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Islam and Universal Risalah

Islam and Universal Risalah
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At this time Islam has been widely maligned. This distortion comes in the news, as well as because it is manifested in the wrong way. So that Islam is understood to be just an old, compelling belief. 

Islam is accused of being a cultural product of the Arab nation, so that it has no relevance for other nations. Yet this is a homework for Muslim scholars in particular to try to straighten out what is crooked wherever they are.

Islam is an order of life. It is not a 'product' that is wrapped in Arabization as many people say. Moreover, Islam is a guide by which humans have a broader and more directed land of vision, shalih li kulli zaman wa makan. Islam must be studied thoroughly so as not to cause misunderstandings. 

It is as if a person cannot admit (Self-Claim) that he has gone around the football field, even though he is only a spectator and even just stands outside the field. This paper is only a madkhal or brief introduction for those who need it. May be useful.

Islam Muhammad, A Seal

The Semitic word “Din” means statute or law. In Arabic it belongs to the lafaz which is Musytarak, which means more than one. It means to subdue, obey, retaliate, destroy and so on. For the Indonesian people, it is known as Religion which comes from the Sanskrit language. 

There is an opinion that says that Religion is Murakkab Idhafi or a series of words combined from A which means No, and Gam which means to leave or move. So religion is not leaving, staying in place, and being inherited from generation to generation.

In essence, religion has these characteristics. There are other opinions which say that Religion means a text that has demands and contains teachings for its adherents. 

Meanwhile, the word Religion comes from Latin, namely Religere, which means gathering and reading, or binding. The essence of the content in the semantique of the above language is bonding. So religion means the bonds that humans must hold and obey. 

This bond has a big influence on human life in their daily life. That bond originates from a single Supreme, Perfect, Wise, and Uncomprehended Absolute power that cannot be confined and equated with anything.

In its journey, Islam has undergone a transformation of the Sharia since it was passed on to the face of the earth. As for Jews and Christians they are a people or nation and not religion. 

Because the religion revealed by God is Islam. This is confirmed by Allah Almighty in many verses of the Qur'an. Let us try to meditate on the Words of Allah Almighty. below this.

Allah Almighty has Said in the Qur'an: "When his Lord said to him, Islam is you, then Abraham said: I believe in the Lord of the Universe." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 131)

"And have made (also) Abraham with that to his children and Ya'qub. O my children, verily Allah has chosen for you a religion. So don't die, but let yourself be in a state of Islam." (Al-Baqarah: 132)

"Or have you witnessed the near death of Ya'qub, when he said to his children: What will you worship after I leave? They answered: We will worship the Lord you and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ismail and Ishaq, namely the One and Only God, and to Him we surrender (Muslims). " (Al-Baqarah: 133)

"And they said:" You should be a follower of Judaism or Christianity, surely you will receive guidance. " Say: "No, but (we follow) the straight Abrahamic religion. And not he (Ibrahim) from the polytheists. " (Al Baqarah: 135)

"Or do you (O Jews and Christians) say that Abraham, Isma'il, Ishaq, Ya'qub and their grandchildren, are followers of the Judaism or Christianity?" Say: "Do you know better or Allah, and who is more wrongful than those who hide the shahada from Allah who is in him?" And Allah never neglects what you do. " (Al Baqarah: 140)

"Verily, religion (which is pleased) with Allah is only Islam. There is no dispute among those who have been given the Book except after knowledge came to them, because of the envy (which was) between them. Whoever disbelieves the verses of Allah, Allah is very quick to reckon. " (Ali Imran: 19)

From the verses above it is clear that the religion revealed by Allah swt is Islam. So the curbing of the sentence Al-Diyanah Al-Samawiyyah or the divine religions is an inaccurate penance. But he is Al-Tasyri'at Al-Samawiyyah or Divine law. 

Because in fact they were indeed given the Book, even though it did not go according to Millah and these books had experienced many forgery. That's why they are ordained as People of the Book and not Ahlu Al-Diyanat Al-Samawiyyah in the Koran.

Imam Fakhruddin Al-Razi explained in his Tafsir Mafatih Al-Ghaib that what is meant in the above verses is Millah Prophet Ibrahim and what he means to his children is Islam with a detailed explanation. 

However, it must be noted that we should distinguish between the issue of the Aqeeda and the Shari'ah for the People of the Book and Non-Muslims. Even though the religion that Allah approves of is Islam, that does not mean that we cannot coexist with them, especially if it becomes a justification for killing fellow human beings as will be explained in more detail in this paper.

