Praiseworthy Morality Towards Fellow Human Beings
As moral beings, it is our duty to maintain the admirable morality towards our fellow human beings. Not only taken care of, but also needs to be fulfilled.
Morality is a value perspective from Islamic law. The quality of diversity is even expressed by moral values. When the Shari'ah speaks about the prerequisites of the pillars, valid or illegal, then morality emphasizes on the quality of action, the example of giving alms is judged from its sincerity.
Definition of Morality According to Some Experts
The word morality itself comes from the Arabic language which is the plural of khuluq, which means character, character, or decency. The similarities of the word akhlaq are politeness (Indonesian), moral (English), and ethos (Greek).
Meanwhile, according to some experts, morality has the following meaning:
1. Ibn Maskawaih interprets morality is the nature of a person's soul that supports him to perform actions without going through consideration first.
He also emphasized that morality is a condition of the soul that always gives rise to actions that are easy to do. According to him, all human actions are moral.
2. Prof. DR. Ahmad Amin displays that morality is a habitual desire. Which means that if the will dictates something, then the habit is called morality.
3. Al-Qurthuby defines morality as a human action that comes from his manners of decency called morality. Because such actions are part of morality. Al -Qurthuby asserts that morality is part of human events.
Therefore, the word al-khuluk cannot be separated in its definition from the word al-khiiqah, which is the nature that can affect the actions of every human being.
4. Muhammad ibn Ilaan Ash-Shadieqy defined morality as a nature in human beings, which can bring about good deeds, in an easy way (without the support of others).
Although his assertion on morality is similar to that of Ibn Maskawaih. But on the other hand, he asserted that what is called morality is just a good action.
5. Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jazairy defined morality as a form of spirituality stored in human beings, which gives rise to good as well as bad, reprehensible and praiseworthy actions.
Abu Bakr's assertion is similar to that of Muhammad ibn Ilaan Ash-Shadieqy and Ibn Maskawaih, only on the other hand he emphasizes that good and bad deeds are morals.
6. Imam Al-Ghazali defined morality as a trait stored in the human soul, which can produce an action that is easy to do, without going through long thoughts.
He emphasized that morality is a trait that is embedded in the human soul, which can be judged good or bad, by using the benchmarks of science and religious norms.
About Mahmudah Morals
Basically, morals are divided into two types, namely praiseworthy morals and reprehensible morals. Praiseworthy morals or good morals (Al-Akhlaaqul Mahmuudah) are good deeds towards God, fellow human beings, and towards other beings.
Good morals can be fulfilled by bringing ourselves closer to God. By obeying all of His commands and avoiding all of His prohibitions, obeying the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad Pbuh.
Here are some descriptions of mahmudah morals:
Al-Rahman, i.e. compassion is also gentle. Allah's words in the letter of Ali Imran verse 159, which means: "So by the mercy of Allah, you are gentle to them."
Trust, which is trustworthy and can keep promises. Something entrusted to someone, whether in the form of duties, trusts, secrets, or other trusts, must be maintained in the sense that it is done as it should be.
Al-'Afwu, which is forgiving and willing to negotiate. Man cannot be free from his name of negligence and forgetfulness. The word of Allah (still) in the same letter as above, which means “… Therefore forgive them their sins; and consult with them in the matter. "
Anisatun, which is sweet -faced and not arrogant. Sweet -faced may be a trait carried from birth. But for people who do not have such traits, can learn it by making a sweet face as a habit. Because people who like to turn their faces away may be thought to be arrogant. And arrogant people are not liked by Allah Ta'ala or human beings.
Al-Haya, it is a shame if oneself is not worthy. Shame on God when doing immoral things, even if not visible to human eyes. And do not dare to neglect obligations.
Khusyu 'and Tadarru', that is, diligence, not forgetting and humility towards Allah Ta'ala. This behavior is often preferred in prayer or other mahdlah worship.
Al-Salihat, is pious. A person is said to be pious when doing work permitted by the syara', accompanied by knowledge and sincere intentions.
Al-Ta'awun, that is, helping each other. Helping each other is a characteristic of courtesy, purity of soul, and high morals, makes it easier to love each other and pray for each other, high solidarity, and strengthens friendship and brotherhood.
Variety Morals Praised for Humans and God
According to Imam Ghazali, good morals four, namely smart, keep away from anything that is not good, courage (to conquer the power of lust), and fair-minded.
Good morals towards God include:
1. Repent (At-Taubah)
Repentance is a behavior that regrets the bad actions that have been done and tries to avoid them, also perform good actions.
2. Patience (Ash-Shabru)
Patience is a behavior that can hinder themselves from the difficulties experienced. However, it does not mean that the patient then loses his mind without trying to free himself from the hardships experienced by human beings.
The meaning of patience here is an action that begins with a summary, then ends with pleasure and sincerity, if a person is overwhelmed by a test from God.
3. Gratitude (Asy-Syukru)
Gratitude is a behavior that always wants to use to the fullest.
4. Tawakkal (At-Tawakkal)
Tawakkal is to give all matters to Allah after doing, as much as possible to obtain something he wants.
5. Sincerity (Al-Ikhlaash)
Sincerity is the behavior of avoiding riya when doing good deeds so that one's deeds can be called clear if done sincerely.
6. King (Ar-Rajaa)
King is the behavior of the soul who is waiting for something that is desired from Allah Ta'ala Of course after doing things that result in the occurrence of something that he wants.
7. Being afraid (Al-Khauf)
Al-Khauf is the opposite of Ar-Rajaa, which is a behavior of the soul that is waiting for something desired from God, then people try so that what is feared will not happen again.
Here are some good or praiseworthy morals towards others that we can practice:
1. Love or compassion (Asy-Syafaqah)
Asy-Syafaqah is the behavior of the soul that always wants to do good and also support others.
2. Sense of brotherhood (Al-Ikhaa)
Sense of brotherhood is the behavior of the soul that often wants to be well-connected and united with others.
3. Giving advice (An-Nashiihah)
An-Nashiihah is an attempt to give good signals to others by using speech, either when the person being advised has done bad things, or not.
4. Giving help (An-Nashru)
That is an effort to help others, so as not to face a difficulty.
5. Suppressing anger (Kazmul Ghaizhi)suppress
That is an effort toemotions so that they are not controlled by angry emotions towards others.
6. Manners of politeness (Al-Hilmu)
It is the attitude of the soul that is friendly towards others, so that in his speech and actions often keep the noble manners of politeness.
7. Happy to forgive (Al-Afwu)
Al-Afwu is the behavior and conduct of a person who is happy to forgive the mistakes of others that have been done to him.
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