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The Role of Men and Women in an Islamic Perspective

The Role of Men and Women in an Islamic Perspective

The Role of Men and Women in an Islamic Perspective - Before the Qur'an was revealed to the earth, there were many civilizations that had developed, including Greek, Roman, Indian, Chinese and so on. 

The world also knows various religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism. At the height of the Greek civilization, women were merely a means of fulfilling male sex, they were given freedom in such a way as to meet the needs of those tastes. 

And the ladies are in puja for that. The naked statues that we see today, both directly and indirectly in parts of Europe and other continents, are evidence and remains of this civilization. Roman civilization brought women completely under their father's rule. 

After marriage, the power is transferred to the husband. This power includes the right to sell, expel, persecute and kill this lasted until the 6th century AD. And what is more concerning is that all the results of the wife's business are fully owned by the male family.

The Indian and Chinese civilization is no better than the above mentioned, the right to life of a married woman must end at the death of her husband. The wife had to be burned alive at the same time as her husband's corpse was burnt. 

These bad traditions and habits only ended in the XVII century AD. In the Jewish view, the dignity of women is the same as servants, they consider Prophet Adam to be expelled from heaven only because of women, as well as in the era before the Prophet Muhammad was adopted as a Prophet, where the presence of female children was considered a source of misfortune and misfortune, so that if any the daughter who was born had to be killed if necessary buried alive. 

With the assumption that the woman will fall prey to enemies who will be arrested, enslaved, made concubines and even humiliated.

The view of Christian society (past) was not more favorable throughout the Middle Ages, the fate of women was still very concerning. Even until 1805 British legislation recognized the husband's right to sell his wife. 

And until 1882 British women did not yet have full property rights and demanded justice. In fact, the British government says women should not and should not receive education or teaching.

That is how history tells about the position of women before the presence of the Al-Quran in their respective conditions which are termed the era of Jahiliyah. The view of women influences to some extent the understanding of some people about the context of Islam and the Koran. 

In fact, part of what is interpreted by religious teachings comes from those cultures and perspectives. This is reinforced by the many forms of misunderstanding of the goals of Islam by most parties.

In the Islamic perspective, everything was created by Allah SWT according to their respective kodrad. As contained in Qs Al Qamar verse 49, "Verily we created everything according to qadar and measure". 

Thus, men and women as divine beings, who are part of other individuals have their own natures and traits, characteristics or characteristics between the two can almost be said to be the same. Likewise, the matter of blessings that Allah has given to both of them is not the slightest difference.

To both of them, Allah is bestowed with sufficient potential and ability to assume the responsibility that makes them able to carry out both general and specific activities between the man and the woman. The difference between the two cannot be denied and that is the nature of each, the difference is visible at least in terms of biology / physical form. 

In this case the Al Quran reminds us through the words of Allah SWT in Qs An Nisa-32, "And do not be jealous of what Allah has bestowed on some of you more than others (because), men are a part of it. what they earn and women also have a share of what they earn ”.

The verse above implies a difference, that each has something special. Although this verse does not explain in detail and clearly the peculiarities in these differences. 

However, it can be ascertained that these differences clearly refer to the differences in the main functions that must be carried out and accounted for both in front of humans, especially before Allah Aza Wajalla in the future. 

This is emphasized again by the words of Allah Qs Ali Imran-195, "Verily I will not waste the practice of those who do charity among you, both men and women ..." This indicates that women (women) are equal to the people. Adam (men) in his potential practice, worship and intellectual potential.

Meanwhile, in social activities as well as in other activities, the position / role of men and women is regulated by Allah Ta'ala in Qs At Taubah-71, "And those who believe, men and women, some of them are helpers for others. 

They order to do what is makruf, prevent what is wrong, establish prayers, pay zakat and they obey Allah and His Messenger, they will be blessed by Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-powerful, all-wise. ”

The definition of "asking" to do what is literal includes all aspects and aspects of improvement in social life, including giving criticism, suggestions and advice to the authorities. 

This too must be done by prioritizing rational behavior starting from oneself, as well as in one's own environment, on the basis of solid awareness and knowledge and supported by strong obedience and faith. 

For oblique views that tend to corner, from other adherents of the matter. Islam, especially the western capitalists who are indeed anti-Islam, will be able to answer and serve together. And hopefully the women of this country who are being exploited by some parties through pornography and porno-action, prostitutes, etc., will quickly be given guidance by Allah Ta'ala. 

By restoring her identity as a woman who must be respected and appreciated in life as a nation and state. This will be realized if the enforcement of morals, morals and law is really carried out fairly and wisely.

If, Islam provides an equal position between men and women in rights and obligations, then it means that women must be able to maintain their personality with the refinement of their feelings. 

The weakness of women in several ways is recognized and justified by Islam and this has its own law that places the woman in an appropriate place and is adjusted according to her circumstances. 

Rasulullah said "Be gentle with the bottles" means the bottles here if the woman is touched, touched, nudged and nudged or even harder, she will crack and even break which will be very difficult to fix it to its original shape.

Because the position of women is so sensitive, women get a very sharp spotlight in all aspects, affairs and positions including their carelessness in dress. 

It is this clothing in this era that has experienced deqradation and a shift in meaning, which is often reflected in their general appearance and in special events that seem vulgar, erotic, obscene, etc. which are termed pornography and porno-action. 

This is what must be resolved quickly and together, not only to be debated at the honorary council table, so that it will continue to trigger a flow of pros and cons over this injustice of this Jewish heritage.

In Surah Yunus 40-41 Allah Almighty says "And among them there are those who believe in him (Al Quran), and among them there are (also) people who do not believe in him. 

And your god knows better about those who do damage, and if they lie to you, then say "to me my work and to you your work, you are released from what I do and I will give up what you do" And finally to the almighty one we give up all the affairs that afflict humans, especially Muslims today.

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