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Getting to know Asmaul Husna and its Benefits

Getting to know Asmaul Husna and its Benefits

If you are a Muslim, you are definitely no stranger to Asmaul Husna. Asmaul Husna are the 99 good names of Allah. Did you know that Asmaul Husna has many benefits for humans, both in this world and in the hereafter? 

If you don't know, then it's a good idea to read the explanation about Asmaul Husna and its benefits below.

Remembering Allah by reciting Asmaul Husna is commonly known as Dhikr Asmaul Husna. Well, you must understand that the dhikr of Asmaul Husna is one of the noblest practices that was always carried out by the Prophet Muhammad. 

As his people, it is proper for us to follow the practice that has been exemplified by the great prophet Muhammad saw.

The habit of dhikr of Asmaul Husna can bring rewards from Allah and bring benefits to our lives in the world. For example, being protected by Allah from the evils of this world and the hereafter, making our affairs easier, providing sustenance, being kept away from various dangerous diseases, forgiveness of sins, and many other virtues. 

This is the reason why you are obliged to study Asmaul Husna and its benefits, which we will discuss in more detail here.

In the Qur'an and hadith, much is mentioned about Asmaul Husna and its benefits for mankind. Before we discuss the benefits of Asmaul Husna, it is better if we understand how big our need is for the dhikr of Asmaul Husna. 

Why do I mention it is our need, because Allah does not need praise or flattery from His servants, but we are the ones who need to praise His greatness.

Here are some reasons that make us obliged to practice the dhikr of Asmaul Husna.

1. Become a way to enter heaven, as contained in the following hadith.

From Abu Hurairah ra, Rasulullah saw. said, "Verily Allah has 99 names, one hundred minus one. Whoever counts them will enter Paradise." (Narrated by Bukhari)

2. As an appropriate means to pray to Allah, as stated in the following verse of the Qur'an.

"And Allah has Asmaul Husna (the best names), so ask Him by mentioning Asmaul Husna and leave those who misinterpret His names. They will be rewarded for what they have done." (Surat al-A'raaf: 180)

3. Make your life more calm, peaceful, and happy, as stated in the following verse

"(Namely) those who believe and their hearts find peace in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, only by remembering Allah do hearts find peace." (Surat Ar-Ra'd: 28)

Implementation of the Dhikr of Asmaul Husna

Remembering Allah (dhikrullah) with dhikr of Asmaul Husna we can do every day. Want to know how to implement it? Check out the following reading of the dhikr of Asmaul Husna.

1. Start by reading the letter Al-Fatihah.

2. Continue by reading the following passage.

"Ya divine anta maqsudi wa ridhoka mathlubi a'tini mahabbataka wa biqurbi wa bi nafsik wa bima'rifatik birahmatika ya ar hammar rohimin."


"O Allah, only You are the one I go to.. I will offer my body and soul, my life and my death to worship You. I am waiting for Your pleasure only, I am willing to be born and inner heart to seek Your pleasure, only Your closeness I wait for."

3. Can be continued with the following readings

Istighfar "Astaghfirullahal 'adzim" ("O Allah, forgive my sins").

Tasbih, tahmid, takbir "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wala Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar" (Glory be to Allah and Praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah and Allah is Great).

Hauqalah, "Laa Haula wala quwwata Illa Billahil 'Aliyyil 'Adzim." (There is no power and effort except by Allah the Almighty).

Read "Hasbunallah wa ni'mal vice maula wa ni'man nashir". and He is the best of helpers). The

creed, "Laa Ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah" (There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).

4. Continue by reciting "99 Asmaul Husna" as much as possible according to our ability

Asmaul Husna and its Benefits

After knowing how to carry out the dhikr of Asmaul Husna, now is the time to discuss further about Asmaul Husna and its benefits, including the following.

Ar-Rahman & Ar-Rahim have the benefit of bringing love and affection from Allah, both in this world and in the hereafter.

Al-Malik, Al-Aziz, Al-'Adl, Al-'Azim, Al-Khabir which are useful for bringing authority and launching work.

Al-Quddus is useful for clearing our hearts and minds.

Al-Salam is useful for curing disease and avoiding disaster.

Al-Mukmin is useful for freeing us from all kinds of disturbances that come our way.

Al-Muhaimin is useful for clearing hearts and minds.

Al-Jabbar, Al-Khafidh, Al-Mu'izz, Al-Mudzill are useful for avoiding violence.

Al-Mutakabbir, Al-Musawwir are useful for getting pious children.

Al-Ghaffar is useful in cleansing your sins and mistakes.

Al-Qahhar is useful for calming the heart and guarding from injustice.

Al-Wahhab, Ar-Razzaq, Al-Fattah, Al-Qabidh, Al-Baasith, Ar-Raafi' are useful for launching your fortune, and fulfilling your needs.

Al-'alim is useful for showing you hidden things & making it easier for you to study.

As-Samii' is useful for granting our wishes.

Al-Bashir is useful for elevating the degree / position of humans.

Al-Hakam is useful for revealing justice or truth for humans.

Al-Lathif is useful for curing various diseases, dispelling life's difficulties, and bringing salvation.

Al-Khabir is useful for cleansing the heart and mind of bad qualities.

Al-Haliim is useful for bringing peace, avoiding disaster.

Al-Ghafuur is useful for curing diseases.

Ash-Syakuur is useful for making the heart calmer and more peaceful.

Al-'Aliy, Al Hafizh, is useful to help increase our faith and maintain our safety.

Al-Muqiit, Ash-Shahiid is useful for keeping children from bad qualities

Al-Hasib, Al-Qawiyyu is useful for avoiding other people's evil and falsehood. By routinely practicing this dhikr, God willing, you will avoid fear.

Al-Jaliil is useful as an addition to good deeds.

Al-Karim is useful for the glory and goodness of our lives in this world and in the hereafter.

Ar-Raqiib is useful for taking care of himself, his family, and his property. So, by practicing this dhikr, everything will be in the protection of Allah SWT.

Al-Mujiib, Al-Qaadir are useful so that our prayers are easily granted by Allah SWT.

Al-Wasi', Al-Hakim, Ash-Shamad are useful to make it easier to find sustenance and avoid difficulties.

Al-Waduud is useful for reconciling someone who is in dispute.

Al-Majiid is useful for gaining glory.

Al-Ba'ts is useful for softening our hearts so that we always fear Allah.

Al-Haqq is useful for finding lost items. So by practicing this dhikr, then with Allah's permission the lost item will be found.

Al-Wakiil is useful as a prayer asking for protection from fear.

Al-Matiin is useful for avoiding life's difficulties.

Al-Waliy, Al Muakhir is useful as a prayer to be made as a lover / guardian of Allah

Al-Hamiid is useful as a prayer so that we are loved and respected by people.

Al-Muhyi, Al-Wahid, Al-Ahad are useful for bringing convenience.

Al-Mubdi' is useful to avoid calamity.

Al-Mu'iid as a prayer of protection and safety.

Al-Muhyii as a prayer to ease a heavy problem or burden.

Al-Mumiit as a weapon to defeat the enemy.

Al-Hayy as a prayer to prolong life, heal from disease.

Al-Qayyum keeps you from being lacking.

Al-Waajid will make you a generous person.

Al-Masjid, Al Muqtadir, will enlighten the heart.

In addition to the benefits that I mentioned above, there are many other benefits that are ready to wait for people who are diligent in practicing the dhikr of Asmaul Husna. 

For example, as a way to enter heaven, bringing the glory of life, bringing sustenance, obtaining offspring, bringing in a mate, and so on. Hopefully the explanation about Asmaul Husna and its benefits above can be useful for all of you.

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