35 Of Daily Prayer Group In Latin, Arabic And Meaning
35 Of Daily Prayer Group In Latin, Arabic And Meaning
Islam is a beautiful religion. In Islam, it also teaches prayers before doing activities and after doing activities, such as prayers before going to bed, prayers to wake up, prayers before eating, prayers after meals, prayers in the toilet, prayers out of the toilet, and many more. which are the prayers that are read daily.
The following is a collection of daily prayers with Latin and its meaning that can be memorized and also practiced.
1. Prayer Before Eating
اللهم بارك لنا فيما رزقتنا وقنا عذاب النار
"Alloohumma barik Lana fiimaa razatanaa waqinaa 'adzaa banning"
Means: "O Allah, bless us in the things which you have given to us and save us from the torment of the Fire".
2. Prayer After Eating
الحمد لله الذى اطعمنا وسقانا وجعلنا مسلمين
"Alhamdulillaahil ladzii ath'amanaa saqoonaa wa wa ja'alnaa muslimiin"
Means: "Praise be to God who has given us our meal and drink, and make us as people of Islam"
3. Prayer After Drinking
الحمد لله الذى جعله عذبا فراتا برحمته ولم يجعله ملحا اجاجا بذنوبنا
"Alhamdu lillaahil ladzi ja'alahuu 'adzbam furootam birohmatihii wa lamyaj'alhu Milhan ujaajam bidzunuubinaa"
Means: "Praise be to God who made this water (beverage) fresh and revitalizing with mercy and does not make water this (drink) is salty again bitter because of the sins
4. Prayer When Eating But Forgot Read Prayer
بسم الله فى أوله وآخره
"Bismillaahi FII awwalihi wa aakhirihi"
Means: "In the name of Allah at the beginning and the end"
5. Prayer Before Sleep
بسمك االلهم احيا وباسمك اموت
"Bismikallaahuma Ahyaa wa Bismika amuutu"
Means:" In the name- You, O Allah, I live and by mentioning Your name I die "
6. Prayer Before Bed
بِسْمِكَ اللّٰهُمَّ اَحْيَا وَاَمُوْتُ
"Bismikallohumma ahya wa amuutu"
Means :" By mentioning Your name O Allah, I live and I die".
7. A Nightmare's Prayer
اللهم إنى أعوذ بك من عمل الشيطان وسيئات
"Allaahumma innii a'uudzubika min 'amalisy syaithaani wa sayyiaatil Ahlam"
Means: "O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the act of the devil and bad dreams"
7. Prayer When Getting Good Dream
الحمد لله الذي قطل الحاجت
"Alhamdulillahil ladzii qodzoo haajaati"
Means: "Praise be to Allah who has given hajatku"
8. Wake Up Prayer
الحمد لله الذى احيانا بعدمآ اماتنا واليه النشور
"Alhamdu lillahil ladzii ahyaanaa ba'da wa maa maa Tanana Divine nusyuuru"
Means : "Praise be to Allah who has turned on us after we die (wake up) and to him is our return"
9. Prayer In bathroom Or Toilet
اللهم انى اعوذبك من الخبث والخبآئث
"Alloohumma innii a'uudzubika minal khubutsi wal khoaaitsi"
Means: "O Allah, I seek refuge in you from the temptations of Satan, male and female demon"
10. Prayer Istinjaa
اللهم حسن فرجى من الفواخش وظهر قلبي من
"Allahumma thahhir qolbii minan nifaaqi wa hashshin fajrii minal fawaahisyi"
Means: "O my Lord, purify my heart of nature hypocrisy and hypocrisy aralah my genitals from the heinous act "
11. Prayer Out Of The Bathroom Or Toilet
غُفْرَانَكَ الْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِىْ اَذْهَبَ عَنّى اْلاَذَى وَعَافَانِىْ
"Ghufraanaka Alhamdulillaahil ladzii adzhaba 'annjil adzaa wa'aafaanii"
Meaning: "By hoping for Your forgiveness, all praise belongs to God who has removed the dirt from my body and who has prospered."
12. By praying Fajr Prayer
اللهم انى اعوذ بك من ضيق الدنيا وضيق
"Allaahumma innii a'udzubika min dzhiiqid-dunyaa wa dzhiiqi yaumal-qiyaamati"
Means: "O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the narrowness and smallness doomsday world. [Narrated by Abu Daud]
13. Prayer Welcoming The Morning
اللهم بك اصبحنا وبك امسينا وبك نحيا وبك
"Allaahumma bika ashbahnaa wa bika amsainaa wa bika nahyaa wa bika namuutu wa divine nusyuuru"
Means:" O God, because of you we are experiencing morning and evening, and because of You we live and die and to You we shall return. "
14.Welcoming Evening Prayer
اللهم بك امسينا وبك اصبحنا وبك نحيا وبك
Allaahumma amsainaa wa bika bika bika nahyaa ashbahnaa wa wa wa bika namuutu ilaikal mashiir
Means: "O God, because In thee we have seen both the evening and the morning, because of thee we have lived and died, and unto thee, we shall return.
