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Believing in the Unseen Is the Foundation of Faith


Believing in the Unseen Is the Foundation of Faith
image via freepik

Believing in the Unseen Is the Foundation of Faith - Today Muslims around the world are entering the end of the month of Ramadan, the month which is the crater of candradimuka at the top to lift the believers to the next level which is to become pious people (QS 2: 183). One of the signs that fasting succeeds in elevating us to be pious is the paradigm shift in belief (belief) - when most people must first see and then believe (seeing is believing) - the pious person, on the contrary, believing is seeing - because he is a believer then he can see what is not seen by other unbelievers. So what did he see?

When Allah introduced the Qur'an, Allah said: "Alif Lam Mim. This Book (Qur'an) has no doubt in it, a guide for the pious. Those who believe in the Unseen (”(Qs 2: 1-3). So since the beginning of this Qur'an, the pious people have been characterized by believing (believing) in the supernatural…!

If he believes only in the supernatural, especially for those whose nature can be seen with the eyes, can be proven scientifically, can be seen from historical evidence, etc. all that Allah has sown in the Qur'an only adds to the faith of the pious. So what can really be seen by the pious people who are the product of this 'academy' of Ramadan?

He can 'see' the existence of Allah through His signs or verses from everything and every event because this is also His promise: "We will show them Our signs in every corner and in themselves…" (QS 41: 53)

He can see sustenance - in various tangible and intangible forms - from God, he can see the solution of all problems - although all the reasons that appear in front of his eyes like a dead end, he remains confident because the sustenance or solution from God can come from a direction unexpectedly (QS 65: 3), he believed that everything was easy for Allah who when he wanted something was enough to say "… be, then be something" (QS 36:82).

He saw what God wanted to happen when God threatened to destroy usury (QS 2: 276) and declared war on it (QS 2: 279), he saw what would happen to the riba system, he saw who would come out as the winner in the war declared by God.

He also saw that there were two paths allowed and even blessed to replace one path that He forbade and the enemy. The two roads that are allowed and blessed are trading or trading (QS 2: 275) and alms (QS 2: 276), and one of the forbidden roads is usury.

He looked at himself as very small with a very very shortage - there was a heavy burden placed on his shoulders, maintaining a very large balance of nature and his very old age (QS 55: 7-9). He saw the task of prospering the earth (QS 11:61) when a large number of forces on earth destroyed it.

When the problem after problem he faced mounted, he saw the answer to every question that existed - because His book was indeed revealed to answer all those questions (QS 16:89). But he also sees that everything will not always be easy.

He saw the heavy lessons that the prophets and the saints had to go through. There is a family of the Prophet, her husband is the Father of the prophets (Ibrahim 'Alaihi Salam) - and the baby in her cradle will also be a prophet (Ismail' Alahi Salam) - but when the mother (Hajar) needs water, she must run here and there in in the scorching sun to try to find it. And when he was finally given water, his radiance was also not on the path where he ran to find water.

Hajar is the great wife of the prophet and the mother of the prophet, still has to run as hard as she can to find water. So who are we ?, then it is natural that our efforts in everything must be harder and not tired. As we see that His promise must be true, let us just make sure that we are indeed entitled to His promise.

So this is the result of our fasting, believing is seeing… because we believe we can see everything He shows us. There is Huda wa mauidhah for the pious - strict instructions and lessons, only and only if we follow Huda wa mauidhah this applies to us the promise that will make this ummah a superior ummah, the ummah of the highest degree (QS 3: 138-139 ).


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