiyām (night prayer) among other nights. Do not specialize Friday with a particular fast among other days, unless that day coincides with the fast of one of you." (HR Muslim)

Yasin Fadhilah

Yasin Fadhilah are the virtues found in the Qur'an. This fadhilah is different from the fadhilah or virtue of reading Yasin's letter, but we need to know. Fadhilah Yasin was once discussed by KH. Zain Muallif in his book "Menyingkap Rahasia Yasin Fadhilah dan Keampuhannya." 

Here are the points:

Repeating a verse based on a hadith narrated by Abu Dzarrin ra who said, "The Prophet. I once woke up at night by reading a verse and repeating the verse until morning, namely the verse tu'adzibhum fa innahum 'ibaaduka. (If You torment them, then indeed they are Your servants). " (HR Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).

Intersperse one verse and another with dhikr and prayer about the content of the verse being read. Hudhaifah bin al-Yaman said, "At night, I used to pray with Rasulullah Pbuh. Then he recited the letters of Al-Baqarah, Ali Imran, and An-Nisaa '', then recited them with tartil. 

When he passes the verse in which there is about purifying Allah, then he recites subhanallah. When he passes the verse about supplication then he prays , and when he passes the verse about protection then he seeks refuge in Allah. " (Narrated by Muslim)     

In each dhikr and prayer that accompanies the verse, it is opened with blessings and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad Pbuh, his family, and his companions, and then closed with "That Allah is Almighty over all things."

Still related to this, there is an article that contains the benefits of Yasin's letter, among them if you are hungry and read Yasin's letter will be full, if not have clothes will have clothes, if not married will get married, etc. 

Unfortunately, the article does not mention the sahih hadith that underlies it and explains the procedure.Wallahu a'lam bish-shawab.

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