Al-Quran and Hadiths have confirmed that the message was brought by the Prophet Muhammad. is the last prophetic treatise, the closing of the treatises of the prophets before him. as explained in the Koran: "Muhammad is by no means the father of a man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the closing of the prophets. And it is Allah who knows all things ". (Surah Al Ahzab: 40)

"And We have sent down the Koran to you with the truth, confirming what was before, namely the books (which were revealed before) and the touchstones of the other books; then decide their cases according to what Allah has sent down and do not follow their passions by leaving the truth that has come to you. 

For every people among you, We give you rules and a clear path. If God wants you, he will make you one people (only), but Allah wants to test you against His gift to you, so be competent to do good. Only to Allah will you all return, and He will tell you what you have disputed about. " (Surah Al-Maidah: 48)

Rasulullah saw. Said: “The metaphor between myself and the prophets sent before me is like a man who builds a mansion that is magnificent and beautiful except for a brick that is missing from the building. 

People would go around and praise the building, but they said "why don't you just repair this building?" (The missing brick), then Rasulullah replied, "I am the brick, and I am the last of the prophets."

With this confirmation it is clear to us Muslims that Islamic law has come to perfect all the religious laws that were revealed earlier and that Muhammad's message. is the seal of the entire prophetic treatise. 

Islam provides an order for the state, society, and regulating human life until the end of time arrives. A law that has been tested and applied for centuries, in the hands of the experts. History records that the enemies of Islam and non-Muslims also recognize the justice of Islamic legislation itself. 

A law with a developing, comparable, and flexible character in responding to the booming challenges in every era. Further, please refer to the sirah books and dates that have been written by salaf and khalaf scholars.

Is it true that the Islamic Treatise is Universal?

Islamic law with its rules, systems, and principles has colored human civilization for hundreds of years. As Islam has been revealed as a guide that directs humans to the real way of life. Islam came down to improve human civilization and morality, so that they can live like humans, based on humanity, and not zoologicalism.

Islam is not intended for a race, territory, or for any particular group. On the other hand, the call of Islam brings people to brotherhood, regardless of ethnicity, skin color, language, and any nationality. 

Humans are appointed to be leaders, responsible for themselves as well as for the continuity of life on this earth through the guidance of God's Law (Divine Law). Islam does not carry fanaticism towards these things, because they only lead to the division and destruction of the human race itself. Only people who fear the most will be the best of humans before Allah.

Allah 'azza wa jalla said: "O people, verily We created you from a man and a woman and made you nations and tribes so that you would know each other. Surely the most noble among you in the sight of Allah is the most pious among you. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Knowing. " (Surah Alhujurat: 13)

It was narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, that the Messenger of Allah had said: "I have been awarded by Allah what He did not give to the people (prophets and messengers) before me: Allah has given me the victory that very large (by giving fear to His enemies from a distance of 1 month's journey when fighting), the earth has been made holy by Him for me (and for my followers) to pray and purify (tayammum) so that all my followers can pray where just when the time comes. 

The treasure of war He has made lawful for me (and my followers) which is not legal for the people before me. I was granted him the right to give syafa'at (to my followers on the day of the resurrection). The prophets before me were sent only to my people, but I was sent to all mankind. "

The Nushush (Text) above has confirmed to us the universality of the Islamic religious treatises. History has also confirmed that Rasulullah SAW once sent messages to kings and leaders, calling on them to embrace Islam immediately. 

Call the king of Abyssinia (An-najasyi), the emperor of Persia, Byzantium Rome, and the Government of Egypt. He said in his letter: "If you embrace this religion (Islam) then you will get salvation and multiple rewards. But if you reject Islam, then you will bear the sins of the peasants and your people. "

If only the treatise carried by him saw. not universal; as some claim, the Prophet Muhammad. will not be sending messages to governments and kings at that time. Because it has become an obligation for Muslims to preach Islam wherever and whenever. 

The Koran affirms: "You are the best people who were born to humans, tell the untrue, and prevent the unbelievers, and believe in Allah. If the People of the Book had faith, that would be better for them; Among them there are those who believe, and most of them are people who are wicked. "(Surah Ali Imran: 110)

It is a natural fit for anyone with reason and heart to realize the existence of the Most Perfect. Starting from this belief, humans will have consistency in carrying out all their orders with full obedience and awareness. 

