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The Punishment of Allah and the Story of the Prophet

The Punishment of Allah and the Story of the Prophet

Allah's punishment is an event that befalls humans, as a result of human actions in the world. This can happen to humans individually, or as a whole. In addition, the time of this punishment can occur in the world, it can also occur in the realm of life after death.

However, there is also an opinion which states that what happens in this world is not God's punishment. Rather, it is just a warning for human behavior that deviates from religious guidance. While the real punishment will only be felt by humans when the day of reckoning arrives.

This is based on one of Allah's words in the Qur'an which reads “Whoever is grateful for MY favors, I will increase His favors. But whoever disbelieves, then remember My punishment is very painful."

Such is the promise of Allah that commands humans to always remember gratitude and remember that if humans do not want to be grateful, they will be rewarded with punishment.

Looking at the Story of the Prophet

The story of God's punishment on humans has been heard since the time of the prophets. Many of the people of the prophets themselves experienced punishment due to their munkar who did not want to carry out the teachings of Allah. 

And that is actually part of the lesson for humans who live after it, to always remember and obey God's teachings. Not quite the opposite, it is getting worse in behavior that does not reflect obedience to God.

The story of the people of Noah and his son, Kan'an, the story of Qorun's greed, the story of Pharaoh's arrogance. Is a little story that tells about humans who do not want to hear the commandments of God. 

As a result, they must feel the punishment from Allah while in the world. Flood disasters, drowning in the middle of the ocean and sinking into the ground are stories that are now starting to be proven true.

This was revealed by the discovery of a fossil ship in one of the mountains which is suspected to be the ship of the prophet Noah. Or also the discovery of a chariot wheel at the bottom of the Red Sea which is believed to be Pharaoh's chariot wheel. 

Likewise, there is a study that mentions in one of the mummies of Pharaoh, namely Pharaoh II found the element of salt.

All of this proves that the stories about the punishment of Allah that are told through the Qur'an are not horror stories. Rather, it is a reality as a reminder for humans to always obey and obey God's teachings.

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