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What is Ramadan?


What is Ramadan?

What is Ramadan? Ramadan is the act when Muslims all over the world must ritually fast and abstain from certain acts or foods and liquids which are prohibited during this holy time of year. 

Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam which all Muslims are expected to follow, the other four pillars of Islam are Faith (Shahadah); Prayer (Salah), Charitable Giving (Zakah), and the holy Pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj). 

Ramadan takes place during the 9th month in the Islamic calendar and will therefore differ from year to year when using the more common 12 month calendar than the Islamic lunar calendar. Ramadan lasts for 29 or 30 days depending on the sighting of the new moon.

Fasting begins from sunrise to sunset. When a Muslim first begins to fast they will tend to wake up before sunrise to eat, this is known as Sehri or Suhoor. Often in Muslim households, there will be a generous breakfast before sunrise, as eating and drinking is not allowed. 

When sunset approaches and it is nearing the time for the fast to be opened some Muslims will gather to have Iftari parties to open their fasts together. Families come together and even extended families so this is also a great time for get together. 

It is customary to open your fasts with dates as this was what the Prophet Mohammed (PBH) is said to have eaten to open his fast with.

Fasting is much more than denying yourself food or drinks. It is a time of spiritual reflection and prayer. During this month Muslims will be thinking of others who are less fortunate than themselves, those from all over the world who have extreme difficulty even finding food or are in poverty. 

Muslims should also spend this time reflecting about their religion and what it means to them. Prayer is important during Ramadan and is used to focus a Muslims spiritual belief towards their God and pray for thanks for all that they have and for others all over the world who are less fortunate as no matter how badly you may feel that your present circumstances may be, there will always be someone worse off.

Some guidelines for fasting during the holy month of Ramadan:

1. No eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset

2. No chewing gum

3. No smoking (or other type of drugs or alcohol which is not permitted any ways in Islam)

4. No s*xual contact

5. Not allowed for women during menstrual period

6. Not required of the mentally ill or those of physical ill health

7. Not partaking in activities which are considered haram

8. Not required of children until they reach puberty

Helpful advice for fasting during the holy month of Ramadan:

1. It is advisable to drink plenty of water before starting your fasts

2. Try to avoid strenuous exercise that could cause you to perspire too much. Without the ability to drink to replenish the liquid lost you will be endangering your health which could cause you to even faint or feel physically unwell. Exercise in the evening after you open your fasts.

3. Avoid foods such as potato chips (crisps) or other salty or dry foods which could cause you to get very thirsty later in the day

4. Avoid direct sunlight when possible as perspiration could cause you to get very thirsty or make you faint/ unwell.

When Ramadan has finished and the fasting has ceased, Eid ul Fitr is celebrated. It is anticipated all month and is celebrated differently all over the world but the general feelings are on family and the local religious community. 

Usually families will gather at the house of the senior member of the family and gifts of cash or clothes are given to the children. As the festivities carry on through out the day and night, this will mark the end of a very special time of the year in the Muslim calendar.

Preparing For The Month Of Ramadan

Ramadan is one of the most auspicious and blessed month of the Islamic calendar. It is during this month that Allah imprisons Iblees and allows Muslims to fast from dawn till dusk and pray to Allah during the night. During this month, all Muslims fast and pray to Allah and seek His forgiveness. It is such a blessed month that during this month, Allah revealed the Quran as well.

Regarding Ramadan, Allah says in the holy Quran:

َا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

Yea ayyuheallazeena eamanoo kutiba aalaykumus sıyeamu kamea kutiba aalallazeena min kaablikum laaallakum tattakoon(tattakoona).


"O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous". [Al-Baqarah:183]

Preparation of Ramadan

Since during Ramadan the entire routine changes, it needs some preparation beforehand. Therefore, if you can, try to prepare for Ramadan before Ramadan starts. 

Some of the important preparations of Ramadan are given below.

1. Purchase all the necessities of Ramadan beforehand. This will allow you to spend less time and effort during the month. It will also enable you to focus on the religious duties as you will have purchased all the important data prior to the month begins.

2. Start readjusting your sleeping habits before the month begins. If you wake up late in the morning, start by getting up early an hour from your usual time everyday to make it easy getting up for Fajr prayers.

3. Fast during the month of Shaban. These are sunnah fasts and will allow you to get into the habit of fasting before Ramadan begins. Shaban fasts are also considered very rewarding.

4. Reduce the time spent on watching TV. This will allow you to prepare for the spirit of Ramadan and you might not require a sudden change while transitioning into Ramadan.

5. Make reading and listening to Quran a habit. If you don’t get time to read at home, you can read Quran online every day at work if you can spare some time for your religious duties.

6. Look out for health tips and cooking tips that can help you during Ramadan. For example, you can look for tips that will help you stay hydrated for the entire day even without drinking water. Similarly, look for dishes and cooking tips that will help you reduce the time spent on cooking. You can use the saved time to rest or to engage yourself in worship.


Therefore, Ramadan is one of the most auspicious months of the Islamic year. It is best to read Quran online during Ramadan as it will help you use some spare time at work to worship Allah. Also, follow the tips mentioned above to prepare for the Holy month.

If you want to read more Articles regarding to Islam and Quran, you can find all here: Qur’an Reading is an online Islamic School which offers Quran teaching services online. 

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