The essence of faith is a treatise which is the obligation of the Islamic ummah, to be disseminated throughout the world and color it with a civilization that is strong, orderly, modern, and united in directed tolerance.

Then the question arises, why was Islam transmitted to Arabia?

Dr. Said Ramadhan Al-Buthi in his Fiqhu Al-Sirah explained that in order to understand this, at least we must know the characteristics of the Arabs, Thabi'ah, and their geographical location and compare them with other countries before Islam came. We must also describe the cultural conditions and civilization systems of other nations at that time, such as Rome, Persia, Greece and India.

At that time, dunai was ruled by two axes of superpower, Persia and Rome, followed by India and Greece. Persia is a fertile field for an imaginary world where religion and philosophy are at odds. 

Among them is the Zoroastrian religion which is embraced as the belief of state rulers. Among the philosophies is to prioritize a person's marriage with his mother, daughter or brother, until the king Yazdajird II, who ruled in the 5th century AD, married his own daughter. 

Not to mention the deviation of morals and moral depravity that occurs because they adhere to the ibahiyyah or Permisivism system in their culture. In Persia there is also a Mazdakia stream according to Al-Syahrastani in Al-Milal Wa Al-Nihal, they legalize all women, property, and humans as their union as in matters of water, fire, and grass. 

In cash, this kind of flow got a lively and wide reception from the indulgators of lust. During the reign of King Chosrus II (590-625 AD), Persia was defeated by Heraclitus of the Byzantine Empire. As a result, the kingdom collapsed so that the war tax and the luxurious life of the royal family put a lot of pressure on the people. 

After the fall of Chosrus, members of the royal family fought for power, in this battle the military and feudalists took part. In the period between Chosrus and Yasdajird, dozens of kings took turns, they rose only to be demoted or killed later. 

The conflict between the Zoroastrians and the Nestorian and Monophysite schools also contributed to the rift of this superpower.

Rome was completely dominated by the spirit of Colonialism which we can see to this day, from the indulgence of America and the colonial powers of rape of the countries they wanted to control. In fact, the philosophy used by these countries was the chain of fondness for colonizing the Romans. 

This country is also involved in conflicts between beliefs, Christianity and Rome. Rome relied heavily on military power to smooth out its colonial ambitions and considered it a mere adventure and a game of lust. This country at that time was no less amoral than the Persian country. 

Tax extortion from their colonies was withdrawn at an unreasonable amount. So it is like wealth accumulating at one point, while poverty dominates the rest.

In the Ancient Rome household, a father was not obliged to care for his child, either boy or girl. These children were then put on both feet, if he lifted this child up with his hands, it meant that he accepted the child, and if not then it meant he didn't want him as a child. 

These children are free to be owned by anyone, they are thrown into places of worship. If someone takes it then lucky he is. But if not then he is left to die of hunger, heat, or cold. A family head has the right to enter anyone or expel anyone from his house by way of buying and selling. 

This buying and selling system is governed by 12 rule boards for 3 x sales for men, after which he can be free. As for women, he is forever subject to the will of the head of his house. This ownership continues until the end of the lives of these children as well as to their wives, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 

The rights of a family head include: Selling, depriving him of his rights, torturing, killing. From this we can understand that what is meant is the right to control humans as goods / commodities, not the right to protect, care for, and protect. This continued until the reign of Gustine (W 565 AD), which limited the powers of the head of the family according to manners.

As for the Greeks, they were immersed in khurafat and verbal myths that never benefited. Women at that time had to always stay at home and were prohibited from giving any contribution to the state. 

They are not given learning opportunities. They were considered so despicable that they were called unclean which was created by the Shaytan. Women are a commodity. They are sold, bought, and used as a means of lust in the markets. 

Since birth, he has no position whatsoever to bargain for his fate and rights as a civilian. Women are not given inheritance rights, all their life they are a slave to men, and they can be a wife whenever they want a man. 

It is permissible for men to spend women's assets, and they do not have the right to divorce. As stated by Dr. Mustafa Al-Siba'i in his book Al-Mar'ah fi Al-Islam.

Furthermore, in Sparta, women were given their rights, both in Talak and Muamalah Maliyah. However, this is because they live in a country that is always at war. All men went to war leaving all affairs with women because they were absent. 

So in this country we can be sure that women are free to walk wherever they like. As a result, immorality and immorality cannot be avoided. Rampant same type relationship, all actions are allowed. The philosophy of Ibahiyyah and the penchant for fighting to escape responsibility was criticized by Aristotle because it ended up destroying morals. 

