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Loving Rasulullah

Loving Rasulullah

A servant of mine named Tsauban really wanted to meet Rasulullah. Because, he really loved and admired the morals and personality of the Prophet of the end of time. However, his place of residence was very far away, so it was difficult for him to meet the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

One day, Tsauban was able to meet the Prophet. He used the opportunity to listen to all the advice and advice from the Prophet SAW Knowing Tsauban, the Prophet looked surprised, because the color of his skin is not like the skin color of a healthy person, his body is thin, and his face indicates a very deep sadness. The apostle asked, "What makes you like this?"

"O Messenger of Allah, what befell me is not a disease, but this is all because of my longing for you that has not been treated, because I rarely meet you. And, I am constantly very anxious until finally I can see you today," he said.

"When I remember the hereafter, I am worried that I will not be able to see you there again. Because, I realize that you will definitely be admitted to the paradise specifically reserved for the prophets. 

Even if I enter heaven, I will definitely not see you again, because I am in "Heaven is different from your heaven. Especially if I go to hell, then I will definitely not be able to see you again forever," said Tsauban.

 Hearing the outpouring of the heart of the slave Tsauban, the Prophet replied, "God willing, you (gather) with me in heaven."

The above story implies a reward for people who have admiration and love for the figure of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. In fact, his longing to meet the idol, overcame everything until his health declined drastically. 

The form of love for Rasulullah, is not measured by how much adoration or praise for Rasulullah, but how his attitude and behavior to carry out everything that is usually done by his role model (performing the sunnah). That is, love comes from the heart and is practiced by deeds, not just words.

At a time when many people spread slander addressed to the Prophet, then one form of love of a Muslim that can be realized is by re -examining more in the sirah of his life through various literatures about his personality. 

Because, the minimal knowledge about Rasulullah in some Muslims, will be a loophole for some irresponsible parties to weaken the faith of Muslims through propaganda and distortion of facts. Therefore, in reading the sirah of the Prophet, the meaning and essence of the morals of the Prophet must be understood.

And one of the most essential things in cultivating love for the Prophet is to imitate all his actions and words. Also obey what is commanded and stay away from all that it forbids.

God willing.

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