The Origin of Humans According to Islam
Humans are unique and mysterious creatures. This unique and mysterious nickname has led humans to continue to search for human nature and the answer to the riddle of who the real man is. Different starting points or different perspectives will lead to different conclusions.
However, if the answer is based on religion, especially Islam, as recorded in the Qur'an, it will be clear how Islam has long ago proposed a theoretical concept of the origin of man. Evidently, what is described by Allah through the Qur'an is compatible with science.
The initial belief that must be put forward is that Allah is the creator of the universe and everything in it, including humans. That means, there is potential for nature in every creation. More so in humans.
The Spirit of God is in man. The reason is, at the beginning of the creation process, Allah breathed His spirit. Thus, there is a divine nature in humans. This spirit should be contemplated and reflected in life. Only in this way will the discovery of human authenticity not hit the wall. At least, the riddle of who humans are can be answered, humans are no longer mysterious.
Spirit and Matter
The concept of the Qur'an about the creation of man can be seen from several key verses such as the letter Shaad (38) verse 71-72, Al-Hijr (15) verse 28-29, Al-Hajj (22) verse 5, Al- mu'minun (23) verses 13-14, Al-insan (76) verse 2, and others. In addition to the Qur'an, there are also hadiths of the prophet that support the theoretical arguments of the Qur'an.
It is stated in Surah As-Shaad verses 71-72, "(Remember) when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed I will create man from clay. So, when I have perfected the event and I have breathed into it My (creation) spirit, then you should bow down and prostrate to it."
Still in understanding with the verse above, Allah said: "And (remember), when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed I will create a human being from dry clay (derived) from black mud which is given a shape. So, when I have perfected the event, and have breathed into it My (creation) spirit, then submit to it prostrating yourself." Al-Hijr (15) verses 28-29.
On another occasion it was also said, "O mankind, if you are in any doubt about the resurrection (from the grave), then (know) indeed we have created you from clay, then from a drop of semen, then from a clot of blood, then from a lump of flesh that was perfected in appearance.
And that which is not perfect, so that we may explain to you and determine in the womb what we will until the appointed time, then we bring you out as babies, then (gradually) you come to maturity, and among you there are who died and (there are also) of you whose life has been extended until he becomes senile, so that he may no longer know anything that he previously knew.
And you see the earth is dry, then when We have sent down water on it, the earth lives and is fertile and grows all kinds of beautiful plants." (Al-Hajj verse 5).
Another verse that also supports the verses in above is "Then we made the essence of semen (stored) in a solid place (womb). Then we made the semen into a clot of blood, then we made the clot of blood into a lump of flesh, and made the lump of flesh into bones, then we wrapped the bones with meat. Then we made him a different (shaped) creature. So, Glory be to Allah, the best Creator "(Al Mu'minun verse 13-14).
In addition, other verses that are not less important is the letter Al-Insan verse 2. "Indeed We have created man from a drop of mixed semen which We wanted to test him (with commands and prohibitions), so We made him hear and see."
The verses above are then supported and strengthened by the hadith of the prophet, "He is the one who is righteous and justified. Verily, one of you collects his formation in his mother's womb (embryo) for forty days. Then during that time (forty days) it is made a clot of blood. Then during that time (forty days) made a piece of meat. Then some angels were sent to blow the spirit on him (to write/determine) four (kinds of) sentences: his sustenance, death (his age), his deeds, and good and bad (his fate)." (Narrated by Bukhari-Muslim).
Divine Fitrah
Theoretical arguments and The conceptual framework surrounding the beginning or origin of man lies in the integration between spirit and matter. The two key concepts are actually one package and one unit, namely spirit and earth.
The spirit in question is the spirit of God. Thus, basically, humans have the potential for fitrah that comes from God. Meanwhile, the land here has a symbolic meaning. That is, its creation is not like making a statue made of soil.
Soil is an important factor for human growth and development. From the soil, various kinds of protein or food extracts are consumed by humans. Through metabolic processes in the body, these nutrients then produces hormones, sexual intercourse, then an encounter between sperm and ovum occurs. the most perfect human form.
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