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Respectful And Obedient To Teachers

Respectful And Obedient To Teachers


This time I will review the attitude of respect and obedience to the Teachers. Teachers are people whose profession or work is teaching.

According to the term, Teacher is the person who provides knowledge and education of morality or moral values to his disciples. If according to the current term today is "Transfer of knowledge and transfer of value". The profession of Teacher is given not only to those who teach in formal schools, but also Diniyah schools, people who teach at the "Taklim" (in Arabic) assembly, in non-formal schools. They can all be referred to as Teacher.

A teacher would surely teach his disciples a good thing, which he may not have been given by his son in their home. The service of a teacher in educating and educate the children is very large, even priceless. Thanks to their hard work in educating, sometime in the future the child will be a successful person.

They could become an entrepreneur, government employee, Regent, mayor, governor, the minister even became a president. But they remained faithful with his profession of becoming a teacher. For them to see and hear the success of his former son is already a very great pride.


A disciple should have a good attitude and manners toward the teacher, one of which is respectful and obedient to the teacher who has been his father.

Some examples of such good manners are as follows:

(1). A disciple should humble himself before his teacher, not enter the study site without permission and the knowledge of the teacher.

(2). A disciple should be respectful and gracious before his teacher, for assuming a teacher has an advantage.

(3). A disciple should be polite, calm, and listen well to what his teacher taught.

(4). A disciple should seek permission first to his teacher before asking anything. Do not walk around in class when the teacher is giving lessons.

(5). A disciple is supposed to obey and obey the commandment of his teacher.


There are at least three main reasons why a disciple must be respectful and obedient to his or her teacher.

These three reasons are:

(a) The teacher has given her good teaching to her students.

(2). The teacher has educated her best to her disciples.

(3). Teachers have provided their children with adequate basic skills.

In addition to the teacher's respectful and obedient attitude, some other virtues need to be known:

(1). The science we have got will be a blessing to our lives someday.

(2). The science we obtain from our teachers will be beneficial to others.

(3). We will be prayed for by our teachers.

(4). We will more easily absorb the knowledge conveyed so that we are more quickly understand and understand.

(5). will bring blessings, made easy in our affairs and given favor more by Allah Almighty.


Some examples of respectful and obedient attitudes and behaviors to teachers, such as:

(1). A disciple should give greetings and kiss his teacher's hand when meeting anywhere.

(2). A disciple should hearken to and listen to the lesson given respectfully.

(3). A disciple should be open and honest when speaking with his teacher.

(4). A disciple should practice and share the knowledge he has gained to others.

(5). A disciple should be praiseworthy by not resisting the teacher, and not unlocking what is the secret of his teacher.

(6). A disciple must acknowledge the greatness of his teacher.

(7). A disciple must be patient in abusive treatment or an unpraiseworthy teacher's wisdom.

(8). A disciple should not turn the face for no apparent reason while speaking with his teacher.

As a lesson, Allah Almighty speaks in holy Qur'an Surah Al-KAHFI verse 65-67, whose essence is the patience that is possessed by the Prophet Moses when he studied to the Prophet Khidir.

That is an article about respect and obedience to teachers. Hopefully, our teachers are always given health by Allah Almighty and give patience in educating his disciples.

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