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Six (6) Matters In The Pillars Of Faith

Six (6) Matters In The Pillars Of Faith

There are two types of pillars in Islam, the first is the pillars of Islam and the second one is the pillars of faith. The pillars of Islam are consist of five (5) things: Say and declared two sentences of creed (call as Shahadat in Arabic), five-time prayers, fasting in Ramadan, paying Zakat -Fitr, and performing Hajj for the capable (further discussion of the understanding of Islamic pillars and Meaning I wrote in a separate article).

On this occasion, I will discuss the matter of faith pillars. But before we go any further, it is better to understand what is meant by the pillars? In the meaning of the pillars in the direction with everything that must be in the work and fulfill to be the lawful requirement of worship. It means that in the Islamic religion of worship is always in the join with the terms and the pillars. This pillar is not allowed to leave because if it is left to cause worship we have become unlawful.

If it is similar to a building then the pillars of faith can be said as the basic foundation of Islam. With strong and sturdy faith, the Islamic will not be easily shaken by the lure of wealth and riches. In other words, faith will be strong and not easily collapsed by the many seductions of this world.

One aspect of the faith of a person is that believers believe in a thing or occult (invisible to the eyes), such as believing in the existence of Allah ALMIGHTY, believing there are Angels of Allah and so on.
Regarding this Allah ALMIGHTY has spoken in the Qur'an surah Al-Baqarah verse number 3 as follows:

الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ

(3). those who have faith in the unseen, who establish prayers, and provide some of the sustenance that we bestowed upon them.

The word Iman (faith) itself is a word derived from the Arabic language that has a meaning of belief.

The pillars (Iman) consists of six (6) Cases :

1. Faith In Allah ALMIGHTY

Faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is the first pillar of faith. As Muslims, we must trust and believe that Allah is indeed true. The existence of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is certainly not the same as the creature creation. Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is a preliminary Dzat and also at the end. Allah ALMIGHTY is the almighty (He is singular and immutable), eternal, neither childbearing nor in the begotten. Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala is the creator and Allah SWT is not a substance created. Allah ALMIGHTY is supreme and there is no one greater than Him.

One of the evidence of exists and existence of Allah SWT is the existence of ourselves in this world. The existence of nature and the universe and the Stars, the Sun, the moon and all the content that extends between the heavens and the earth is the proof and evidence of the existence of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Nothing exists and occurs in this world but on HIS will. Of course, there is no doubt that there is only a slightest in the hearts of Muslims to the power and greatness of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.

2. Faith In The Angels of God

The second pillar of faith is to have faith in the angels of Allah ALMIGHTY. The angel himself was the creature of Allah who was created from Nur (light). Angels created without lust (orgasm) and reason and have their respective duties following the intent he was created by Allah ALMIGHTY. The Angels have wives, neither children nor in the begotten. In Islam, there are at least ten (10) names of angels who are obliged to know his name and know his duties. The Ten Angels are Angels Gabriel (Jibril in Arabic), Angels Michael (Mikail in Arabic), Angels Rafael (Israfil in Arabic), Angels Azrael (Izrail in Arabic), Angels Munkar, Angels Nakir, Angels Raqib, Angels Atid, Angels Malik, and Angels Ridwan.

3. Faith In The Holy Books Of God

The third pillar of faith is to have faith in the holy books of Allah ALMIGHTY.
Allah ALMIGHTY has lowered 4 (four) holly books to the Prophets and apostles.
The four holy books are The Torah, the holy book of Zabur, the Gospels and the Holy Qur'an.

4. Faith In The God's Prophets And Apostles

The fourth pillar of faith was to have faith in the prophets and apostles of Allah ALMIGHTY.
The number of prophets sent by Allah to this world is very much, but that must be known by the Muslims, there are only 25 prophets and messengers.

The twenty-five Prophets and Apostles are as follows:

1. Prophet Adam PBUH
2. Prophet Enoch PBUH
3. Prophet Noah PBUH
4. Prophet Hud PBUH
5. Prophet Saleh PBUH
6. Prophet Abraham PBUH
7. Prophet Lot PBUH
8. Prophet Ishmael PBUH
9. Prophet Isaac PBUH
10. Prophet Jacob PBUH
11. Prophet Joseph PBUH
12. Prophet Job PBUH
13. Prophet Jethro PBUH
14. Prophet Moses PBUH
15. Prophet Aaron PBUH
16. Prophet Ezekiel PBUH
17. Prophet David PBUH
18. Prophet Solomon PBUH
19. Prophet Elijah PBUH
20. Prophet Elisha PBUH
21. Prophet Jonah PBUH
22. Prophet Zechariah PBUH
23. Prophet Jhon PBUH
24. Prophet Jesus PBUH
25. Prophet Muhammad (May Allah Honor Him)

5. Faith In The Last Day (doomsday)

The fifth pillar of Faith is a believer in the end or day of judgment. Believing that the day of judgment will surely come when the time comes, although no one knows when the time of judgment will happen other than Allah ALMIGHTY himself. Even, the lover of Allah himself is the Prophet Muhammad PBUH even if not let the day of judgment will happen.
Therefore, as Muslims that we can do is to be able to conduct and convince and always do charity virtues.

6. Faith In The Qada and Qadar

The sixth and final pillars of faith are the faith of Qada ' and Qadar. As a Muslim, we certainly believe and believe that Allah ALMIGHTY has decreed the destiny of one servant. Fate is the provision and provisions of Allah ALMIGHTY that we can not avoid. Qada ' is a decree of Allah against the creature that can still change depending on how the effort of the creature.

Allah ALMIGHTY has said in the Qur'an that Allah will not change the fate of a tribe if the people do not try to change their fate.
Therefore, with the belief of Qada ' and Qadar, each of us is in the require to always strive and endeavor, and charity.

Thus the article on six (6) matters in the pillars of faith according to the Islamic religion. The graph of our faith tends to go up and down therefore we must always strive to keep our faith.

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