Pornography in the form of sculpture and painting is called art. They adhere to a religion that allows relations between women and men which are forbidden, as in the story of the goddess Aphrodite who betrayed 3 gods, at first she was the wife of 1 god. 

Then he committed adultery with humans, giving birth to Cupid, who is often called the god of love. Homosexuals were deified, so they carved statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton as symbols of their homosexuality. In the end, this moral depravity is the way to destroy this nation. 

Likewise India, just like the countries that have been described previously with the agreement of historians, as mentioned by Shaykh Abu Al-Hasan Al-Nadawi in his book Madza Khasru Al-'Alam bi Inhithat Al-Muslimin.

As for the Arabs, they live in peace and away from this form of damage. They do not have the luxury and advancement of Persian civilization, which allows them to be more 'innovative' in creating depravity and moral decline, as well as Ibahiyyah philosophy wrapped in the name of religion. 

They also did not have the Roman military power to accommodate the Conquest to other countries. They are far from Greek dialectic so that they are not entangled with the thought of verbal khurafat (said to be thought because there is a process of thinking and dialectics) as the Greeks were preyed upon by it. 

There is no struggle for political position like a Persian state which is full of conspiracies and injustice because of the lust of power. The characteristics of the Arabs are like Pure Ingredients or pure ingredients that have not been mixed with other ingredients.

Humanity, solidarity, loyalty, generosity, dignity and holiness are the characteristics of this nation. The problem is they do not have a rule that directs them to properly embody what is already inside them. As a result, they kill their children for the sake of glory and holiness, destroy property for the sake of generosity, stir up wars between them for pride and heroism. 

This condition is described by Allah Almighty in His Word: "And in fact we were truly one of the perverted before that." (Al-Baqarah: 198). The context of this verse is more precisely addressed to I'tidzar or Excuse. He was not recognized as an insult or reproach. This is because what the Arabs did was incompatible with the deeds and immorality of their contemporaries.

So in brief, it can be concluded that the decline of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula was not because they had a false civilization or a religion that was misleading, difficult to straighten out, had a lot of debate, or were proud of their damage as other nations at that time. 

But because there the innocent souls of the children of Adam are still perched in their bodies. So that the teachings of Islampun develop rapidly and rapidly from the inside to the outside. 

This is also supported by the fact that at that time the two superpowers had experienced a monopause so that the expansion of Islamic teachings was easily accepted by other nations. Truly all of this is the power and grace of Allah Almighty.

Evidence of Prophethood in the Samawi Books

Even though it is full of deviations and forgery, the truth of the Prophet's prophethood. can be detected through the heavenly religious books that came before. Scientists and historians of other religions also admit this. 

Narrated in the Gospel of Barnabas (41:27) "How happy it will be when the time comes for him to come into the world, believe me, I never saw him and respected him as the prophets gave their honor to him, because Allah will prepare the prophets from his soul. 

When I saw him, I felt sad and grieved and said, O Muhammad, may Allah help you and glorify me by untying your shoes, because if I do that, I will be the great and holiest Prophet before Allah. "

In the Gospel of John (Johanes), one of the canonical books, uses the word "paraclete" which is taken from the Greek word "parakletos", which means comforter, or helper. Which resembles the word "paraklutos" which directly means "the praiseworthy" which in Arabic means Muhammad, Ahmad, or Mahmud. 

Al-Quran and Hadiths explain: "And (remember) when Isa the Son of Maryam said:" O Children of Israel, verily I am the messenger of Allah to you, confirming the book (that came down) before me, namely the Torah and giving good news with (the coming) of an Rasul. who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad (Muhammad) "So when the apostle came to them with real evidence, they said:" This is real magic ". (Surah As Shaf: 6)

And it was narrated by Al-Bukhari from Muhammad bin Jubair bin Mu'tim, that Rasulullah saw. once said: "I have five names:" I am Muhammad and Ahmad; ... ". 

In the book Izhhar Al-Haqq (Demonstration of the Truth), Rahmatullah Al-Hindi states: "The difference between two words that occur in Greek is a common thing. Moreover, many of the letters also resemble one another. 

In this case, the word "paraklutos" has been distorted into "parakletos" by the scribes in several editions, and those who are most interested in doing this are those who believe in the trinity. "

In line with Rahmatullah Al-Hindi, Dr. Hassan Dhiya 'ad-Din' Atir confirms this deviation in his book Nubuwwat Muhammad sallalahu 'alaihi wa sallama fil Al-Quran (Muhammad Prophethood in The Qur'an), as told by' Abdul Wahhab An-Najjar: "Carlo Nelino, an orientalist Italian nationalities attended a public Arabic language lecture at Dar Al-'Ulum College, Cairo University, on the recommendation of the Italian government. 

