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The Sixth Pillar Of Faith | Faith In Qadha' And Qadar


The word Qadha' has the meaning of provisions or rules or laws that are sourced from Allah Almighty.
Meanwhile, according to the term Qadha' is all provisions of Allah Almighty which is common to all the Creatures whose nature is 'Azali. As for the general provision are the common laws of God. The laws were written in Lauhul Mahfuz (The place where Allah Almighty is)

A real example of Qadha ' among others:

1. The sun will rise from the east and sink to the west.
2. Water will flow from high to lower place.
3. Humans are created by men and women.
4. Death of a person.
5. And so on.

Qadar or language destiny has a sense of determination or size. Meanwhile, according to the term, Qadar is the embodiment or reality of the provisions of Allah Almighty against Its Creatures If the conditions are complete or fulfilled. It means that Qadar is more specific. Qadar can change based on the prayer and endeavor of the human being.

Examples of Qadar include:

1. Being a rich or poor man.
2. Be clever or stupid.
3. Be a religious person or a Maksian expert.
4. And so on.

It can thus be concluded that Qadar or someone's destiny could have changed depending on the endeavor or effort of the person.


In reality, sometimes one's fate is not the same as what he expects. Sometimes people want to be rich but in reality, he is fate becomes an ordinary even tend to be poor. The fact of life experienced by a person can be positive and satisfying but can also be negative and troublesome.

For those who have faith in Qadha ' and Qadar, any reality that He received, He can receive by positive torment, while those who have no faith in the natural reality will be addressed negatively.


1. People who have faith when the calamity will receive it with full steadfastness and patience. It is a positive thing that will get a reward from Allah Almighty.
While for the unbelievers, the calamity will be received with a desperate attitude and feel useless anymore. This negative attitude sometimes plunges to the act of immoral such as drunkenness, drugs, and even reckless suicide.

2. People who have faith when they get a big advantage in their efforts will always say gratitude to Allah Almighty. This advantage wants her to share with others so that others also feel joyful and happy.

As for the people who do not believe in the benefits it is used for his foya (just to having fun). He felt the advantage was the result of his hard work so it should be celebrated. He does not want to share with others because it will make him lose and reduce his profits.

By looking at the example above, we can conclude the characteristics of the people who believe in Qadha ' and Qadar, among others:

1. Tawakal , surrender and always feel optimistic in accepting and living the reality of life.

With faith in Qadha ' and Qadar will cultivate a high awareness in addressing the reality of life. Anything that is experienced by it is essentially a decree and the will of Allah Almighty.

2. Be patient in life.

Believers will always be patient with anything they experience, whether it is pleasing or miserable. Thus the soul of believers will always be stable.
Various types and forms of tests experienced by humans include illness, natural disasters, no education costs and so on.

The believer will continue to try and not easily give up in achieving what is in his mind. If he finds failure he will not despair, but instead, spur his spirit to try harder. The saying says "Failure is a pending success ".

A piece of advice from a wise man says: "The positive side of failure is that you have tried it ".
Faith in Qadha ' and Qadar is the sixth pillar of Faith.

For any Muslim that he sought then whatever the result is dependent on the will of Allah Almighty. The obligation as a Muslim is just trying, the rest is to laugh and accept whatever will Allah Almighty.

Allah ALMIGHTY has the nature of Qudrat and Iradat which means to be powerful and willing. That means only Allah has full rights to the Creature. Human beings have no power to determine the outcome because the human obligation is only limited to trying and endeavoring, the rest is the business of Allah Almighty.

In principle Qadha ' and Qadar every human being is determined by Allah Almighty a long time ago and before his birth.

The new man realizes and knows a destiny based on the reality of the incident that has occurred, for example:

1. The occurrence of the earthquake and tsunami that befalls Japan in 2011. Before this incident was not a person who knew it.

2. In a severe automobile accident, all the passengers died, except a small 5-year-old boy who survived. If based on the logic of a five-year-old child certainly has not been able to seek refuge for himself, but why in the accident is only he who survived? It is the destiny of Allah Almighty.

3. A child is born in a very poor family in the village. When born everyone considers the child to be poor like his parents. But the child's reality is now a successful business person. It is also the destiny of Allah Almighty.

Some examples above are only a small part of so many events and events related to Qadha ' and Qadar his Allah Almighty.

One thing we should believe that Qadha ' and Qadar Allah Almighty must happen and apply to the Creature.


Although Allah Almighty has set Qadha ' and Qadar every man, in reality when it is done to the Creature of Allah still includes the role of the Creature.
According to the type of fate is divided into two (2) kinds:


The word Mubram comes from the Arabic language meaning everything that is definite and cannot be avoided. This means that the fate of Mubram is the absolute provision of Allah Almighty which is certainly true to every human being and can not be in the unsalted anymore. The fate of Mubram has nothing to do with the intervention of His Creatures.

Examples of Mubram's fate include:

1. The time of one's death
2. Gender
3. Red blood
4. And so on.

When someone's death has arrived he cannot flee or hide from the arrival of the Angel Azrael. Death of a person can not be in the promotion or the pullback although only one second.


The word Muallaq comes from the Arabic language meaning something that is hung.
Thus, the fate of Muallaq means that the provision of Allah is the one who engages in the efforts and effort of the human endeavor in its implementation. Thus the destiny of a person can be changed by hard work and effort, although of course with the permission of Allah Almighty.

That's an article about The Sixth Pillar Of Faith | Faith In Qadha' And Qadar. Hopefully, this article will be useful to you.

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