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To Be Honest, A Blind Banana Seller's Inspirational Story

image : pixabay

As usual, that night after Isya (praying time at night), I and some of my neighbors of the house in the complex around the house sat down while having a coffee at a "siskamling" post (security guard office) near from my house. Being fun talking from political problems, sports, up to the problem of the complex residents, gone an old-looking banana who was in the accompanied by a boy, I think maybe around the elementary school boy peddled his trades.

"Banana... Banana... ", He talks about his banana. For a short, while our chatter was frozen, we watched the banana man and brought up some questions in our minds. "Why until tonight there is still a banana worker around the complex"? Said Mr. Agus, one of my neighbors. "Why to bring a child also ? " said Mr. Joko my nearest neighbor. "What is in the basket held by his son ?" I asked the question.

Finally, we decided to talk with them. "Wah, late at night you are still selling banana Sir? " I asked. "Yes Sir, there are plantains and Ambon (name of banana), still fresh and ripe in the tree Sir," said the seller of the banana. "Is this Your son Sir?" asked Mr. Agus. "Correct Sir, He is my second child," he said. "Why late at night is still following you to sell this banana, is he not going to the school tomorrow morning? " asked Mr. Agus with curiosity. "Already learned last afternoon pack, before following my father walk around to sell these bananas ", replied the child. Why your father doesn't walk around alone? Why you must follow him?

"My father was blind sir, so forced to be in between and in the accompanied if I want to sell around ". The friend of the boy explained. We were pleasantly surprised to hear the explanation of a little boy who was so devoted to his parents.

"Sir, in the morning my father sell the banana near the market, just in the afternoon until night around the complex peddling the rest of the banana trade," said the child again. Finally with our whisper, intend to buy his trades. Because it was touched, we then intentionally exaggerated the money from the price that was offered to us. But what we did turn out to get a different response from the banana seller. "It packs a return of a thousand rupiah ". Said the banana man. "It's okay, that's the return for you and your children ", answered us at once.

"But sorry sir, we are selling instead of begging ", he said. He then returned a thousand rupiah returns to us, but we were willing to give it to them. Then they carry on to walking around the complex. This is touching in the hearts of each of us there are still people honest and noble in the country. The excess money of thousands did not want him to receive because feel it is not his right. It is all for the self-esteem and the principle that is so sublime. "I sell the pack instead of begging ", I still have a few things told the blind Banana man.

There are two important lessons we can pick and take from the story above:

(1). If the mental (not greedy in the property that is not the right) is in the bowels of all our officials, of course, money people who are trillions of money can be saved for the welfare of the people, including us of course.

(2). How great the optimism of the Blind banana Man, with the condition, that he was blind around the complex until the night in search of halal (in Arabic) means as his right sustenance, while we are a more fortunate person (normal eye condition) may have relaxed watching television or Have even slept.

Hopefully, we can be more grateful for the favor, blessings, and Grace of Allah Almighty.

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