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For the Sake of time

For the Sake of time

For the Sake of Time - Rasulullah PBUH warned Muslims not to curse time because time is a gift from God. An expression that provides a basis for thinking so that every Muslim is able to reflect and plunge into a series of time to then fill it with a series of good behavior/amar makruf. 

Do not waste Divine assets (time and age) because by filling the time will enable age, then a Muslim person will be able to carve his life with a variety of meaningful creativity. However, if you look at the time series in the form of the past, the present, and the future or the future. 

What a loss for a human being who is not good at using time in his life to do good, both for himself and for his family, community, religion, homeland and nation to always try to do his best and in the blessings of Allah Ta'alan according to his ability. 

In connection with this, Allah says in Qs Al Ashr 1-3 "For the sake of time, man is in loss, except those who believe and do righteous and healthy deeds-advise to obey the truth and advice-advise to remain patient". 

The oath of Allah above explains that human beings who can not/do not want to use their time (time) in the best way, then, in the hereafter he will be among the group of people who lose.

It is clear that the word of God above has hit the lives of most people in today's sophisticated and modern age. Most of the human beings are too lazy in the search for information to speed up access in all fields and endeavors, so that time for God is often neglected and even left behind. 

Whereas Islam teaches mankind, especially Muslims, to balance between the needs of the world (work) and the needs of the hereafter (worship). Loss, no human being dreams of experiencing it, let alone the loss/failure is eternal. 

So that our lives do not always lose as Allah said in the letter of Al Ashr above, Rasulullah gave, for us to make good use of the five things given by Allah before the other five things come as a barrier.

Use your youth before your old age, use your wealth before your poverty comes, use your health before your illness comes, use your leisure/space before your narrow/busy time comes and use your life before your death comes. 

These five things on the one hand show us the change of conditions in the process of time, as an opportunity to do and sow good deeds. And on the other hand, the opportunity to do good deeds will be lost/extinct.

Such is the importance of the meaning of time (period) that limits man in living his life, which will only provide benefits and good fortune if, man is not apathetic, silent and waiting in seeking and finding the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. 

In other words, safety, happiness, well -being of the world and the hereafter, however, must be sought proactively and high creativity, one of the forms of business is to learn the science, must also be driven by high work motivation in youth. " Allah will raise those who believe among you and those who are given knowledge to some degree ”. [Qs Al Mujadalah-11]. 

"Demanding knowledge is legally obligatory for Muslim men and women". [Hr Ibn Adi & Baihagi]. "Educate your soul with useful knowledge, then it will increase your degree, in fact the soul is like glass and the mind is like a lamp, while the wisdom (policy) of God is like oil. When it shines, then you will be alive and when it goes out, then you will be like dead ”. The information of the verses of the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet above requires human beings to continue to explore, seek and continue to seek science and technology.

Man as a caliph (leader) on this earth must also equip himself with a variety of useful sciences that lead to the sciences of the world and the sciences of the hereafter. So that every step we swing and every breath we exhale is always filled with useful things. 

Similarly, it must be achieved and strived for in such a way, when we are given health, leisure, wealth and even as long as He gives us life to always be at the best level according to the rules outlined in Islam. 

When it comes to the five things that the Prophet Muhammad said, there will be many obstacles and it will even be too late when the dead come to invite. 

Therefore, it must be emphasized again on the pursuit of safety and happiness of the hereafter, which must be fulfilled by doing the commandments and stopping the prohibitions of God, both in good health and in illness, when rich and poor, in a state of leisure and narrow, since young to old age and before death comes to embrace.

"Work for your world as if you will live forever, and worship for your hereafter as if you die tomorrow morning". The above statement emphasizes on us to always be tenacious, confident and patient in trying to meet the needs of the world / physical, material by remaining patient and trust full of hope in achieving the pleasure of God Almighty for spiritual needs whose mouth is the life of the hereafter. 

Clearly, balancing (tawazun) between working to meet worldly needs with worship to meet the needs of the eternal hereafter. Allah Ta'ala created human beings in a balanced state and in accordance with the needs of human beings themselves to live and worship Him. 

In Qs Al Jumuah 9-10 Allah says “O you who believe, when called to perform Friday prayers then walk you to remember Allah and leave the trade. That is better for you if you only knew. So, when the prayer has been completed, spread out on this earth and seek the bounty of Allah and remember Allah as much as possible so that you may prosper ”. 

Allah Ta'ala explained through his firmament above that when the call to prayer or command to worship is heard, then we must/should leave the affairs or work related to worldly affairs/material, replacing it by carrying out the holy call (call to prayer) to remember God with full awareness, sincerity and devotion, this is what is called Tawazun (balance between work and worship).

If this is done and becomes the main priority that is done with sincerity, sincerity, prayer and trust as the binding by every Muslim / Muslimah, God willing, we will not be listed in the group of people who lose by always filling every aisle of time that surrounds our lives are given by God, and always take lessons or wisdom from every event, disaster or calamity in this world.

Learning From Bees. In doing a good deed must be done with good intentions and ways and have a good purpose, in this case there is nothing wrong with us learning from the life of bees. The bee is one of God's many seemingly simple creatures, but it has some amazing secrets. 

Because of its greatness, the bee (An Nahal) is mentioned in the Qur'an, even as a name for one of the letters, namely the 16th letter (see Qs An Nahal verses 68-69). 

From the life of bees in general we will get a very valuable lesson, bees as a social animal whose life is always crowded so that people call it the bee society and even the bee kingdom. Some of the wisdom that we can draw from the life of bees as social animals include the spirit of self -defense, the spirit of togetherness, the spirit of tireless work ethic, discipline and love of goodness.

Bees always take the good and even the fragrant pollen and then they also give the good in the form of honey that is sweet, delicious, fragrant and very healthy for humans and other creatures. In the same way, bees never hurt or sting the flowers they suck. 

We humans in terms of seeking and finding God's pleasure sometimes still have to learn from the pattern and system of government/life of bees, so that the time we have is not wasted.

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