Islam and Shalat
Manufer and groups under the banner of Islam wherever they are on this earth, command their people to fulfill all ikwal things that are the command of Allah Ta'ala, which is accompanied by high awareness and must be able to stop all forms of actions and deeds that forbidden and in HIS wrath.
Of the many commands and commands that are obligatory for human beings to do is Ibadah Salat, especially the obligatory Shalat (Fardu) which is accompanied by some other Shalat Sunnah.
So that good fortune and protection, taufik and HIS guidance always accompany every beat of our heart in navigating this ocean of life, which leads to the process of our enslavement to the Creator of this universe.
Islam as the law and guidance of purity brought by the revered Prophet Muhammad PBUH, has set Shalat five times a day yesterday as the main and main Ibadah. Which is based on the command of Allah Ta'ala that he received directly in the event of Isra Mi'raj, which we directly commemorate every year.
There can be no doubt that the position of Prayer in Islam is the key to one's success in doing good deeds, because the worship of Prayer is a pillar of Islam. Islam will not stand well in a person if the Prayer (Pillar) is not upheld in the person and the person sincerely and sincerely according to the rules that have been set by the Shari'ah.
As stated by Allah Ta'ala in the holy book of Muslims Al-Quran Nul Karim including Surat, 'An Nisa - 103, Al Ankabut - 45, Al Hijr - 99, Ar Ruum - 31.
Qs An Nissa - 103
So when you have completed Your prayers, remember GOD when standing, when sitting, lying down. Then when you have felt secure, establish the Prayer as usual. Indeed, prayer is an obligation that has been determined in time for the believers.
Qs AL Ankabut - 45
Recite what has been revealed to you, the Book (Al Quran) and establish Prayer, indeed Prayer prevents from deeds - abominable and evil deeds. And indeed remembering Allah (Shalat) is greater in priority than other acts of worship. And Allah knows what you do.
Qs Al hijr - 99
And worship Allah (Salat), until there comes to you the sure. (Death)
Qs Ar Ruum - 31
By returning to HIM, and fear HIM and establish prayer and do not be of those who associate partners with Allah.
And there are many more verses - verses from the series of the Qur'an that command the worship of this prayer on mankind who want to believe.
As likened to Rasulullah PBUH, with someone who routinely cleanses his body of dirt by taking a bath. So it can be made sure that his body will be clean. The same is the case with this prayer that we do five times a day and night as the removal of sins and mistakes, both intentionally and beyond our consciousness as ordinary human beings.
Based on the words of Allah Ta'ala and the hadith of Rasulullah above, it is enough to explain the position of Shalat which is the main and main worship of Muslims, which builds a strong faith in our souls and personalities.
In the framework of our devotion to Allah Ta'ala by performing Shalat, this shows an awareness of the command of Allah Ta'ala who is holy and almighty. Because there is no command (instruction) that is higher and greater in value, other than the command of Allah Ta'ala to his servants who believe according to HIS will.
Al-Quran serat Al Ashr 1 - 3. “Indeed, man is truly in a state of loss, except those who believe and do righteous deeds and advice to obey the truth and advice to be patient.
The verses of the Qur'an above explain that human beings who do not want to make the best use of their time (mass) are included in the group of people who lose. Time goes on with the change of mass, day after day, week after week, the moon comes to embrace the year.
The one who used to be young, sweet and beautiful, strong and handsome is now implicit in the wrinkles of old age on the lines of his face, as if the day was getting late waiting for the sun to set on the western horizon.
One thing that will definitely embrace and embrace every living being is Death whose arrival is unexpected and in a place that cannot be detected by the human mind.
The question is Have we personally prepared everything to welcome the dead ?. Do we belong to the group of people who believe and are pious or even vice versa ?. And are we among the human beings who always waste - waste mass (time).
Only we ourselves can answer all that, because we know that people who believe and obey the commands of Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger will have a handle for the hereafter that will make the lantern of life as a cooling Qolbu in upholding the good and eradicate all evil deeds and reprehensible.
Remember that this world is like an ocean that has drowned many mankind, make the fear of GOD Almighty as your ark of faith, as your cargo and trust as the pillar of your ark so that salvation is always on your side
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