He received his doctorate in Greek literature. When he was still a student, he used to sit with Sheikh An-Najjar until they became friends.

Once upon a time, Sheikh An-Najjar asked him, "Do you know what the word 'Paracletos' means? "He replied," the pastors say it means Consoler (Comforter). I (Sheikh An-Najjar) replied, "I ask you as a professor who speaks Greek, not as a priest!" 

Then the professor replied, "It means someone who is highly praised", "So I asked," If so, isn't that word (Parakletos) another form of the root word for Hamida "or praiseworthy? "He replied back," Yes. " Then I said, "Do you know that one of the names of the prophets is' Ahmad." He replied, "O my brother, really you have memorized so many words." After that we parted ways in two different directions. 

"Sheikh An-Najjar said:" Indeed I have understood the meaning of this letter (As-Shaf: 6) in the Qur'an: "And (remember) when Isa the Son of Maryam said : "O Children of Israel, verily I am the messenger of Allah to you, confirming the book (that came down) before me, namely the Torah and giving good news with (the coming) of an Apostle who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad (Muhammad)" So when the apostle came to them, bringing clear evidence, they say: "This is real magic." (Surah As Shaf: 6).

And what has been mentioned in the Bible regarding this matter (Paraclete), is none other than telling of the coming of a prophet named Ahmad or Muhammad, as previously explained. The gospel that exists today, even though it is distorted in such a way, still contains the true revelation of God. 

As Islam has come to abolish all law and gospel, it was at that time that Muhammad's prophetic treatise, as the closing prophet with universal treatises, was preached in it. If the Bible tells about the name of the last messenger of God, then in the Torah (the first 5 books contained in the Old Testament), in the book of Haggai (The Book of Haggai) it is stated: "Thus, when the king of the soldiers said: in the near future. , I will shake the sky (heaven), earth, sea, land, and all nations. When the person hailed by all nations (hamdut) arrives, I will fill this house with justice. "

According to the dictionaries and marginal notes of Jewish literature, the phrase "People coveted by every nation" contained in the book of Haggai in Hebrew means "Hamdut". Meanwhile, the interpretation of the sentence "Hamdut" in Arabic means "Muhammad, Ahmad or Mahmud". It seems, the king of the soldiers said "I will shake the whole nation and when Muhammad comes, I will spread justice in this house; namely Baitul Maqdis / Yerussalem. 

The text written in the book actually mentions Muhammad's name with the word "Hamdut", however the translators distort this word into a different meaning than it should be. They interpreted it as Musytaha, that is, the person who is 'coveted' by every nation, rather than Muhammad, the person who is praised by every nation. 

Allah SWT. said: "(But) because they broke their promise, We cursed them, and We made their hearts hard to stone. They like to change the words of (Allah) from their places, and they (deliberately) forget some of what they have warned with, and you (Muhammad) will always see the betrayal of them except for a few of them (who do not betray), then forgive them and let them, verily Allah loves those who do good. " (Surah Almaidah: 13)

Islamic Attitude Towards People of the Book and Non-Muslim

Allah swt. knowing that to deliver Muhammad's treatise as the final treatise / closing, there must be an eternal 'Formula' capable of guiding mankind to the end of time. This formula is a refinement of the treatise that has been handed down to the previous apostles. 

This is the miracle of Rasulullah, the greatest who will continue to survive and will never experience change until the end of time as promised by Allah  in the Al-Quran: "Verily We are the ones who sent down the Al-Quran, and indeed We really maintain it." (Surah Alhijr: 9), "What is the law of ignorance that they want, and (the law) who is better than Allah's (law) for those who believe?" (Surah Almaidah: 50),

"Then you (the Children of Israel) killed yourself (your fellow countrymen) and expelled a group of you from their hometowns, you helped them by making sin and enmity; but if they come to you as prisoners, you will redeem them, but driving them out is (also) forbidden to you. 

