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Obligations of a Husband According to Islam

Obligations of a Husband According to Islam

Obligations of a Husband According to Islam

Obligations as a husband are many, but in general the most important of them:

Material obligations include maintenance; needs for food, clothing, family education, as well as shelter.

It is not permissible to burden the wife by making various demands beyond her ability. Do not create chaos because of trivial issues, as has been bequeathed by the Prophet Shalallahu 'alahi wassalam: clear "Sahih narrated at-Tirmidhi in his Sunan (1163) and Ibn in his Sunan (1851) The

non-material obligations of a husband include; please the wife and be gentle in speaking. The husband must consult and ask the wife's opinion in fulfilling the good. Likewise, the husband must be grateful for his wife's hard work and must not remain silent for more than three days because of worldly affairs.

A husband should give his wife the opportunity to do good deeds, give alms with her property, give gifts, welcome guests from her family and relatives, as well as everyone who has rights over her.

Should take enough time to stay at home and try as much as possible to avoid leaving home/often traveling aimlessly. Because often leaving the house without benefits, such as staying up late, will bring destruction.

The husband should not forbid his wife to visit his family and relatives of origin is not excessive.

Women are weak beings, so it is obligatory for men to pay enough attention, forbid them to go to the market and other places alone, and should keep them away from places of ikhtilat and khalwah with other men.

Similarly, a husband must keep away from his house everything that destroys the beliefs and morals of the family, and get rid of all means of immorality that destroy honor, such as musical instruments.

A husband must teach his wife the science of religion and educate her on goodness, as well as prepare all her needs in order to attain knowledge and istiqamah in religion in accordance with the teachings of Allah.

Excerpted from the book "Romantika Kawin Muda" by Al Ustadz Zaenal Abidin Syamsudin, Publisher; Pustaka Imam Abu Hanifah.

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