Building Noble Morals
Who does not want to have noble character like the role model of the Prophet Muhammad. Even in the prayers of every parent, they always hope that one day their children will become human beings with noble character. Noble morality is also very influential in the success of one's life.
A person's success is followed by two factors, namely IQ (Intellegentia Quation) and EQ (Emotional Quation). From the survey results, it turns out, only 20% of IQ supports people's success and 80% of EQ.
EQ concerns how the character and attitude of the person affects the success of his life. Therefore, it is very important to form noble character, namely good character and attitude in a person.
The feeling of "wanting" to have noble character is not enough to shape our attitude. Strong intention and will that we must instill in the formation of attitudes.
Humans with noble character will not waver if they are hit by temptations and disasters. Whatever happened to him was always addressed with fortitude and sincerity. In addition, he has an attitude of empathy towards others. In other words, human relations will be harmonious.
Here are some tips for forming noble character.
Intention and Will
All actions we take must be based on sincere intentions. Good intentions are that everything we do is based on God the Creator. From intention, we generate the will to start acting. Good intentions will certainly bring good results too. This good result will have a calming effect on your soul.
Well, this awareness should arise in you without any orders from others. A will without an intention is like a car without gasoline, a will must be driven with an intention. This will and intention must be implanted in your mind.
Always Learning
One of the advantages of humans compared to other creatures created by God is the gift of reason. Therefore, we should learn. Learning tools can be from reading books, listening to religious lectures, or paying attention to the behavior of those around us that have a positive effect on us.
Never too late to learn. In fact, Rasulullah himself once said, "Learn even to the land of China". Allah Ta'ala also said, "Learning will increase human status."
Forcing Yourself to Have Noble Morals
Doing and behaving in a noble manner is not something easy. Many temptations will stand in our way. Initially, we did have to force ourselves even though the heart was not fully sincere in doing good. From that compulsion, over time it will create these good habits.
Reminding and Praying for each other
It is human nature as a creature that makes mistakes and is full of mistakes. Therefore, we need to take care of each other and remind each other in goodness so that our morals are also maintained.
In addition, instill the habit of praying for each other to our brothers and sisters to remain in the protection and abundance of Allah's guidance. It is the duty of Muslims to pray for those who are alive and dead.
Sharing each other
Humans are interdependent creatures, Person A needs Person B. Person C will not be able to live without A's presence because they need each other. So, do not be stingy, arrogant, and reluctant to give alms to those in need.
Noble character grows by yourself from those of you who like to give charity and share to those in need. Allah Ta'ala promises sustenance to those who like to share.
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