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Definition And Provisions of Hajj


Definition And Provisions of Hajj
image via pixabay

Definition And Provisions of Hajj - The word Hajj according to the language means "Deliberate". According to the term Hajj, it means visiting the Baitullah in Makkah to perform Worship solely because of Allah Ta'ala. With the terms and time specified.

The law of Hajj is "Obligatory" for Muslims who can do it once in a lifetime. As the Word of Allah Azza wa Jalla in Surah Ali Imran, verse 97:  

"... Performing Hajj is a human obligation to Allah, namely for those who can travel to Baitullah".

 Requirements for carrying out the haj pilgrimage:

 1. Islam

2. Healthy

3. Baligh 

4. Capable (Istitha'ah), namely:

  • Healthy physical. 
  • There are provisions for travel expenses and for people who are left behind.
  • There are vehicles.
  • Safe on the trip.
  • For women, there must be a mahram. 

The pillars of Hajj are: Everything that must be done in the Hajj, if it is not carried out, the Hajj is invalid. Therefore have to repeat it at another time.

The pillars of Hajj are:

1.Ihram, which is doing the pilgrimage wearing Ihram clothes, namely with the intention.

2. Wukuf, namely stopping at Arafah starting from the slip of the sun on the 9th of Dzulhijjah until the sunsets.

3. Thawaf, that is to circle the Kaaba seven times starting from the Hajar Aswat with the position of the Kaaba always on the left of the tawaf.

4. Sha'i, that is jogging from Mount Safa to Mount Marwah seven times.

5.Tahallul (cutting hair) that is, letting go of Ihram Hajj after completing the entire series of Hajj by shaving at least three hairs.

6.Tertib, meaning the pillars of the pilgrimage in sequence from beginning to end.

Obligatory hajj is everything that must be done in the Hajj, if it is not done or one of them is left behind, it can be replaced by the dam (fine) and the Hajj is valid. 

As for the compulsory Hajj are:

1.Ihram from the Miqat. Miqat is a predetermined time and place for doing ihram with the intention of ihram Hajj.

2.Mabit in Muzdalifah.

3. Throwing three Jumrahs namely Jumrah Ula, Wustha, and Aqabah.

4.Mabit (overnight) at Mina.

5. Leaving the Hajj restrictions.

6.Thawaf Wada '(farewell tawaf).

Apart from the Pillars and Obligations of Hajj, some things are required in the implementation of the Hajj, namely:

1. Reading Talbiyah 

2. Praying after reading Talbiyah

3. Praying after tawaf

4. Entering the Ka'bah

5. Carrying out the Hajj ifrad

 Prohibitions during Hajj:

1. Ban for male pilgrims:

  • Wearing clothes that are sewn.
  • Wearing headgear.

2. Prohibition of female Hajj pilgrims:

  • Wear a face cover
  • Wear gloves, if the prohibition is violated he must pay a dam (fine)

3. Prohibition of male and female congregations:

  • Wearing fragrances.
  • Shaving hair or chest hair.
  • Cutting nails.
  • Getting married or getting married or becoming a guardian of marriage.
  • Killing wild and lawful animals to eat.

The dam is a fine or fidyah that must be paid for several reasons in performing Hajj and Umrah. 

Several types of dams (fines):

1. Dam tamatu and qiran, namely using slaughtering a goat which is legal for qurban or fasting for ten days (three days during ihram and seven days after arriving in the country.

2. Dam for doing one of the several prohibitions on Hajj, namely by doing one of three options (slaughtering a legitimate goat for Qurban, fasting for three days, or giving alms with 9.3 liters of food).

3. Dam because of intercourse, namely by slaughtering a camel, or cow, or seven goats, or giving food worth a camel to the poor in haram land, if you are unable to do so, you are obliged to fast for every 1 mud of food from the price of the camel to fast. 1 day.

4. Dam for killing prey in haram land, namely by slaughtering a tame animal which is equivalent to the animal being killed, if it is not possible to give alms with food worth the value of the animal being killed, if not possible it is also possible to fast with the calculation of each mud one day of fast.

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