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Prayer Is Not Just Fiqh

Prayer Is Not Just Fiqh

If a person wants to get and enjoy the beauty of pearls from the bottom of the ocean, without any effort and intention to reach in the fist of the hand, remain silent from a distance while listening to the chirping of seagulls. What is the meaning of all that?

For Allah…!!! not a single pearl he got. The main way he had to do to get it was just to dive, unpacking the rocks to get to the bottom of the ocean in order to get the desired pearl.

Such is the parable of those who read the prayer recitation, but do not understand the content of the meaning of the recitation. Memorize, but poor comprehension, perform prayers, but do not understand the meaning of the recitation in each movement.

When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade khamr (liquor), he forbade it in several stages, not immediately forbidding it directly to his ummah. 

But slowly and gradually.Indirectly with the phrase, "Never you drink alcohol!", Because if the Prophet Muhammad PBUH  immediately strictly forbade drinking alcohol without any evidence or explanation as to why it is forbidden, surely no one will leave it.

Rasulullah Muhammad PBUH understood correctly that it takes time to change a culture in a certain society, before the revelation of the verse that explains the prohibition of alcohol, Allah has revealed the verse that explains the intoxicating fruit, then the verse that explains the benefits and harms. 

Until Fall verse that forbids drinking wine just in time for the prayer, as Allah says:

                 يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقربوا الصلاة وأنتم

Means: "O ye who believe, do not you approach prayer while you are drunk, until you understand what you are saying ". (QS.An-Nisa: 43)

Imam Al-Ghazali said in his book entitled "Ihya Ulumuddin" regarding this verse, that the 'illat of the prohibition of khamr at this stage is unconsciousness, but today, how many people do not drink khamr but do not aware and understand what he says in his prayers? 

From the above verse, it can be understood that understanding the recitation in prayer is a must. And Imam Al-Ghazali indirectly alluded to a person's misunderstanding of the recitation in prayer, no different than a drunk person.

In fact, in the Qur'an, prayer can avoid vile and evil deeds, but why are there still many people who pray but still behave vile and evil deeds? The answer is not the prayer that is not correct in fiqhiyyah, but the defect of the heart that does not understand the worship of prayer spiritually and ubudiyyah.

Prayer is an act of worship that has a high position in Islam. There are many hadiths that reveal the high maqom of prayer, such as the hadith that reveals that the first deed that will be counted in the hereafter is prayer. 

And prayer is the pillar of religion, whoever establishes it then has established religion, and whoever abandons it then has destroyed religion. Then, when Rasulullah was asked what is the most important practice? So the Prophet answered the prayer on time.

As if the barometer of piety and obedience of a Muslim is seen from his prayers? As Allah says in the Qur'an that prayer prevents from vile and evil deeds. In fact, prayer can not only be seen in terms of its own fiqhiyyah, only concerned with ritual values ​​rather than spiritual values, that is wrong! 

Similarly, on the other hand, when the spiritual value is highlighted but the ritual value is ignored, it is also mistaken. The hadith of the Prophet which reads 'pray, as I pray' cannot be understood only by the ritual movement. 

But, see also how spiritual the Prophet was when praying? The true manifestation of prayer is the glory of morality. Immoral and social acts are manifestations of the deterioration of the spiritual value of a servant in prayer.

What is ritual and spiritual true prayer like? Ritual correct prayers are prayers whose legal requirements and pillars are met. And spiritually correct prayer when his heart is present before God in every movement and recitation.

Understand the full meaning of each recitation and prayer movement and then send it to the heart called tafahhum. May Allah always open the closed doors of enlightenment and revive the sleeping heart. God willing.

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