What is Dhuha Prayer?
Dhuha prayer is a sunnah prayer performed by a Muslim when the sun is rising.
Approximately, when the sun began to rise about 7 cubits from sunrise (about seven o'clock in the morning) until noon. The number of rak'ahs of dhuha prayer can be 2,4,8 or 12 rak'ahs. And done in units of 2 rak'ahs once salam.
A. Procedure of Dhuha Prayer
In the first rak'ah after Al-Fatihah read the letter As-Syams
In the second rak'ah read the letter Adh-Dhuha
The intention of the prayer dhuha is:
Ushallii sunnatadh-dhuhaa rak'ataini lillaahi ta'aalaa.
Meaning: I intend to pray circumcision dhuha two rak'ahs, because of Allah.
Prayer recited after the dhuha prayer:
O Allah, that the time of Dhuha is the time of Your Dhuha, beauty is Your beauty, beauty is Your beauty, and that protection is Your protection.
O Allah, if my sustenance is still in the sky, send it down and if it is in the earth, send it out, if it is difficult make it easy, if it is haram purify it, if it is still far away bring it near, thanks to the time of Dhuha, Your majesty, beauty, strength and power, bestow upon us all that You have bestowed on Your righteous servants.
B. Secrets and Virtues of Dhuha Prayer
Hadith of the Prophet saw who told about the virtues of Dhuha prayer, including:
1. Alms for all joints of the human body
From Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, he said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
"In each one of you there is alms, every tasbih (speech of subhanallah) is alms, every tahmid (speech of alhamdulillah) is alms, every tahlil (speech of lailahaillallah) is alms, every takbir is alms, enjoining good is alms, preventing from evil is alms. And two rak'ahs of Dhuha are rewarded" (Muslim).
2. Ghanimah (profit) is great
From Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash radhiyallahu anhuma, he said:
Rasulullah saw sent an army. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Make a profit (ghanimah) and return quickly! They finally talked to each other about the proximity of the destination (place) of the war and the amount of ghanimah (profit) that would be gained and quickly returned (because of its proximity).
Then Rasulullah saw said; Would you like me to show you the closest goal of them (the enemy to be fought), the most ghanimah (profit) and quick return? They answered; Yes! The Prophet said again: Whoever performs ablution, then enters the mosque to perform the Dhuha prayer, he is the closest to his destination (place of battle), the more ghanimahnya and the faster his return. (Sahih al-Targhib: 666)
3. A house in heaven
For those who are diligent in doing Dhuha prayers, then it will be built a house in heaven. This is explained in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad saw:
Whoever prays Dhuha as many as four rak'ahs and four rak'ahs before, then he will be built a house in heaven. (Sahih al-Jami`: 634)
4. Getting a reward in the afternoon
From Abu Darda ra, he said that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
Allah ta`ala said: O son of Adam, pray for Me four rak'ahs from the beginning of the day, then I will meet your needs (reward) in the afternoon (Shahih al-Jami: 4339).
In a narration it is also mentioned: Innallaha `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar vi'arba`i raka'at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika (Verily Allah` azza wa jalla said: O son of Adam, four is enough for me rak'ahs at the beginning of the day, then I will suffice you in the afternoon).
Reward of Umrah
From Abu Umamah ra that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said:
Whoever leaves his house in a state of purity to perform the obligatory prayers, then his reward is like a person who performs Hajj. Whoever goes out to perform the Dhuha prayer, then his reward is like the person who performs umrah .... (Shahih al-Targhib: 673).
In another hadith it is mentioned that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Whoever performs the dawn prayer (dawn) in congregation, then he (has finished) sits remembering Allaah until sunrise, then he prays two rak'ahs (Dhuha), he gets a reward like the reward of Hajj and umrah; perfect, perfect, perfect (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346).
5. Forgiveness of Sins
"Whoever performs the dhuha prayer forever, his sins will be forgiven by God, even if the sin is as much as the foam in the ocean." (Tirmidhi)
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