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Priority of Zakat For Muslims


Priority of Zakat For Muslims

Priority of Zakat For Muslims - Allah has bestowed on us all various blessings. One of them is that we are always given sustenance that never breaks. We get that sustenance through various businesses, whether through agriculture, trade, services or others. 

Therefore we are obliged to be grateful to Him by carrying out the obligations commanded to us, such as paying zakat from the wealth we acquire.

If we as Muslims have wealth and have qualified to pay zakat, then it is obligatory for us to give zakat to those who are entitled to receive zakat. Allah said: "And establish prayer, pay zakat and bow with those who bow". ( Al-Baqarah: 32).

Based on the above verse, then every Muslim who has been able and obliged to pay zakat on the property he has, it is obligatory for him to pay it. If the obligation is denied for various reasons due to unwillingness, surely God will punish. 

Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said: "People who withhold the zakat, on the Day of Judgment will be in hell". (Hadits Imam Thabrani). 

Then Allah said:

"Never let the people who are stingy with the wealth that Allah has given them with His grace think that stinginess is good for them. In fact, greed is bad for them. The property that they stingy will be hung around his neck on the Day of Judgment ". (Ali Imran: 180).

Indeed, Allah obligates us to pay zakat because zakat contains many benefits. This is definitely to close the gap between the rich and the poor. So that there is no jealousy and envy of the poor where this can cause envy, incitement and other bad deeds. 

So it is natural that the rich want to set aside some of their wealth to be given to the poor. Thus, God willing, the poor can be helped from the narrowness and hardship that befell him.

Especially for Muslims, the property that is obligatory for zakat is the property that has reached the nisab, pillars and certain conditions. 

Wealth that is obligatory for zakat include livestock, gold, silver, produce, fruits and business property, while the recipients are the poor, the needy, the amil, the convert, the slave, the gharim, the sabilillah and Ibn Sabil. All these items that must be zakat, in the term of fuqaha (jurists) are known as zakat mal or zakat related to property.

In addition, there is still zakat related to the soul or commonly known as zakat fitrah. Zakat fitrah is done for the melting of small sins that have defiled the fasting of Ramadan that we are performing. 

In addition, zakat fitrah is also a real form of solidarity of the Muslim community towards the poor to be able to participate in celebrating the happiness of Eid al-Fitr together.

Benefits for people who give zakat

There are many values ​​and advantages of zakat that we have when we pay it to the best of our ability, among them: First, to clean the property and soul. Literally, zakat is pure and blessed. When we pay the zakat, then the benefit that we will get is to obtain cleanliness or purity, both property and soul. 

With zakat, the property we obtain will be purified again by Allah from the possibility of elements of impurity, because without us intentionally obtaining it in ways that are not halal.

In addition, zakat can also cleanse our souls from the possibility of having dirty and reprehensible qualities in relation to wealth. For example, too much love with wealth, stinginess, greed, greed etc. The bad qualities associated with such property are something that is very dangerous in the order of society's life. 

Therefore it must be cleaned, one of them by giving zakat. Therefore, the virtue of zakat is in the form of cleanliness of the property and soul of the person who gives zakat in accordance with the words of Allah: "Take zakat from their property, to clean and purify them, and pray for them." (At-Taubah: 103).

Second, the benefits and benefits of zakat when we pay it well, is to grow and increase. In addition to having a holy and clean meaning, zakat also means to grow and increase, both for property and soul. Physically, zakat does produce the wealth we have. 

This means that zakat reduces our wealth. But, in fact with the zakat we will get additional property. That is indeed the assertion of Allah who will replace the property that is spent for good. 

Allah has said: “Say, indeed, my Lord enlarges the provision and limits it for whom He wills among His servants. And whatever you spend, Allah will replace it and He is the best provider ”. (Saba ': 39).

Third, zakat is in order to fulfill the rights of others. Paying zakat is not merely fulfilling an obligation as if others are in dire need of his help. But, fulfilling zakat actually fulfills the rights of others or returns their rights, even the property we have is the right of Allah in the form of a deposit or trust from Allah.

Man will not be helpless against the wealth he will seek, if God intends not to give it. This is described by Allah in the Qur'an: “Have you noticed the seed that you plant? Is it you who make it grow or are We the ones who make it grow? If We willed, We could have crushed it to pieces, then you would have been astonished (saying), "Indeed, we are indeed suffering loss, and We have not gained anything." ( Al-Waqiah: 63-67).

On the other hand, while we do not fulfill the obligatory zakat, let alone infaq and sadaqah which are circumcision, then we include eating and oppressing others, while others are in dire need of our help.


Through the teachings of Islam Prayer and zakat side by side, about zakat in fact Muslims will be able to lift themselves out of poverty, as long as they are rich, as a group of muzakki, not stingy and want to pay zakat. 

Because if the Muslims are consistent with the implementation of zakat, it can certainly be an alternative to alleviate poverty and will greatly reduce the number of duafa. Wallahu a'lam bishawab.

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