The Origin of Dajjal According to Islam
Do you know the mystery of the origin of Dajjal? The mystery of the Antichrist is always interesting to talk about. Considering, the riddle of the one-eyed demon believed by the celestial religions will emerge in the end times as the bearer of slander remains a mystery.
It is said that whoever is still alive when the Dajjal appears, he will not be safe from his slander. Therefore, Islam then teaches its people to always pray for protection from the slander of Dajjal at the end of his prayer ritual.
Who is Dajjal?
Yes, who exactly is Dajjal? Why is he called the one -eyed Devil?
In Islamic Eschatology it is mentioned that the term 'Dajjal' comes from the Arabic word Ad-Dajjal. The term Ad-Dajjal is commonly used to refer to the figure of an evil infidel figure, fond of slander, committing lies and doing damage on earth that appears at the end of time.
In the Qur'an it is not mentioned explicitly or implicitly about the figure of Dajjal. Some scholars argue that what is meant by Dajjal in the Qur'an is Ya'juj and Ma'juj, because the nature of Dajjal is almost the same as Ya'juj and Ma'juj, which is to like to do damage. Gog and Magog are two nations that are two groups/nations that like to do damage on earth. About Gog and Magog is narrated by Allah Ta'ala in the Qur'an Surat Al Kahf verse 94.
If in the Qur'an is not found an explicit and implicit explanation of the Antichrist, but in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH which is believed to be authentic gives a description and warning about the danger of this Dajjal. And as a whole, the hadiths that tell about Dajjal complement what is conveyed by Allah Ta'ala in Al Quran surat Al Kahf verse 94 about Gog and Magog.
Professor Dr. Quraish Shihab, an expert on the interpretation of the Qur'an in his book 'Quraish Shihab Answering', said that the hadiths that explain the emergence of Dajjal, its characteristics to warn about its dangers are very many. Some of them are narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim.
Who exactly Dajjal is is still a mystery. However, based on the hadith of the Prophet in many narrations that say that the Hour will not come before the appearance of about 30 liars (ie: Dajjal-Dajjal) who claim to be the Messenger of Allah Ta'ala (Hadith Narrated by At-Tirmidhi and An Nasa'I through Abu Hurairah).
From the explanation of this hadith can be concluded several things related to this Dajjal, namely: The
Dajjal is not one person, but several people (even up to 30 people based on the hadith above). And the greatest Dajjal is the one who will appear on the Day of Judgment who claims to be Imam Mahdi, but in fact he is a False Imam Mahdi.
He came before the Day of Judgment and claimed to be the messenger of Allah. This is why it is later called Dajjal, which is a word that refers to the term False Prophet.
Dajjal is an infidel figure who likes to spread lies and slander and cause various damage on earth.
In this hadith it is not explained explicitly about the origin of Dajjal.
Characteristics of Dajjal According to Al Hadith
In many hadiths the Prophet described this Dajjal. The following is a brief description of the Dajjal from a summary of several hadiths narrated by At-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah: The
Dajjal is described by the Prophet PBUH as a young man with curly hair and having sunken eyes.
A figure similar to the Dajjal in the time of the Prophet was Abdul Uzza bin Qathan.
It is rumored that the Dajjal will appear in a deserted land between Syria and Iraq.
Dajjal has several advantages. Rasulullah described in a hadith narrated by At-Tirmidhi that this Dajjal has a walking speed like rain blown by wind. Wallahu'alam whether walking speed here means the speed of walking physically or figuratively about the possession of advanced transportation technology.
His pleasure is to spread lies and slander. Dajjal will be the hardest test for mankind. All the prophets warned his people of the danger of this slander of Dajjal.
Between the two eyes there is the writing of the letters Kaf Fa and Ra, which means infidels.
Dajjal has eyes covered by thick flesh. Between these two eyes there is an 'infidel' writing that can be read by all Muslims.
The Mystery of the Place of the Appearance of the Dajjal
Many people wonder about the origin of the Dajjal, from where the figure of the Dajjal appeared. Is it true that this Dajjal will later appear from the Bermuda Triangle?
This riddle is still often a question to this day. Along with many versions that explain the emergence of the Antichrist. However, Islam is based on information obtained from the hadiths of the Prophet PBUH to explain the emergence of Ad-Dajjal.
The hadiths of the Prophet who narrated about the emergence of Ad-Dajjal were narrated by Imam At-Tirmidhi. From these hadiths it can be concluded about the place of appearance of Dajjal, as follows:
Dajjal will appear with the army carrying the black flag. They emerged from the east, from a place which in the hadith narrated by At-Tirmidhi is called 'Khurasan'.
Dr. Syauqi Abu Khalil explained that the Khurasan area mentioned in the hadith is an area located in the northeastern tip of Iran with its city center called Masyhad.
Khurasan is known as an area that has a very strategic geographical position. It is a province located in the eastern part of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It has an area of approximately 314 thousand square kilometers. Administratively the province of Khurasan to the north borders the Republic of Turkmenistan, and to the east borders Afghanistan.
This area of Khurasan is mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet PBUH as the place of the appearance of Dajjal. Nevertheless, to this day when, where and in what form the Dajjal will appear, remains a mystery puzzle.
However, as Muslims who believe in the words of the Prophet and Messenger, we should be vigilant. Remember, the times of slander have begun to appear before our eyes. Therefore, let us all take refuge from the slander of Dajjal.
The Danger of Dajjal
Indeed, every Prophet sent by Allah Ta'ala reminds his people of the danger of the slander of Dajjal. Likewise with Rasulullah PBUH. He reminded his people to always seek protection from Allah Ta'ala from the slander of Dajjal. Even every time before prayer, before salutation we are taught to pray for protection to God from the slander of Dajjal.
Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi in the Book of Sunnah Rasul explains that Dajjal is a figure sent by Allah Ta'ala to test His servants in the midst of a time full of slander. To test, who among the Muslims who truly believe and follow Allah and His Messenger, and who among them are hesitant to retreat and then turn away from Allah and His Messenger.
Interpretations of the reality of the Dajjal himself are still very diverse. However, all scholars agree that the greatest danger of the Dajjal is deception, slander and turning people away from the path of truth. One of the skills of the antichrist is to distort between truth and falsehood.
Yes, it is not important for us to debate where the Dajjal came from. The most important thing we need to do today is to always be alert to all forms of deception that keep us from the path of God. While continuing to pray to God from the slander of Dajjal.
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