Do you believe in some parts of the Book (Torah) and reject some of the others? There is no reward for those who do this from you, but the abuses in the life of the world, and on the Day of Resurrection they are returned to a very heavy torment. Allah does not let your guard down from what you do. " (Surah Al-Baqarah 85), "They are the real disbelievers. We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating torture. " (Surah Annisa: 151)

All of the above verses show the obligation for mankind (not only Muslims but also the people of the book) to believe in the treatise brought by the Prophet Muhammad as the closing treatise and believe that the Koran is a guide that is capable of protect mankind until the end of time. 

However, there are some essential and substantial things that must be understood before we reach the conclusion that this Islamic treatise is indeed universal. We have seen the behavior of people who claim to be Muslim, but it turns out that they are wrong in understanding Islam itself. 

They are killing non-Muslims in a country that safeguards the rights of the Muslims and protects the rights of non-Muslims. Bomb terror is the most 'commonplace' that we can find. If there is a terrorist name mentioned, of course the word that accompanies it is Islam.

This of course raises the question, is it true that Islam teaches that?

Islam requires that the call and teachings of the Islamic Religion or Bulugh Al-Da'wah arrive before a person is exposed to taklif (Sharia Imposition). In fact, we cannot impose our will to Islamize others, but through Da'wah bil hikmah wal mau'idzah al-hasanah wa bi allati hiya ahsan, namely preaching in a way that upholds the values ​​of goodness and humanity as Islam was revealed. 

A person who preaches because of Allah swt should be patient and sincere, so that the seeds of Islam as Rahmatan lil 'Alamin grow and blossom. 

Da'wah itself includes at least 3 things:

a. With regard to preachers:

Does he really have the ability to preach, master various kinds of Islamic law, understand the Spirit of Shari'ah that exists in Islam, or does he only have a burning spirit without him having sufficient provisions? 

It is impossible for someone to be successful in farming, but he must master agricultural science and the land that will be cultivated. It will fail even before the harvest season arrives. So we must understand correctly, that da'wah is a way that not only contains good intentions, but also must be carefully prepared by the preacher. 

And he must always prioritize learning rather than rushing to convey it, because if what he says violates the Shari'ah, then he will be the one who will bear his sins and the sins of the person who did it.

Allah has confirmed and reminded about this in His Word: "And do not follow what you do not have knowledge of. Verily hearing, sight and heart, all of these will be held accountable. " (Surah Al-Isra`: 36). 

Rasulullah has also confirmed this in his words: "Whoever sets an example in Islam with a good example, then for him the reward and reward for those who do it afterwards without reducing their reward at all. And whoever gives an example in Islam with a bad example, then it is his sin and the sin of the people who work on it afterwards without reducing their sins at all. " (Narrated by Muslim).

A dai should also be gentle and compassionate, not harsh, harsh, let alone easily disbelieve or preach. This is one of the keys to the success of the Prophet's da'wah and is also a feature of moderating the preaching mentioned by Allah Almighty. 

In His words: “Then it is because of the grace of Allah that you are gentle with them. If you are hard-hearted again harsh, they will certainly distance themselves from around you. Therefore forgive them, ask forgiveness for them, and consult with them in this matter. Then when you have made up your mind, put your trust in Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. " (Ali Imran: 160)

Here we should stop for a moment and ask, have we followed Allah's instructions. and His Messenger to put his trust in, or do we force what we really cannot force? This is where there is the meaning of Faith and Tawakal. 

As well as prayer in the effort. Allah outlining His provisions and whatever He wants, it is his authority. Even the Messenger of Allah. despite being rebuked in a verse, "Surely you will not be able to give instructions to those you love, but Allah gives instructions to those whom He wants, and Allah knows better those who are willing to receive guidance." (Surah Al Qashash: 56)

b. In connection with the object of Da'wah:

The preacher should pay attention properly, analyze carefully, how the state of the object of his message. He must understand the aspects that color their life, social, cultural, psychological, and historical of the people to be preached. 

It is solely so that the da'wah can produce good results. A preacher himself will not throw himself into the sea of ​​da'wah, unless he already knows about the field that will be in his path. How many preachers have failed, even though they already have the readiness of intention, just because they do not understand the field of preaching.

c. In connection with the material of da'wah:

Worship of Allah Almighty. is the main core of the da'wah itself. A preacher will not provide material about politics and power to people who do not even understand mahdhah services such as prayer, fasting, zakat, pilgrimage starting from the pillars, conditions, and sunnah that they really need. 

Because if not, it would be like giving a thirsty person not with drinking water, but with kerosene. So we should understand that there are stages in preaching, namely prioritizing worship and correct understanding, as well as morals that can accompany a ritual of worship with a special heart and the presence of the soul. 