15. Prayer When Reflecting
الحمد لله كما حسنت خلقى فحسن خلقى
"Praise Kama hassanta kholqii fahassin khuluqii"
Means: "Praise be to Allah, better discretion my habit as You have smartened the appearance of my face"
16. Prayer In House
اللهم انى اسألك خيرالمولج وخيرالمخرج بسم الله ولجنارَبّنَا تَوَكَّلْنَا
"Allaahumma innii as-aluka khoirol mauliji wa khoirol makhroji bismillaahi wa lajnaa wa bismillaahi khorojnaa wa'alallohi robbina tawakkalnaa"
Means: in the name of Allah we come out and to God our Lord, we trust,
17. Pray out Home / Travel Prayer
بسم الله توكلت على الله لاحول ولاقوة الا
"Bismillaahi texter 'laa alalloohi hawlaa walaa quwwata illa bilaahi"
Means:" in the name of A God, I trust in God, there is no power except by the word of God. "
18. Prayer Wear Clothing
بسم الله اللهم انى اسألك من خيره وخير
"Bismillaahi, Allaahumma innii as-aluka min khoirihi Khoiri wa maa huwa min Lahu wa'a'uu dzubika syarrihi syarri wa maa huwa Lahu"
Means: "In the name of Almighty God, ask thee for the good of this dress and the good of what they have, and I seek refuge with you from the evil of this dress and the evil that is in them
19. Prayer Wearing New clothes
الحمد لله الذى كسانى هذا ورزقنيه من غير
"Alhamdu lillaahil ladzii kasaanii haadzaa wa rozaqoniihi min ghoiri hawlim minni wa laa quwwat"
Means: "Praise be to God who gave me this outfit and give rizki with no effort and strength from me"
20. Prayer Removing Clothes
بسم الله الذي لا إله إلا هو
"Bismillaahil ladzii laa ilaha illa huwa"
Means: "In the name of God there is no God but Him"
21. Prayer Memo Useful Knowledge
اللهم انى اسألك علما نافعا ورزقا طيبا وعملا
"Allaahumma innii as-aluka 'Ilma naafi'aan rizqoon thoyyibaan wa wa' practice mutaqobbalaan"
Means: "O Allah, I beseech you that useful knowledge, good sustenance, and Good deeds Accepted. [Narrated by Ibn Majah]
22. Prayer Before Study
يارب زدنى علما وارزقنى فهما
"Yaa robbi zidnii 'ilman warzuqnii fahmaa"
Means:" O Allah, increase my knowledge and grant me sustenance will be misunderstood.
23. Prayer After Learning
اللهم انى استودعك ماعلمتنيه فاردده الى عند حاجتىيَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ
"Allaahumma innii astaudi'uka maa 'allamtaniihi fardud-hu ilayya' inda haajatii wa laa tansaniihi yaa robbal 'alamiin
Means : "O Allah, indeed I entrust to You the knowledge that You have taught me, and return, and do not forget me to the science of it, O Lord of the worlds.
24. Prayer Commute
اللهم هون علينا سفرنا هذا واطوعنابعده اللهم انت
"Allahumma hawwin 'alainaa safaranaa hadzaa waatwi' susersu bu'dahu. Allahumma antashookhibu fiissafari walkholiifatu act expert"
Means: "O Allah, make it easy for us to travel this way, and bring the distance closer. O Allah who accompanies on the journey, and You also protect the family. "
25. Prayer Ride the Vehicle
سُبْحَانَ الَّذِىْ سَخَّرَلَنَا هَذَا وَمَاكُنَّالَهُ مُقْرِنِيْنَ وَاِنَّآ اِلَى رَبِّنَا
Means: "Glory be to God who has subdued for us (vehicle). Whereas before we were not able to control it, and only to You will we return"
26. Prayer On Ship Aboard
بِسْمِ اللهِ مَجْرَهَا وَمُرْسَهَآاِنَّ رَبِّىْ
Meaning: "In the name of Allah who this vehicle sailing and anchoring, indeed my Lord is Most Forgiving and Most Merciful"
27. Prayer When Arriving at the Destination
ََلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِى سَلَمَنِى وَالَّذِى اَوَنِى
Meaning: "Praise be to Allah, who has saved me and who has protected me and who has gathered me with my family."
