Terms and Pillars for Friday Sermons
The terms and conditions for the sermon are as follows:
A. Terms of the sermon
1. The sermon is performed before Friday prayers
2. Intention
3. Delivered in a language the Jamaah can understand.
4. Between one sermon and two sermons done at one time. (between the two must not be separated by Friday prayers).
5. Delivered in a voice that can be heard by the congregation, at least a number of people who must be fulfilled as a condition for the validity of Friday prayers, 40 people.
6. Friday prayers are carried out as soon as the sermon is over, they must not be interrupted by matters that have nothing to do with the implementation of Friday prayers.
B. Pillars of Khutbah
1. Praising Allah (By reading: "al-hamdulillah, or, ahmadullah, or hamdan lillah, and others") in every first and second sermon.
2. Read salawat for the Prophet Muhammad in each sermon, one and two (salawatnya: "Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad, and or the like")
3. Intention to perform piety in every sermon (message: "ittaqullah, or athi'ullah, or ushikum bitaqwallah, and / or the like ")
4. Read one or a part of the verses of the Koran.
5. Prayers for good and forgiveness for the believers in the second sermon. The pillars above are the pillars of sermons in the Shafi'i School.
According to this school of thought, all these pillars must be conveyed in Arabic, while other messages which are not considered pillars can be conveyed in a language understood by the congregation.
The other schools of thought are as follows:
1. The Hanafi School, the harmonious sermon is one thing, namely the absolute dhikr, both long and short.
According to this School, even reading tahmid, or tasbih, or tahlil, is sufficient to invalidate the obligation of sermons. This school argues that sermons can be delivered in any language, not necessarily Arabic.
2. Maliki School, the harmonious sermon according to this school is one thing, namely an expression that contains good news (with promises of reward from God) or warnings (for people who like to break God's rules).
This school argues that the entire sermon should be delivered in Arabic. If no one is able to use Arabic then the obligation to pray Friday will fail to be carried out.
3. The Hanbali School, there are four harmonious sermons according to this school, namely:
a. The recitation of "Alhamdulillah" in each sermon, one and two.
b. Salawat on the Prophet Muhammad.
c. Read one or some verses of the Koran.
d. Will to do piety.
This school also argues that sermons should be delivered in Arabic for those who are able. For those who cannot speak Arabic, they should use an enabled language, especially for the verses of the Koran, they cannot be replaced by other languages.
Thus, the details of the terms and conditions of the sermon according to the major schools that are widely applicable.
Indeed, there is almost no difference between sermons and lectures that are usually done by preachers. The only difference is the delivery time. Wa 'l-Lah-u a'lam. So, hope it helps.
Source: pesantrenvirtual.com
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