And this is not a small homework for every preacher, because he must continue to actualize himself, in accordance with the actualization of the needs of the people he preaches.

So we can understand together, that someone should not immediately feel himself as someone who is very 'Alim and even feels like a great Ulama who has the right to act, because it would be misleading. 

Especially to the point of accusing him of having the right to take the life of people who have not yet reached this Islamic Da'wah which is full of grace and compassion. This actually violates the teachings of Islam and the holy Qur'an itself. Because Allah Almighty has said: "Indeed, we do not punish a people but until we send a Messenger (to the people)." (Al-Isra: 15).

Islam does not fight against a people who do not fight against Islam, or do not kill Muslims in their country. Because how could someone without his authority bomb the settlements of non-Muslims who live side by side with the Muslims. 

While Rasulullah saw when he lived in Medina he side by side and did Tahalluf (coalition / cooperation) with people from the Jewish tribes there. Da'wah in this way has also been exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad in a famous Hadith from Abu Hurairah's history of Baduwi people urinating in the mosque. 

Rasulullah SAW said: "Call Baduwi and spill a bucket of water on his urine or he will sin (because of) his urine. Indeed you were sent to make it easy, and you were not sent to make trouble. " (Narrated by Bukhari)

Does this person deserve to accuse himself of being a follower of the Prophet. true, or vice versa? This will be discussed further in the next points, God willing.

If Islam Doesn't Force People To Adhere To It, Why Does Islam Permit War?

We can answer questions like this with a series of points as follows:

1. To reject injustice and occupation of Muslims and Muslim countries. In the beginning, when the Messenger of Allah (saw) sent troops to Persia, in fact he had confirmed two things first: First: The people in this country had already embraced Islam. Second: Muslims are forced to return to Apostasy and if they refuse they will be killed.

These two triggers actually spearheaded the war between Islam and countries such as Persia and Rome, which were the two giant powers at that time. Because the residents of the country are already embarrassed and tired of the arbitrary treatment of their government and only want to take personal gain and suffer the people. As previously explained above.

It is clear by this that these countries have declared warfare by forcing and killing those who embrace Islam. But we see how Rasulullah saw. behave. Even though this was clear, the Messenger of Allah continued to use the protocol by sending a delegation to call for a peaceful Islamic Religion.

Or Shulh first before finally the two Persian and Roman empires declared war on Islam after receiving the letter. It is clear here that Islam is not what many people think, which was spread with a sword and blood in order to achieve power.

Allah confirms this in his words: "And fight in the way of Allah those who fight against you, (but) do not transgress, for verily Allah does not like those who transgress." (Surah Albaqarah: 190), "It has been permitted (to fight) for those who are being fought, because in fact they have been persecuted. 

And verily Allah, is truly Almighty to help them. (ie) people who have been driven from their hometowns for no good reason, except because they said: "Our Lord is only Allah". 

And if Allah had not rejected (the ferocity) of some humans and some others, it would have torn down Christian monasteries, churches, houses of worship for the Jews and mosques, in which many are called the name of Allah. Indeed, Allah will certainly help those who help His (religion). Indeed, Allah is Most Powerful, Mighty. " (QS. Alhajj: 39-40)

2. Islam does not necessarily fight against a people or territory which claims the power of certain parties. However, Islam came with the spirit of peace and Rasululllah (peace be upon him). always sending delegations in order to reach a peace agreement between the two parties. 

And not necessarily fighting a people, as history records that Rasulullah saw. sent envoys to kings and emirs in various parts of the country such as the king of Abysinnia (Al-Najasyi), the Persian emperor, Rome, and the ruling government in Egypt.

If they do not embrace Islam after their oppression of Muslims under their control is evident, then they are required to pay Jizyah as a sign that they are under the rule of the Islamic government, are protected, and given the right to worship according to their religious beliefs. -Each, as a binding agreement between the two parties. And if they reject Islam and pay Jizyah, then they declare war on Islam.

It must be noted that a situation of war like this is only possible if a country is ruled by legal Islamic law, and is led by a legal Muslim leader or also known as Darussalam. It could not be triggered by a small group of groups who accused them of being the legitimate leaders of the Islamic Ummah. 

Because legitimate leadership must be based on the consent and allegiance of the whole people, represented by their representatives from among the smart and wise (Ahlul Hilli wal 'Aqdi). Because if not, then leadership without the Bai'at of the Muslim ummah has the potential to be provoked and is prone to internal division.

