Pillars of Islam and Pillars of Faith, What is the difference?
Pillars of Islam and Pillars of Faith, What is the difference? The pillars of Iman are an important pillar in Islam. Pillars in terms refer to the elements that must exist when a person performs something. Thus, if a Muslim does not practice the pillars of Islam and Iman, then his Islam is not perfect, or even invalid.
Therefore, Muslims have been introduced to the concept of the pillars of Islam and the pillars of Iman since youth. Pillars of Islam are the five main foundations in Islam. Meanwhile, when examined in language, faith has the meaning of confession that is spoken orally, justified in the heart, and practiced.
There are 6 basic principles that every Muslim should believe. Here is the difference between the pillars of Islam and the pillars of Iman in full.
The difference between the Pillars of Islam and the Pillars of Faith
The Pillars of Islam consists of five principles, namely saying two sentences of creed, performing prayers five times, fasting in the month of Ramadan, performing zakat, and performing Hajj for those who can afford it.
When a person has carried the five trees, then it has been included as a group of Muslims. However, do not stop there, Muslims must also understand and apply the pillars of faith.
Here are 6 things that every Muslim should believe:
1. Faith in Allah
A Muslim must believe that Allah is the ruler of the universe that is unparalleled. One of the signs of a person who believes in God is that when the name of God is mentioned, his heart will vibrate. This is contained in the letter of Al-Anfal verse 2: "and when His name is mentioned, his faith will increase".
2. Faith in the Angels of Allah
Angels are creatures created by Allah to carry out His duties. This creature created from nur (light) only does what Allah commands until the Day of Judgment. They are like the mediator of Allah to all His creatures. Unlike humans, angels have no lust, no children, no parents, and no gender.
3. Faith in the books of Allah
Allah conveys His teachings through revelation revealed through angels. The angels will then deliver the revelation to the apostles.
In Islam, four holy books must be believed, namely the Torah revealed to the Prophet Moses, the book of Psalms revealed to the Prophet David, the Gospel revealed to the Prophet Jesus, and the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
4. Faith in the Prophet and Messenger
Faith in the prophet and apostle is to believe that God sent them as a blessing. Although many prophets are not narrated, 25 prophets are recorded in the Qur'an and must be believed. Meanwhile, the apostle is a prophet who receives revelation directly from Allah through angels to be conveyed to his people.
5. Faith in the last day
Muslims must believe in the Day of Judgment. They must believe that the end of life is not death, but doomsday. Muslims must also believe in the whole process towards the hereafter. The process includes questions while in the grave, rising from the grave, reckoning, and mizan, handing over the records of life in the world, passing sirath, and faith in heaven and hell.
6. Faith in qadha and qadar
Islam recognizes the existence of destiny qadha and qadar. Qadha means determination. Before man was born and before the world was created, God created rules about life, good, bad, and death. Meanwhile, qadar means God's provision or certainty that governs everything that will happen, is happening and has happened.
source: https://kumparan.com/
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