28. When Towards The Mosque Prayer
اللهم اجعل فى قلبى نورا وفى لسانى نورا
"Allaahummaj-'al FII qolbhii nuuroon wa wa FII FII lisaanii nuuroon bashorii nuuroon wa fii sam'ii nuuroon wa'an yamiinii nuuroon wa'an yasaarii nuuroon wa fauqii nuuroo wa tahtii nuuroo wa amaamii nuuroon wa khofii nuuroon waj-'al lii nuuroon"
Means: "O Allah, make my heart light, on my lips light in my sight light, in my hearing light, from my right-hand light, from my left-hand light, from above me light, from below me light, from my front light, my back light, and make for me light. ' (Bukhari and Muslim)
29. Prayer In The Mosque
اللهم افتح لي ابواب رحمتك
"Allahummaf Tahlia abwaaba rohmatik"
Means: "O Allah, open for me the doors of Your Mercy"
30. Prayer Out Mosque
اللهم انى اسألك من فضلك
"O innii asaluka min fadlika"
Means: "Yes God, I beg of thee priority
31. Prayer Will read the Qur'an
اللهم افتح على حكمتك وانشر على رحمتك وذكرنى
"Alloohummaftah 'alayya hikmataka wansyur' alayya rohmataka dzakkirnii maanasiitu wa wal yes dzal JALAALI ikhroomi"
Means:" O Allah! open Your wisdom to me, spread Your mercy to me and remind me of what I have forgotten, O Essence who has greatness and glory. "
32. Prayer After Reading the Qur'an
اَللّٰهُمَّ ارْحَمْنِىْ بِالْقُرْآنِ. وَاجْعَلْهُ لِىْ اِمَامًا وَنُوْرًا وَّهُدًى وَّرَحْمَةً. َللّٰهُمَّ ذَكِّرْنِىْ مِنْهُ مَانَسِيْتُ وَعَلِّمْنِىْ مِنْهُ مَاجَهِلْتُ. وَارْزُقْنِىْ تِلاَ وَتَهُ آنَآءَ اللَّيْلِ وَاَطْرَافَ النَّهَارٍ. وَاجْعَلْهُ لِىْ حُجَّةً يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ
"Allahummarhamnii bil qur'aani. waj'alhu lii imaaman wa nuuran wa hudan wa rohman. Allahumma dzakkirnii minhu maa nasiitu wa'allimnii minhu maa jahiltu. wazuqnii tilaa watahu aanaa-al laili wa athroofan nahaari. waj'alhu lii hujjatan yaa robbal 'aalamiina"
Means: "O Allah, have mercy on me with the great Qur'an, make it for me to follow the light of mercy. O Allah, remind me of what I have forgotten and teach me what I do not know from it, grant me the opportunity to read it on some nights and during the day, make it a strong argument for me, O God of all the worlds. "
33. Prayer Intentions Wudlu
نويت الوضوء لرفع الحدث الاصغر فرضا لله تعالى
"Nawaitul whudu-a lirof'il hadatsii ashghori fardhon lillaahi Ta'aalaa"
Means: "I intend to perform ablution for removing small hadst fard (obligatory) because Allah Ta'ala"
34. Prayer After Wudlu
اشهد ان لاَّاِلَهَ اِلاَّاللهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَشَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَاَشْهَدُ اَنَّ مُحَمَّدًاعَبْدُهُ وَرَسُوْلُهُ. اللهم اجعلنى من التوابين واجعلنى من المتطهرين, وجعلني من عبادك الصالحين
"Asyhadu allaa laa ilaha illalloohu wahdahuu syariika lahu Asyhadu wa anna Muhammadan 'abduhuuwa rosuuluhuu, alloohummaj'alnii tawwaabiina interest waj'alnii minal mutathohhiriina, waj'alnii min' ibadikash shaalihiina."
Means: "I bear witness, there is no god but Allah Almighty, there is no partner for Him, and I confess that Prophet Muhammad is the servant and Messenger of Allah. O Allah, make me from among the people who repent and make me of those people who make me holy and from among thy servants the righteous
35. Prayer Will Take a bath
اللهم اغفرلى ذنبى ووسع لى فى دارى وبارك
"Allaahummaghfirlii dzambii daarii wa wa wassi'lii fII fII iii baarik rizqii"
Means: "O Allah forgive my sins and give me freedom in my house and bless my sustenance"
Such is the daily prayer collection in Arabic, Latin, and its translation. which can be practiced in daily life. The above prayers can be read by anyone from children, teenagers, adults, or parents.
By reciting prayers we also get a reward, and indeed Allah Ta'aala, loves His servants who always pray to Him. and hopefully the above prayers can be useful for us in our daily activities. Aamiin ya Rabbal 'Alamiin.
Source: https://www.doaharianislami.com/
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