Allah has said: "Fight those who do not believe in Allah and do not (also) in the next day and they do not prohibit what has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and are not religious with the true religion (the religion of Allah), (i.e. people) who are given the Book to them, until they pay the Jizyah obediently while they are in a state of submission. " (Surah Attaubah: 29)

This verse contains several important points in the agreement between the Islamic government and the dzimmy kafir (ie non-Muslims who are under the authority of thegovernment), among others, as follows:

Legitimate Islamic

1. The Islamic ummah will not fight against them.

2. Muslims will safeguard their wealth, soul and honor

3. They have the freedom to perform ritual worship either in their churches, synagogues or in their homes. Like what Sayyiduna Umar bin Khattab ra. to non-Muslims in Jerusalem.

4. They (kafir dzimmy) obtain the same rights as Muslims under the auspices of the government and Islamic Law.

5. They receive protection from the Islamic government for their lives, honor and property when they are attacked by their external enemies. Bukhari narrated that Umar bin Khattab ra. bequeathed to his successors and the whole Muslim ummah, to keep protecting the Dzimmy disbelievers from enemy attacks, and not to burden anything that is beyond their capacity, as was done by Rasulullah SAW.

Islam as the religion of Rahmatan lil 'alamin, provides justice for those dzimmy infidels who are under the auspices of the Islamic government, the annual Jizyah (tribute) is paid at the end of the Qamariyyah year and collected from the disbelievers dzimmy divided into three parts: 12 dirhams if they are infidels poor, 24 dirhams from the middle class, and 48 dirhams for those who have ability and stability (rich). 

The amount is very, very very small compared to the Muslims who are obliged for them to pay zakat and various types. So glorious was Islam until the time of the Caliphate of Sayyiduna Umar Bin Khattab, the lands of Fay 'in Maftuh countries such as Egypt, Iraq, and Sham, namely lands which were conquered without major wars or voluntary surrender; donated to the people, even handed over to those who own it to be managed as a source of Kharraj (Tax) or Jizyah, whether that person is Dzimmy or Muallaf. These lands were not confiscated and distributed as was the treatment of countries such as Rome and Persia.

History also records that during the reign of Caliph Umar bin 'Abdul' aziz, a governor sent a letter to him. It reads: “Jizyah payments have decreased drastically because many people have embraced Islam, therefore shouldn't we continue to withdraw Jizyah from those who have embraced Islam? "Then the Caliph replied:" How very bad your opinion is! Verily Allah swt. did not send his Prophet Muhammad. to raise money, but as a guide for all mankind. When you receive this letter of mine then abolish the Jizyah of those who have embraced Islam. "

3. Islamic da'wah must touch all human beings on this earth. And often this preaching encounter obstacles and threats from various parties who control a certain area. If so, then war is an attitude that must be adopted after the negotiations have reached a deadlock. In this case, warfare is also sometimes included as one of the conditions for both parties to make peace and one or both of them have enemies fighting them. 

For example, when Islam sent 'Ubadah bin Shamit as head of the Islamic delegation to al-Muqawqis, who at that time was at war with the Byzantine emporium, Rome. So in this case the war is allowed to protect the peace agreement and the war pact between the two parties.

So it is clear that war and religion are not tools to achieve power and political lust. However, it is more of a necessity that Da'wah in the form of teaching the contents of the Islamic Religion and accompanied by a passion for continuing to learn is a must, for those who really want an Islamic life in an attitude, not just in name. 

Because in fact reason cannot determine absolute good and bad, so it becomes excessive and hard. The heart is not an absolute scale so that it makes hatred or goes too far. However, the human mind and heart must go hand in hand with Nash or this religious text, as Allah has created the mind and the heart is not to be wasted, so He sent down the Qur'an to guide and synergize both of them.


Of course, there are many aspects that need to be addressed in providing a more detailed reading. Because Islam includes many aspects that can not only be studied briefly but for years and with guidance by scholars who truly understand this religion. Sharia, Faith, and Morals are 3 essential things contained in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. regarding Islam, Faith and Ihsan. 

A person who truly wants Islam, must study all three properly and not separate them. Because it is like separating the body from the mind and heart. Only then may we be able to at least understand at least what the true Spirit of Islam is.

But hopefully this simple article can provide a little general view of Islam, which has always been the accused of violence that is often pinned to him. And may we always prioritize brotherhood over differences, unity over division, advise each other in truth and patience. Because actually Rida Allah  is with the congregation.

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