The Beauty of Muslim Morality
Man is the most perfect creature of God compared to other creatures. Humans have a privilege over animals and plants. The privilege is in the form of intellect and mind to be used in living life on earth. With intellect and mind, human beings should have good morals like the Muslim morals that Rasulullah recommended.
Definition of Morality
Morality in terminology is defined as the behavior of a person who is driven by a conscious desire to do a good deed. Every religion must teach goodness for its people. Likewise, Islam.
Muslim men and women are encouraged to behave well towards each other and their God. In the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, there are various exhortations and invitations to be good.
As servants of Allah Ta'ala, Muslims should follow His commands contained in His book and the sunnah of His Messenger. As the messenger of Allah , Rasulullah became a role model for Muslims. As role models, it is appropriate for us to emulate the morals of the Prophet.
Following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is famous for its praiseworthy qualities, including trustworthiness, honesty, loyalty, courage, generosity, shame, and all goodness. It is the praiseworthy nature of the Prophet that is one of the foundations for Muslims to behave in daily life.
Good morals are followed by good behavior. In addition to those mentioned, there are several attributes contained in the Qur'an, namely respecting parents, maintaining honor, staying away from all that is forbidden by Allah, Helping others according to their needs and abilities.
Part of Faith
1. Shame
One of the good morals that Muslims must maintain is shame. With the nature of shame, will prevent a person from committing sins and which are forbidden by Allah Ta'ala.
Shame is part of faith, as in the hadith, "Faith has seventy parts. The highest is the resurrection of 'la ilaha illallah' and the lowest is getting rid of the thorns in the way. And shame is part of faith”. (Hadits Bukhari).
Shame is different from minder. We don't need to be embarrassed. Shame here means an action taken to protect ourselves from things that can damage our self-esteem in public. This does not mean that we do not need to go out to be active, pious, and study.
So, shame is more emphasized as a barrier for a person to commit sinful acts. When a person wants to commit a sin, he will be hindered by the shame he has.
2. Trust
In addition to shame, there is the nature of the Apostle which is part of faith as well, namely trust. Trust is not only associated with matter and power. Syar'i, trust is defined as fulfilling anything entrusted and entrusted.
So, trust is not limited to material, but more than that. Words are trust, treating others well is trust, conveying a message to others without reducing and exaggerating the message is trust, and fulfilling the rights of Allah Ta'ala is a trust.
People who trust tend to have an honest nature, while people who do not practice and convey trust tend to have the nature of treachery and lies. People who lie and betray, are included in the ranks of the hypocrites.
As good Muslims, of course we do not want to be included in the group of hypocrites. Therefore, develop the nature of trust because trust is a demand of faith. This statement is also supported by the sunnah of the Prophet: "There is no faith in people who do not fulfill the trust; and there is no religion in people who do not fulfill their promises ” (Hadits Ahmad and Ibn Hibban).
Allah Ta'ala commanded in his word in connection with the trust, "Verily God commands you to fulfill the trusts to their owners; and when you establish the law among the people, you shall establish the law with justice ” (QS An-Nisa: 58).
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