Al Fatihah as Ummul Kitab
Surat Al Fatihah is also called Ummul Kitab or Ummul Qur'an because it is the parent of all the contents of the Qur'an, and is the essence of the contents of the Qur'an. This letter has several advantages as explained by the Prophet SAW.
First, it is the most important letter in the Qur`an. Second, it is a letter that has never been revealed in the previous books (Torah and Gospel) and there is no one that matches the letter of Al Fatihah in the Qur`an.
This letter which consists of 7 verses is the first letter revealed in full among the letters in the Qur'an and belongs to the group of Makiyyah letters because this letter was revealed in Mecca before the Prophet Pbuh migrated to Medina.
The major themes of the Qur'an, such as the issue of monotheism, faith, promises, and glad tidings for believers, threats, and warnings for unbelievers, as well as perpetrators, about worship, the stories of those who are fortunate because of obedience to Allah and miserable for denying Him, all that is reflected in the letter of Al Fatihah.
Al Fatihah As A Pillar or Obligatory Reading in Prayer
In performing prayers, both obligatory prayers and sunnah prayers, Al Fatihah is always recited in each rak'ah. Al Fatihah is the only letter that is considered important in prayer and has become a pillar in prayer. Prayer is considered invalid when its reader does not read this letter.
In the hadith it is stated that prayers that are not accompanied by Al Fatihah are prayers that are "stunted" and "imperfect". However, this does not apply to people who do not memorize Al-Fatihah.
Al-Fatihah is the servant's dialogue with Allah Taa'la. (HR. Muslim and An-Nasa'i). From Abu Hurairah ra from Rasulullah said, "Whoever prays who does not recite in it Ummul Qur'an (Al-Fatihah), then his prayer is not perfect (Rasulullah repeated it three times)
Prophet Muhammad said," Whoever prays, is he did not recite Ummul Qur'an (Al-Fatihah) in it, so his prayers were less (3X), not perfect ".
Abu Hurairah was asked, "What if we are behind the imam". He said, "Read it to yourself (ie, slowly) because I have heard the Prophet say," Allah-Ta'ala said, "I have divided the Prayer (ie, Al-Fatihah) between Me and My servant half, and My servant will get what he asks for ”. (Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'iy, and Ibn Majah)
As has been stated in the prophetic treatise by the way must follow. Therefore, it is obligatory to recite Al Fatihah in every rak'ah. Validity or otherwise of prayer depends on it. And denying the reading is an incorrect prayer.
This is confirmed in a hadith narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah from Abu Hurairah ra in marfu '(until the Prophet Muhammad) said, "Not given the reward of prayer (someone) who does not read Ummul Qur`an (Al Fatihah)."
In the implementation of prayer, Al-Fatihah is recited after the recitation of the Iftitah Prayer and continued with the recitation of "Amen" and then recite the verses or letters of the Qur'an (in certain rak'ahs).
Al-Fatihah which is recited in the first and second rak'ahs of the prayer, must be accompanied by another verse or letter of the Qur'an. Meanwhile, in the third to fourth rak'ahs, only Al-Fatihah is read.
Privileges of Al Fatihah
Surat Al Fatihah in addition to being the Ummul Kitab also has a high position in the teachings of Islam, where it is referred to as a letter that has been known by all Muslims as the most noble letter in the Qur'an, so that people who read Al-Fatihah with sincerity, and mentadabburi meaning will get a great reward in the sight of God.
From Abu Sa'id bin al-Mu'alla radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said, "The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to him," I will tell you the most glorious letter in the Qur'an before you leave the mosque. Then he held the second. my hands.
When he wanted to take in the mosque and said, "O Messenger of Allah, you said earlier that the letter will tell you the most generous in the Qur'an," he said, "Good .. Alhamdulillahirabbil 'aalamiin, (Al-Fatiha) is as-Sab'ul Matsani (seven verses that are often repeated in prayer) and the most noble letter given to me "(Narrated by Bukhari).
Surat Al Fatihah is also called enlightening because in it there are instructions for a Muslim in all his affairs. If we study Al Fatihah in depth, then we will get a lot of benefits and guidance.
Therefore, some scholars have written a special book interpreting Al Fatihah and issued pearls of wisdom that contain lamps that illuminate our lives.
A hadith states, "When the Prophet SAW was with the Angel Jibril, suddenly Jibril heard a voice from above. So Jibril directed his gaze to the sky and said," That is a sign that he opened a door in the sky that had never been opened before. "
Ibn Abbas continued, "from the door the Angel descended and then met the Prophet Muhammad while saying," Convey the good news to your people about the two lights.
The two lights have been given to you, and have never been given to any prophet before you, namely Fatihatul Kitab and the last few verses of Surat Al-Baqarah. Do you not read just one letter from it but you will be rewarded ”(Hadits Muslim).
Al Fatihah as a Comforter and Healer
1. The first verse-By mentioning the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate
For My servant, when he prayed and recited, "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Allah Azza wa Jalla" states "My servant has begun in My name, then I have the right to complete his affairs and give blessings from My side for all his circumstances. "
2. The second verse-All praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe
When My servant recited, "Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin, Allah Azza wa Jalla" states, "My servant has praised Me, acknowledging that all the favors he has come from the side -I and all the plagues' I got rid of, so he felt it was a gift.
So, you should witness, I will feast on it with the pleasures of the hereafter more than the pleasures of the world that I have given, and get rid of the plagues of the hereafter as I have got rid of the plagues of the world. "
3. The third verse-The Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate
When My servant reads, "Ar-Ramanir Rahim, Allah Jalla jalaluh" states, "My servant has testified that I am the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate. You see, I will bestow My mercy on him and pour out My grace on him. ”
4. Fourth verse - King/ Ruler on the Day of Judgment/ Judgment
When My servant reads, "Maaliki yawmiddin, Allah SWT" states, "You witness, as he has acknowledged Me as King on the Day of Judgment, I will provide ease for him, namely his deeds are not reckoned, and I will forgive all his sins. ”
5. Fifth verse - Only to you we worship and only to you we ask for help
When My servant recited,“ Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in, Allah Azza wa Jalla ”states "He only asked for help from Me and only leaned on Me. You see, I will help him in all his affairs, I will protect him in all his afflictions, and I will hold his hand when he needs help."
6. The sixth verse - Show us the Straight Path
7. The seventh verse - The path that is full of favors for them, not the path with which You are angry with them, nor the path that is astray.
When My servant recited, "Ihdinash shiraathal mustaqim ... ( until the end of the letter), Allah Azza wa Jalla "states," My servant has begged of Me, I will surely grant the request of My servant, give him what he wants, and save him from what he fears ".
In addition to being a mandatory recitation in prayer, it turns out that the letter of Al Fatihah has far more powerful properties than even the best medicine created by humans.
A statement mentions the benefits of Al Fatihah, namely "Whoever reads the letter of Al Fatihah after completing the five prayers as many as twenty times, 100 times every day, surely Allah will extend his fortune every day. The situation will be good and continue to improve by being enlightened and facilitated in all his affairs, so that all his requests can be granted and all difficulties will be eliminated ".
Amiiin, may we all benefit from the Qur'an as our lifeline until the end of our lives. reciting the verses of the Qur'an with the recitation of Al fatihah.
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